Please hand or mail this sheet to i 2. What Wauld You Like? Every pay in business and professional practice Rotarians have to make decisions that involve questions of vocational service. The programs and activities in the following list suggest some of the ways in which such decisions might be considered by the membership of a Rotary club. What ones would you like to have our vocational service committee present before our club? Perhaps you would like some that are not on this list. There is a place for you to add your suggestions. Then, with regard to all the programs and activities herein listed indicate your first, second and third choices by marking (1), (2), (3) in front of those choices. Addresses before the club on the significance and scope of the second object of Rotary. Addresses on the proper relationships between: a) Employer and employe, and methods to promote better understanding. b) Buyer and seller. c) Competitors, including the function of trade. Addresses on the place of organized labor in the free enterprise system. Round Table discussions at the club meetings on relationships between: a) Employer and employe b) Buyer and seller c) Competitors . A meeting where each member will bring a competitor and an address will be given on “Rotary’s Ideal in Business Practices.” Talks by members on the ways in which their respective vocations serve society. Explanations by members of the work of their trade associations. Discussion by members of a specific question pertinent to vocational service which will be posted before the club at each meeting. 9: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Definite examples by members to illustrate how “He profits most who serves best” in his business. A meeting at which each member may bring one or more of his employes to hear an address on “Humanizing Business Relationships.” “Fireside Meetings” in members’ homes at which various groups may discuss business and professional relationships. Using a “Vocational Service Score Card” by which each member may rate his own standards of business practice. Business relations conferences between repre- sentatives of labor and capital in our commun- ity to be organized by our club. “Vocational Service Week” during which our club will promote conferences between com- petitors, and between employers and employes, with the club meeting that week devoted to vocational service. Use of playlets illustrating: a) Employer-employe relationships b) Buyer-seller relationships c) Competitor relationships SOME OTHER SUGGESTIONS BY YOU: Note: What is really needed is your choice of sub- jects and activities. You need not sign your name unless you wish to. 6219-APR41-50M NAME CLASSIFICATION