HARLAN AND JOHNSTON ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 6-7-8 ULRICH BLDG. MANHATTAN, KANSAS HAL E.HARLAN A.M.JOHNSTON December 350, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen : Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kensas Dear Doctor Allen: I acknowledge with appreciation your two letters of December 26, and December 29, and I am honored and greatly appreciate the invitation which you extended on behalf of the Lawrence Rotary Club. i find in checking over the business which we will have in the early part of the coming year that either Mareh 2, or March 30 of the four dates which x say are open are preferable from my standpoint. { these two, 1 think that March 30 would be less, apt to conflict with the business. You indicate that I may select my own topic, and, if agreeable, I reserve that privilege and will announce it to you later if you desire 40 have it before the day of the meeting. My partner, Hal, desires that he be remembered to yOu e I thank you for giving me the opportunity of speaking to the Lawrence Club. Sincerely and Rotarily YOUrS ยป AMJ 3 IK