ESTES, SNYDER & COMPANY (INCORPORATED ) INVESTMENT SECURITIES 5; TOPEKA, KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS BRANCH OFFICE CLIFTON C. CALVIN RESIDENT MANAGER : June ary 194] 710 MASS. ST. Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": In accord with your request I am enclosing the schedule of Rotary programs for the past year. Below is a list of speakers whom I tried to get during the year but did not succeed for various reasons, usually because the speaker would not be available on the particular date when I wanted to use him. Fred M, Harris, Ottawa, promised me that he would come, but we were simply unable to find a date during the year which was mutually convenient. Definite dates were set two different times but each had to be cancelled. I had planned to have him speak on the subject, "The Work of the Board of Regents," and expected to have the Chancellor introduce him, If you can possibly use this program in the Fall I hope you will do so because I have virtually committed the club in this respect, Chancellor Malott, We invited him to speak a couple of times during the year and, although he was perfectly willing, he usually had a previous engagement, Colonel Jerome G. Pillow, Atchison. (Colonel, U. S. Retired.) This man before he retired was an attache’ in the American Embassy in Rome. My friends in Atchison tell me that he is an able speaker, and I know that he is dis- tinguished in appearance and in fact. He is a member of the Atchison club but could not come to Lawrence when I invited him in Marche John Jacobs, Principal at Junior High School, volunteered the information a few weeks ago that he had some students who could put on a good vocational program. We did not have an open date before school was out, and although I do not now recall the nature of the program which he had in mind, I think it would be a possibility for next year.