Che University of Oklahoma Okla Oty I 18300 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Mr. Ferrest C. Allez Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanaas Dear Mr. Allen: Thanks to you for your congratulory epistle and your well wishes for me and my “Scatters" for the coming year. Yes I do inherit a nice bunch of boys but from the reports that are coming out of Lawrence I understand that you have the finest crop of yearlings that you have had in years so don't you come out and make a prediction fer this freshman coach his first year. I was more then pleased with my new assignment here as basketball coach and think that we ( yes I can say we altho it sounds a little beastful) have a swell bunch of mem heading the destinies of baskebball im this conference. I have always been one ef your admirers and consider it a real pleasure te match Wits with the "Phog", the wizzard of this comparatively new indoor sport. I have been a little didsapointed im the semewhat bitter feeling that seemed to prevail between you and ==--------, I feel this way, that if I can’t treat my competitors as gentleman and feel that I have @ friend in them, then I’m im the wrong profession. I de believe as we all do that to battle for whatever is right. I hope that in my old age I may look beck on our relations as fend memories of years of keen clean competition; of games where sportsmanship was a credit to the game and a genuine friendship with that coach. Yés Oklahoma and Kansas have had some red-hot basketball games as I well know but as far as the crowds are concerned we could fill the Field House any day of the week and se could you at Lawrence, so I don't think we need any build-up. I would like to make my debut against you here in Norman Jan. 6 or Sth. The first home game under the new coach ect. It weuld be 4 swell setting for a record crowd. Let me make my apprerance against you im my first conference game at Norman and them you can have the other game the latter part of the season at Lewrence late in Feb. I will be in Lincoln Thursday nite and we can talk this thing over before the huddle is called.. Sincerely yours, uk, Varsity Basketball Coach I forget to imclude examination date. Jan. 20 thru Jan. 26th. BeDs MM