THE BULLETIN Lawrence Rotary Club April 10, 1942 NO LEETING HiRE MONDAY There will be no meeting here because many of the members will be attending the Conference at Ottawa, Robert licNsair Davis will have charge of a model luncheon and the subject of his discussion will be "Democracy and Education," Those who are unable to go to Ottawa should call at the Hotel here tionday noon and sign the register in order to protect their attendance records. ‘@eeee eooeoeven eee eee ee Congratulations to Neal Wherry and his committee for arranging the highly successful program and party in celebration of the Silver anniversary. eeovegdgeooeeaeoeonveseeneee@ Today you will receive, along with this bulletin, a copy of the Treasurer's statement for the month of March, which is also cumulative for the fiscal year to date, Members should study this report and feel free to ask questions about any items which are not clear, The Board of Directors has instructed the treasurer to distribute such reports to the membership quarterly, Yours in Rotary The Scribe