December 15, 1941. Dear Fellow Rotarian: Enclosed herewith you will please find report of the Rotary Student Loan Fund Committee appointed by President Andrews, as of Dec. 5, 1941, and a report of the Rotary Student Loan Fund Treasurer, as of Sept. 15, 1936. These reports are sent you because you are one of 25 members of the Club who contributed to this fund and made it possible, The report of the Committee was presented at the last meeting of the Board and it was approved and same is to become effective Jan. 1, 1942 unless objections are received from any of the 25 members still in the Club. Unless we receive from you or any of the other members an objection to this procedure, the recommendation of the Committee will become effective Jan. 1, 1942, With the seasons best wishes, I am Rotarily yours, 2 ee ’ Secretary.