January 2, 1942. Mr. A. M. Johnston, Ulrich Building, | Nenhatten, Kansese : Deer rs Jobnstons e heads vie tawees tink Vihear st Petabine 20. We are definitely placing you on our calendar for March 50, for your address to our Lawrence Rotary Club. I would appreciate it if you will send me your topic about two weeks in advance, as we. dike Se Tae Wika Teter) 16 oer Eeteny Steele We would aloo Jike for you ts eeal us information about your college affiliations, the year of your birth, when you were married, number of children, etc. If we have this in our > bulletin we then spend less time introducing our speaker, giving ยป him full time for his talk. We have 20 to 25 minutes, usually. That isn't long, ee ee can spare. : We are looking forward with anticipation to your comings tan very happy to hear fron sy good friend, Sal. With kindest regards and best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year to you both, Tem . Rotarily yours, Chairman, Program Counittee, FCA:AH. Lawrence Rotary Club.