‘WESTERN: UNION MEWCOMS CARLTON. paeerpext 3. C. WILLEVER, pmer wice-racersent ST aaae: SS eee = Ee eo Ne eee ee 3 4 = peg fs 2 : ‘The Sling time as shown ia the date line on and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as chown on all mamagn, M STANDARD TIME —— e ONLY PARTS OF LETTERS REPRODUCED . Received at 5604 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. Tel. Randolph 0011 82H RF CABLE : PARIS 12 MAY 31 1927 me) Pri ‘ll; : a of Sweden _— : LeD LEWIS J ALBER PROOFS ! Tampa. Fla. Times. 4 CARE COIT ALBER BUREAU 3608 EUCLID ) CLEVELANDOHIO MAKING NO CONTRACTS UNTIL RETURN AMERICA 3 maRnTwerl: : Mr. Alber ene | a stain's wat leader, ™ f U.S. Tour) Piieves “All of Cour Nave : pvil Director 2° : . ing-and snares. the fires of Lees = er become : ion Heard At Lumber |www enon ace mo Peer 10234 - joti . se Meet In City- at churchill is the jucent who spent f0U7| character Tvs a ) To the man Wi’ | Minister| Sonality is like * i ippi months with guring his 1931) peach, dripps ite into i pee| winston Chars Stiery Britsh| where’ cipert, telling nea z ae many-sidi man . Europea you think PRINCE esms i - \ is later © now WILLIAM “AND i : Cleveland, | admonition Briti UIs J. ALBER | Se mia Lav b. ales, Coat ‘ ed, OY a take, it den : — TO SUPER i z d- “we can 0 S rica, Inc. 8° | heart. | late, * . = irs _ fe National Forest | that it i= ot too 1a Winston Churchill and Louis J. Alber, photographed at the Waldorf- . e Congress #t . 3 : sales LOUISVILLE TIMES Astoria, New York, a few weeks after the accident which almost (1931) Rech Mins, chick of the Seka the former his life. Bureau of the NRA, has been a lecture- hoc agency and concert- pave bureau manager for - many years. In the early days of the New | fewer Se : = ae = - Deal, he directed the tet) made himselt ators.” Volume XXII Ww Frervuary 24, 1937 Num government broad- outstandine ZOTOR ACCIDENT. s casts for the Blue _ Alber directed coe which SATURDAY NOON Club Dining R FEBRUARY 27, 1 Eagle, and later did ur of this country» OFT saly Seas : 4 t same for the <6 was strul 5 qi a 3 =| the visitor otorist. oc FHA. Tho his work ny?”|.. by a New eae AL z LOUIS J. ALBER keeps him very much in the background, he has brought hun-. dreds of celebrities to the attention of the public, and formerly, as a Chautauqua and Lyceum manager, and through the Alber- Wickes Bureau, has sent many distinguished Personages on tour throughout the nation. He now secures speakers for the job of publicizing the Government. FORMER N. R. A. PUBLICITY DIRECTOR bed “To the young car nearly motor mber com- rican whose sw? | killed me, the night of ith lone | 44, 1931- +e contacts Ww} The | +? ult of his ¢ ‘As a res' =icé Louis J. Alber, Former Government Offic and Economist, Will Be Speake ‘America’s Appointment With Destiny” is Title o Talk on United States’ Abundance Versus kind, the folder issu y. bureau points out. S That’s the high-sounding, important |“‘a university is a title of the speech to be made Saturday | student on one end noon by Louis J. Alber, Clevelander and | the other end.” 3 Washi ian, who will dispel the| is still attending, words of fantasy into today’s economic] with many a Ho TELEPHONE Yi TO Posts oon Tees {TELEGRAPH | LOT ST eee ah rae " ; x ni a . ea THE WHITE HOUSE 2 WASHINGTON W JASHINGTON pc 522P aug 23 1938 = MERICA’S Appointment With Destiny.” w * yen sae LOUIS J ER ent et? ”. Se ‘et -ce* 4 WE: s* pan gee 3S Se ST 40 sr ee OES BERN us noose : . e 2 ‘ Sat at te Y8UT WILL SEE You vate Dre gt oN Ce sea an, “ose at\ NUGUST 25 330 py . ght on oN LL COTTAGE Hypgpap ae ALVINA T SCHEIDER SECRETARY shes Eyrie @rbor, Meine Seal = Alber Cleveland, on : ager yy — SWEDISH PRINCE WAS bing seed | at e Zz Fi Zed oer LEO B > y C. William Duncan the only royal family ever to lecture in the United States, was 3 Prince of @ ruling | started to walk sway. _ “‘But Mr. Eastman, you thus far Alber, —