THE RICE INSTITUTE HOUSTON, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION June 14, 1938. Dre Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Jimnie has handed me your recent letter with reference to basketball competition for this winter. As you may know he is giving up coaching that sport and the new man is to be employed shortly. We would be very happy to have your insti- © tution in our section and believe it would do much to further stimlate interest in the game, If it is possible for you to do so, I would appreciate very much your giving us an opportunity to discuss the matter with our new coach, I am sure he will be in thorough accord with your views and ours but as a matter of courtesy I would like to talk to him before we actually enter into such an arrangement. Thanking you very much for considering us and wishing for you a pleasant summer, I am, _— Yours truly, ae o = Bus, Her. Athletics