December 3, 1941 Mr. Paul R. lerrence 1117 No. Dearborne Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Lawrence, Thank you for your very kind letter of the ist instant. We are indeed honored end are very grateful for your offer of showing your filns at one of our Rotary meetings. We will let the matter slide for a while since you are going to be in another part of the country for several months, but upon your return we will try to arrange a date for you to come to Lawrences : Thank you again for your gracious offer. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PoA/p, Varsity Basketbell and Baseball Coach December 3, 1941 Lawrence Journal-World Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dolph, - I em sending you a earbon copy of a letter that I have just written to Mr. Paul R. lawrence. Thank you so much, Dolph, for suggesting Mr. Lewrence as a possible speaker to me. I do hope that upon some future occasion we cen arrange to have him at Rotary. ~— Rotarily, Director of Physical Education and Recreation | PCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaéh — Univewal Wits Company — Baatitt Sopot, Kansa PHOTOGRAPHS e ENGRAVINGS 6 SPECIALTIES e NEWSPAPER PROMOTIONAL PLANS December 1, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I believe the last time I had the pleasure of visiting with you was driving from Stafford, where you had addressed the high school football banquet, to Hutchinson, where you were to make train connections. Your letter is at hand regarding the present- ation of the color movie "Behold South America" to your Rotary club, as referred to you by our mutual friend, Dolph Simons. It is an honor indeed to have you propose a night meeting of your organization in order to view the film. And I shall be only be too glad to give the program to your club with the compliments of Dolph and Mr. W. C. Simons, who have been so considerate of me. However, I note that your calendar is filled until Christmas and that is the only time I have vacant space in the near future. I will be leaving for the west coast early in January to be gone for two or three months, showing the pictures there. As soon as it is definite when I will return to Kansas, I will get in touch with yourimmediately attempt to arrange an engagement. - Don't worry about the convenience. I should be glad to drive a long way to present the pictures to your organization with the compliments of the Simons. Very truly yours Hal te Paul R. Lawrence PRL/s cc Dolph Betiold South Americo. PAUL Kh. LAWRENCE WITH HIS HUMOR-SPICED INFORMAL TALK AND HIS VIVID COLOR MOVIES ON THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE YF SOUTH AMERICAN 7OUNTRIES. What Others Are Saying: America’s Leading Newspaper Editor: “It is beautiful photography, it is good commercial propaganda, and it is the highest patriotism. If I were rich I would endow that picture and show it, with proper adverttsing and publicity, in every county seat town in the United” Walliam Alien White, editor of the Emporia, Kansas. Gazette. 'Iniversity Edz-cator: “In these days I believe everyone who can, young and old, should see the pictures. One learns as much from them about the similarities and differences of life in North and South America as from long study from books.” George C. Johnson, Kansas State Teachers Collece. Motion Picture Expert: “I want to tell you that I think you have some of the finest color in your film we ever have seen in our projection room.” L. A. Hawkins, Internation Harvester Co., Chicazo. On The Pamqos This magnificieat home, surrounded by 200 acres of parks, on a comparatively small Argentine cattle ranch of 5,000 acres near Buenos Aires. One of the several international champion Herefords on this ranch. You'll spend a delightful evening seeing these gorgeous color movies of the Andes mountains, the Amazon river, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and scores of other spectacular shots. * * xe * Universal Arts Comqany 1117 NORTH DEARBORN, CHICAGO November 22, 1942 Mr. Paul R. Lawrence 1117 No. Dearborne Chicago, Illinois Dear Me. Lawrence, Es ee As Program Chairman of the Lewrence Rotary Club, I wish te thank you for your very generous offer to ‘show your color filzs of South America before our club. Wire Dolph Simons told me of your offer and of course both Mrs Some aad 5 Mae Cet Coy would-be a'fiay titg Teg ene at our programs. However, Mr. Simons told me that the films required about an hour to be shown and we can devote only about thirty minutes fer. the program at our Rotary meetings Since they are held at the lunch hour. We would like to arrange a night meeting at some time when you could show the