Baldwin, July 2, 1941. Mr. John Andrews, President of the Rotary Lawrence, Kans, Dear Mr. Andrews: In spring 1939 I wonn a scholarship at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas, while studying at Charles Univer- sity in Prague, Czechoslovakia, The Germans occupied the country before I could leave and it took me almost one year before I succeeded to come to the United States, I am now studying at Baker and financing my studkes chiefly by lecturing. Since summer 1940 I spoke for eighty four groups in Kansas: churches, service clubs- Rotary at Ottawa, Burlingame, Kiwanis at El Dorado, Kan- sas City, Lions at Newton - chambers of commerce and schools, I want to ask you if you could use me as a spea- ker in your club some time, My theme would be "Why I like Amerika", I am contrasting the situation in Czechoslovakia during the repu- blic build upon the American pattern - the Czechs were called the Yankees of Europe - and the "New Order" during the Nazi occupation, I would also briefly mention how I came over, why I like it here so well and give alittle survey of the present European situation which I am following closely. I would talk about 30 min. with a question period if desired.and for a fee of *10.00. I would appreciate your attention and kind consideration of my request, Very sincerely yours I ref blivee Ernest G,. Wiener, Box7l Baldwin, Kans. ra 6. Mr. Ober from Lawrence heard mg lecture in Baldwin Rotary.