LOUIS J. ALBER . . ECONOMIST .. IMPRESARIO . . LECTURER . . PUBLICIST contacts with most of the famous men and women of the past thirty-five years, has a combination of information and knowledge A STUDENT of economics, world affairs, and business problems, Mr. Alber has been a traveler since his sixteenth year, has had gained the hard way, and (to quote the late Dr. Glenn Frank) ‘tis endowed with a mellowed and richened quality of mind and heart known as wisdom.” Facts about his career may be found in ‘‘Who'’s Who in America’; in Wincent Sheean’s ‘Personal History”; Ida M. Tarbell’s ‘All in the Day’s Work”; Mark Sullivan's ‘‘The Education of an American”; and Prince William of Sweden's ‘‘My Journey to America”. LECTURES AND ADDRESSES THE IRRESISTIBLE CHURCHILL Mr. Alber lived with, worked with, and played with this outstand- ing Anglo-American phenomenon, and presents a brilliant word- picture of the British Prime Minister, filled with many humorous stories of actual events not heretofore told. SOME CELEBRITIES | HAVE KNOWN Mr. Alber makes presidents, kings, prime ministers, the nobility of Europe, great literary people, soldiers, scientists, publicists, revolutionists, actors and actresses come alive and appear before you. Such men as Benito Mussolini, Neville Chamberlain, Lloyd George, Clemenceau, Adolf Hitler, and scores of others, whom he has met and known, will be brought into these lectures. FROM ROOSEVELT TO ROOSEVELT Mr. Alber’s personal impressions of our presidents from Theodore Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. WANDERING THROUGH THE NEW DEAL Mr. Alber’s experiences in Washington during 1933 to 1938, while holding posts in the Roosevelt Administration. Many humorous incidents, and intimate portraits of the men who made the New Deal. PUMP-PRIMING AMERICA A serious and amusing investigation of the pump-priming theory of economic recovery. Mr. Alber maintains that the theory hasn't been tried, because the Roosevelt Administration has not poured the prime into the economic-pump of America. A striking program of actual pump-priming suggested. THE GREAT ORATORS Mr. Alber has studied speakers and speeches since 1900; has heard all the foremost orators of his time. From a close association with many of these, he brings a colorful picture of such figures as Bryan, Baker, Wilson, Beveridge, Ingersoll, Borah, Sharp Williams, LaFollette, the two Roosevelts, Ickes, Willkie, Glenn Frank, Lloyd George, Churchill, with inside information on how they secured their effects. SWORD AND SUPERSTITION A lecture about the late Middle Ages period, of which Mr. Alber has made a study, while reconstructing the life of his Great-— Grandfather—twelve generations removed—Dr. Matthaus Alber of Reutlingen, Swabia, who was ‘The Martin Luther of Swabia’. An interesting section—Who were the Angles and Saxons?— indicates the range of material. Most timely. A FEW RECENT COMMENTS WORLD DIGEST, NEW YORK CITY: ‘Mr. Alber gives us an insight into the personal characteristics of an outstanding world figure.”’ WILLIAM GANSON ROSE, Critic and Public Relations Con- sultant, Cleveland: ‘‘Louie Alber is the finest speaker in our city, and one of the three or four finest in the United States. He is tops.” MARK SULLIVAN, Washington Journalist: ‘Based on ade- quate knowledge, | underwrite him (Alber) 100 per cent.”’ RAY S. KLEIN, Executive Secretary, Central Lions Club, Chicago: “The best talk we have ever had at the Central Lions Club.’ ‘I could listen to that man all day.’ ‘His command of the English language is marvelous.’ ‘Let’s have more speakers like him.’ ‘Why not get him back for a talk on Will Rogers?’ These are a few of the comments | heard following Louis J. Alber’s talk on ‘The Irresistible Winston Churchill,’ and | add my personal O.K. to everything that everyone else has said.” DR. GLENN FRANK, former president University of Wisconsin: “Louis J. Alber is a true Personality Impresario, getting behind the personalities of gifted men and women, helping to develop them, and making them known to the public. As a Public Rela- tions Councillor he stands supreme. A true celebrity who speaks about other celebrities and makes them come to life before an audience.” HORACE TREHARNE, Manager Cleveland Advertising Club: “Mr. Alber gives a better talk than most of the professional speakers he furnished us in the past, fine as they were. Our audience gave hima rising ovation as a tribute that it had not been so thrilled for many, many months. He easily rates a Four A as a speaker for any occasion." FRED SOWERS, Secretary Cleveland Rotary Club: ‘The most timely and informative program of the year. Alber gave a wealth of serious and humorous incidents, painting a vivid word portrait of this great world character."’ DES MOINES, IOWA, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: ‘We all felt that we were personally acquainted with the British Prime Minister when Louis J. Alber completed his vivid and intensely interesting portrait of the great statesman—and we liked the new acquaintance.”