movies, Of course we want this date to be at some time when you are in this territory and when it would be convenient for you to be in Lawrence. At the present time our dates up until Christmas are filled, but we woulé like very much to arrange a time sometime this— jate winter or early spring when we could heve you at our guest. I would appreciate @ reply from you at an early date. ‘ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation FoA/pg | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 22, 1941 Mr. Dolph Simons Lawrence Journal-World Lawrence, hansas Dear Dolph, Thenk you so much for your suggestion about having Mr. lawrence | show his filus of South America at the Rotary Club. I have written to Mr. Lewrence have explained that since we have only thirty minutes at noon Rotary meetings which we can devote to the progrem that I hoped that we could arrange an evening ueeting at some time in the near future when he could show his moviese I of course want to have him at some time when he is in the Lawrence vacinity and have asked him whether or not he knows of such a time after Christmas. We have our programs teken care of from now until the holidays and immediately after as well. I certainly appreciate your giving me this excellent tion and it would be great to see these films for which a fee of 00 is usually charged. Thank you again, Dolphs Rotarily, Chairman, Program Committee FCA/pg | Lawrence Rotary Club November 19, 1941 Mr. Paul R. Lawrence ' 1217 No. Dearborne Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Dolph Simons has told me of your generous offer to show your colored films of South America at a meeting of our Rotary Club sometime in the near future. The following dates are open: Jan. 5, 19, 26, Feb. 2, 25, Mar. sg. 9, 23, 30. Of course, wo would like for you to come as soon as possible but I am giving you the dates in March so that you may have one of them if it is impossible for you to be in Lawrence at an earlier timo. We most certainly are looking forward to having you with us. Very cordially yours, : ‘Chairman, Program Committee FCA/pg , Lawrence Rotary Club November 19, 1941 Mr. Dolph Simons Lawrence Journal-World Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dolph, I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have just written to Mr. Paul R. Lawrence. : Thank you se much for telling me about him. I am sure that the Rotarians will enjoy his films immensely. With all cood wishes I am Rotarily, Chairman, Progrem Committee FcA/pg Lawrence Rotary Club November 14, 1941 Dr. Lyle S. Powell 736 Kentucky . Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Powell, : Gonfirming our telephone conversation of even date I beg to state that I have definitely given you the dates of December le March 16, and May 11 on my Rotery calendar. — eG Thanking you for your cooperation I an Rotarily yours, Chairman, Progren Committee FCA/pg - Lawrence Rotary Club mee UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 5, 1941 Dr. Lyle S. Powell 756 Kentucky Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Powell, Fred Ellsworth has written me thet on January 11, 12, and 13 there will be a joint meeting of the American Alumni Council of District 6 and the American College Publicity Association of District 8. He states that from all this group there should be someone who would be a first-class speaker for Rotary. He states that there's a possibility of getting Bob Hill, Alumni Director at the University of Missouri, who is a former inter- national president of Rotary. Under these conditions, since I offered you tentatively Jan. 12 and 19, I'm wondering if you would be willing to forgo the date of Jan. 12 and take the 19th for your international Rotary pro- gram. I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest con- . venience. : Rotarily, eI Chairman Program Committee i FCA/pg Lawrence Rotary Cl # November 6, 1941 Dr. Lyle $. Powell 736 Kentucky Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Powell, Fred Ellsworth has written me that on Janyary 11, 12, and 15 there will be a joint meeting of the American Alumni Council © of District 6 and the American College Publicity Association of District 8. He states that from all this group there should be someone who would be a first-class speaker for Rotary. | He states that there's a possibility of getting Bob Hill, Alumni Director at the University of Missouri, who is a former inter= national president of Rotary. Under these conditions, since I offered you tentatively Jan. 12 and 19, I'm wondering if you would be willing to forgo the date of Jan. 12 and take the 19th for your international Rotary pro- greme I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest con- venience. boa Chairman Program Committee Pca/pg Lawrence Rotary Club November 1, 1941. 