Oct. 2, 1941 The Rev. Lov Griffith Chairman Board of County Commissioners Douglas County — Lawrence, Kansas This morning Mr. Delph Simons, business manager of the Lawrence Journal-World, called me to tell of a very interesting s father attended over at Oskeloosa. The chairman of the county commissioners of Jefferson spoke to the Retarians over there on the subject of in business of Jefferson County. ¥r. Simons suggested that it would be a fine thing to have you as the speaker before our lawrence Rotary Club some Monday noon at the Eldridge Hotel to speak on the subject, "Business of Dougles County*. All of our dates are filled until Nov. 17. We would appreciate it greatly if you would accept one of the dates open to you between Nov. 17 and Dec, 29, If you could kindly favor us with this telk we would eppreciate it if you would call me at K U 83 or drop me a line in care of the Robinson Gymnasium, University of Kansas, I assure you that we would not only be heppy to hear from you, but our members would receive some informative and valuable information. Sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach |