Home Frod Me Harris, Ottewa, Fansese Dear lire Harriss I have beon named chairman of the program committee of the Rotary Club, and for the last week heave been intending te write you asking if you will give us some Vonday during October or Eovenber outlining eons of the duties and agcaplishments of the Board of Regomts. I am not indicating just what you should talk about, but only mention this as semething very interestinge Anything that you desire to say will be appreciated, but we do want you on our Clif Calvin, last year's program chairman, stated that he had endeavored to get you but had failed. His wfinished tasks included tro very important onissions = ee and mus fee Vneaahiee Met, | Wl you kindly eubmit a date, or possibly tro, so that we may make up our calendar for the fall end winter? Very sincorely yours, Chaiyman, Program Committee, PCA sAH lawrence Rotary Clube