736 ' Lawreme, Keansa6e Dear Dre Powell: Referring to our conversation of recent date, beg to state that we have held Jammry 12 and 19 tentatively for one of your programs. We also have April 6 reserved if and when you desire to use ite a The dates other than these that we have open that you might fill in if you so desire « if you should care to use an earlicr date than the first January date « are December 1, 15, 22, 29, January 5, 26, and February 2. i have tentatively arranged with some people for some of these dates, but none of them are taken at present. If you should care to use any of these won't you please have. your secretary call mo? Dre lyle Se Powell, Kentucky Ste, Rotarily yours, a Chairman, Program Committee, FCA sAH lewrense Rotary Clubs Octever 14, 1942 _ Pr. Lyle 8. Powell 736 Kentucky St. lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Powell, Dector Allen has asked me to s you the following dates as possible days when you might add the Lawrence Rotary Club. Jan. 12 : Jan. 19 April 6 Sincerely, PUG/e Secretary to Doctor Forrest ¢. Allen October 10, 1941. Dr. Lyle &. Powell, 736 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Powell: I am sending you a letter from Mr. Karakash, of Park College, which was addressed to John Andrews as president of the Rotary Club. I am replying to Mr. Karakash telling hin that we have so much lecal talent that we would have no place for him on our program, but I thought his letter might give you a new angle of conversation. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Program Coumittee, PCA: AH Lawrence Rotary Club. 7 October 6, 1941 Dr. Lyle &. Powell 736 Kentucky St. Lawrence, Kanses Dear Doctor Powell, Confirming our conversation of Monday evening I beg to state that we heve scheduled you te speak at Retary on Monday, Nov. 3. I trust that that date will be agreeable to you. However, if it is not we can put it later-sometime after Nov. 17, if you so desire. I have a vague recollection of speaking to you one day at the Colonial Tea Room when we were holding our meetings there concerning this date, but I thought I had written you and I find no such record in my file. I would appreciate an early reply. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCE/pg (Program Chairman Lewrence Rotary Club) October 23, 1941 Dr. Ray Q. Brewster Bailey Chemistry Labratory Campus Dear Doctor Brewster, We will be very happy to have you at Rotary on February 9, and we are hereby reserving that date for you. Very sincerely yours, Chairman Program Committee FCA/pE_ Lewnrence Rotary Club THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY October 18, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allien Physical Education popareeees Campus Dear Dr. Allen: I am entering the date of February 9th on my calender for the talk at the Rotary Luncheon. The subject will be "The Development of the Sulfanilamide Type of Drugs". Sincerely yours, by Puewalo 2 bed Q@. Brewster, Chairman, maa/ eee Department of Chemistry. October 16, 1941 Dre Ray Q. Brewster Department of Chemistry -. Campus e Dear Dr. Brewster, I find that our University of Kansas basketball team will be playing at Wichita on February 2, and of course I'll be out of town with the team. If it's quite agreeable with you, I should like to reserve February 9 for your date with Rotary, and I would appreciate it if you would send me your subject if you've any desire to change from the one we discussed. Thank you for your offer to helpe Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PcA/pe Varsity Basketball Coach UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE € 4 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 10, 1941. Professor Ray Q. Brewster, Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Brewster: Thank you for your note of the 8th instant. We will be very happy to have you speak to the Rotary Club early in the second semester, and I would suggest that you choose one of the following dates: February 2 February 9 February 23 I shall be glad to hear from you as soon as you have made your selection. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Program diemalvken, FCA: Lawrence Rotary Club. October 6, 1941. Professor R. Q. Brewster, Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Brewster: IT am very glad to know of your willingness te speak to the Lawrence Rotary Club, and I am wondering what your second semester achedule will be. Perhaps we can arrange a mere convenient date during the second senestore I would have to call for you at 12:30, and our meetings run until 1:45, so by the time we returned te the hill it would be close to 2:00 o'clock. Of course we would like to have you down for the luncheon, and want you to stay for the whole meeting. Let me know how your classes will be for the SS ee ee ee date. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Gio ar aaa 4 we a amuse UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE e DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sept. 30, 1941 Dr. Ray Q. Brewster Department of Chemistry University of Kansas Dear Dr. Brewster, We noticed in July that you spoke to the Topeka Rotary Club on the subject, "Chemical Aspects of the Sulfanilimide Problem". Sometime during the year would you favor us with this dissertation? cf (Fetany ? Sincerely yours, es oe e I , y FCA/pg Chairman Program Committde, Lawrence Rotary Club : < od be zed * wt. Tia TOR Can 15 Be Sept. 30, 1941 Department of Chemistry . University of Kansas 3 ae Dear Dre Brewater, We noticed ih July that you spoke to the Topeka lotary Club on the subject, "Chemical Aspects of the Sulfanilimide Problen" ° Sometime during the year would you fevor us with this dissertation? Sincerely yours, a eaphict eee E ion balan \ . f Chairman Program Commi tee, Lawrence Rotary Club i . \ : f [ | | Sept. 30, 1942 Dear Cliff, I am sorry that I have not acknowledged receipt of your thoughtful suggestion regarding Dr. Ray Q. Brewster's sontribution to the Retary Club of Topeka. I trust that it will be possible for us to hear his dissertation some time in the near future. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation FCA/pg | Varsity Basketball Coach : ROTARY CLUB OP- TOPEKA "Service Above : MHe profits most Seif", / who serves best" So f fier i bm 4 OtfTce of the Secretary ‘sn hte Ant i B. BONEBRAKE O Kansas Avenue wy t nrg | nner " WA v7 Ab b Topeka, Kansas July 28th, 1941 / Fellow Rotarians:- / TO SMOKERS Bad men would like their women to be Itke cigarettes, Ablwaitting in a row, stender and: slim, fo be selected, set alight to, and when tinished with Just $OS5Gd S61CE 4g 6% ! More fastidious men preter women to be like cigars = \ These are more exclusive, They last longer, and when the beaed: \ is good, they don't give them away. ‘ Buti nice men treat their wives like pipes «= V The older they get, the more attached they become to them. And when the flame is out = They may knock them, gently but lovingly, but they keep them safe in their pockets and NO MAN SHARES HIS PIPE! - = From the "London Rotarian" OUR PROGRAM THIS WEEK Witt be im, charge of 7i¥win Vincegr ond he will present. kay ~,. Brewster of the Chemistry of rtment at the University of Kansas, who aa ee will speak on the subject of)\"Chemical Aspects of the Sulfanilimide Problem" @ustThe increased use >this medicinefand the results obtained should make this a most interesting subjects Know of several members of this club on whom this medicine has been used. aoWiiidemeon eo Olnch Uiuro -thlo. ween ori ons om Williamson at Oswego and Parsons; Hamp Yhirer at Denver ym. Mark Drehmer at Colorado Springs; kay Krueger, Washington D, C3 Chas. Blevans, Spirit Lake and WH Turner, E|lPaso. SOMETHING TO HARP ON "A motorist had just crashed into a telephone pole. Wire, pole: and everything came down around his ears. They tound him unconscious in the wreckage, but as they were untangling him he reached out feebly, reece se the wires, and murmured: "Thank heaven, | lived clean - They've given me a harp", LISTEN _IN To the "Good Neighbor" programs broadcast each Thursday Night by Rotary International over WOAL, San Antonio. Tell me how you like them, WARK GLAYS ROTARY GEUB OFFIGERS One black night in April the bombs rained on Chelsea, England. The President of the Rotary Club seated at table in his home was killed by a bomb. A few hours later the Vice President and Past President and acting Secretary with their families were slain by another bomb. The newly installed successor as president said “Bear | another's burdens . Help me to carry on the work so ably done. by all my predecessors”. Re 1. News Letter. ROtariiy youre, FRED, the aes. DO YOU READ BOTH SIDES OF THIS LETTER? Globe-Trotting With Rotary Rofary Overseas In addition to having active representatives on all public welfare committees and _ insti- tutions in the city, the Rotary Club of East London, South Africa gives much time to en- tertaining the men in active mil- itary service. During recent years it has been the regular practice for the Rotary Club of Sydney, Australia to entertain the Con- sular Corps at an international luncheon, and on these occasions as many as 35 representatives of other nations have attended. The Rotary Club of Foochow, China, contributed more than $1,400 (Chinese currency) to charity during the year 1940. Each year the Rotarians of New Plymouth, New Zealand conduct special functions in dif- ferent country districts with the object of assisting farmers and building up better understand- ing between town and country. More than 300 children in Wagga Wagga, Australia, have been taught to swim this year, free of charge, as the Rotary club continues its “Learn to Swim” campaign started some years ago. Five-minute talks on persons and places of international im- portance are arranged for regu- lar meetings of the Palmerston North, New Zealand, Rotary Club. The Rotary Club of Colombo, Ceylon recently made plans to establish and operate a camp for 25 poor boys. The local refugee-aid organi- zation of Nice, France, was greatly assisted by the Rotary club in planning a Christmas party for hundreds of refugee children. Rotarians of Goteborg, Swe- den, recently pledged them- selves to contribute 600 crowns ($142) per month for six months for the support of orphans and needy children in Finland and Norway. The Rotary Club of Nairobi, Kenya treatsconvalescent troops to frequent cinema shows. What Has Rotary Done? Rotary has done many things to many men. It has touched the lives of thousands not members of a Rotary club. It has bridged individual differ- ences, local cleavages, national antipathies. It has provided an atmosphere of understanding and good will which has facilitated the handling of different problems, even in the field of interna- tional relations. So well have Rotary’s achievements spoken for it, that in the space of a few short years Rotary clubs have been established in some 5,000 cities and towns in almost every corner of the world. What Can Rotary Do? Rotary is young. It holds great promise for the future. What it can do has no limit less than the capacity of Rotarians of all races and climes to give practical expression to their ideal of thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others—Service.—Retary Spotlight, Brighton, Mich. “T do not think that good attend- ance alone makes a good Rotarian, but I have never seen a good Ro- tarian who did not have good at- tendance.”—Rotary Felloe, Brooklyn, Noy, 70-41 If you must kick, kick towards the goal.—Bi-City Letter, Sumerville- Trion, Ga. Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.—Disraeli. Meeting in the Mountains At the spring conference of District 115 (part of New Mex- ico and part of Texas) Rotarians of the district were invited to participate in an intercity meet- ing to be held this summer in the Davis Mountains. The meet- ing is being sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Alpine, Fort Stockton, Marfa, Monahans, and Van Horn, Texas. At asimilar meeting last sum- mer, sponsored by the Rotary ~ Clubs of Alpine and Marfa, 250 Rotarians were in attendance. It is a thousand times better to have common sense without educa- tion than to have education without common sense. — Rotary Club of Brockville, Ontario. i ~Giwing Proper Credit Every once in a while we read a lecture on the matter of giving proper credit for stories printed in club publications. Quite natu- rally we begin to worry a bit for fear we have slighted some industrious editor. Now along comes Savannah Rotary, bulletin of the Rotary Club of Savannah, Ga., which expresses a thought that should be. copied by every club publi- cation editor. Following our own advice, we print below this fine thought: If we have ever had anything in - our club publication, original or otherwise, that some other fellow wants to appropriate to his own purposes, he is at liberty to take it, revamp and re-make it, and pass it on to his readers as he may see fit. Any gold coming from the Rotary mine is Rotary gold, and we can’t imagine any Rotary miner is going to have it copyrighted. Ideas are like maple sap—you have to boil down about 35 gallons of them to get a quart of first class product.—The Round Up, El Paso, Tex. ePNTeg aan Ostober 6, 1941. Professor We We Davis, History Department, University of Kansase Dear Professor Davis: Clif Calvin told mo that last year to have you speak at Rotary. 3 fied mpestt alloctne « lot of these dates to slip awaye We do want you soone If you will Shak tthe hella teen or eninde oe shall be delighted to have you speak on any phase of the international situation you chooses I have been planning and waiting to see you, but I always miss yous ao. ee office when you stopped by the other day. Therefore, I am taking this means to communicate with yous Cordially yours, ee Program Committee FCA Aft lawrence Rotary Clube ?