Wny 11, 1942. ° Mir. Karl Klooz, University of Kensas. Dear Karl: I am enclosing the card for Ke Wayne Davidson, whom I am proposing for membership in the Lawrence Rotary Club. 4g soon as you have finished with it, please notify mee _ ‘Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Raucation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. THE LAWRENCE PAPER COMPANY +- PAPER MILL AND FACTORY + LAWRENCE, KANSAS ¢ CORRUGATED FIBREBOARD - JAYHAWK BOXES - April 21, 1942 Mr, F. @. Allen c/o University of Kansas Athletic Department Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": I am enclosing the Membership Proposal card. I wonder if you won't fill this out in connection with the pro- posed membership of K, W. Davidson. When this has been completed, mail. it to Karl Klooz who will in turn pass it to the classification committee. You will recall you called me about a month ago regard- ing Davidson. I could not make the Board Meeting that night and the note I sent was overlooked. I am mighty sorry for the delay. I hope that Davidson has not changed his mind, for 1 know that he will be a fine addition to our Club. CGH 3d Dr. lyle S. Powell <-- _ Colonel Born November 5, 1893, Rueh County, Indiana. Graduated from high school in Indiana; went to Wyoming on a cattle ranch at age 16; cowpuncher in Wyoming until the World we: Served ad Captain, commanding the 99th 2 Aerial Squedron on the front in France; also served with the French -Esquadrille I and 267. At the dose of the war had charge of relief in Northern Rumania. Returned to U. S. and graduated from the University of Wyoming, then entered Medical School, University of Nebraska; finished there in 1925. Went to Harvard for further training, and also took postgraduate work at the University of Vienna. In 1935-36 went to India as Ophth,]mic Surgeon at the British Hospital at Shikarpur, India. Married Geraldine Olson, who was seoretary:to the dean of the Medical School at the University of Nebraska. Has two sons, lyle, Jr., and Robert. Lyle, Jre, attended Culver Military Acadeny, and is now at the University of the South, Sewanee, Temn., and Robert is now at cue. The boys are 17 and 16 years of age. Monday's address will be given by Lt. Col. C. A. Edson, of the Command and Staff School, Fort Leavenworth. The bubject will probably be on "National Defense". May 4, 1942. Dre Lyle 8. Powell, 786 Kentucky Ste, Lewrence, Kansas. ' Dear Dr. Pavell: We are definitely coumting on you to provide something for the Rotary Club next Monday, May 11. Will you kindly let me have the information on your Chairman, Program Committee, FCA:AH Lewrence Rotary Club. May 4, 1942, Professor fi, 4. Davis, Department of History. Dear We Hes ‘Iwant to take this means of thanking you for the profoundly philosophical address that you gave to Rotary Club today. It was a real treat and I want you to know that we Rotariens all appreciated it. The homespun philosophy end down-to-earth thinking that you did is what makes you a great humanitarian. : Thank you agein. Very cordielly yours, Chairman, Program Committee, FCA:AH Lawrence Rotary Club. May 4, 1942. lies Betty Buchanan, 1251 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Tensas. Dear Miss Buchanan: Thank you very much for your contribution to _ Chairman, Program Committee, FCA: AH Lawrence Rotary Club. . ROTARY - Monday Minerva Davis will sing: "Over the Land is April", by Ernest Charles "Clouds", by Ernest Charles "Les Filles de Cadix", by Delibes (This information has been given to Cliff Calvin.) May 4, 1942. Miss Minerva Davis, Re Fa De 5, Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Davis: Thank you very much for your lovely contribution to the Rotary Club program at noon today. I am sure that every one of the Rotarians enjoyed your singing very much. I em sorry that I did not have an opportunity te express our thanks to you before you left, but I had to introduce the speaker and was unable to get to yous Thank you again. Sincerely yours, Chairman, Program Committee, PCAAH Lawrence Rotary Club. lire John Andrews, Kenesas Public Service Co., Lawrence, Tansage Dear Johns In observation of Music Week, Miss Winerva Davis, & sqmiocr in the School of Fine Arts, will sing three mmbers at the Rotary Club meeting next Sincerely yours, , Chairmen, Program Committee, FCALAN Lawrence Rotary Club. — , or “THE BULLETIN ay _ Lawrence Rotary Club March 6, 1942 ( SPECIAL worice )[é ae Because of the remarkable program which "Phog".and his able Peas have arranged for next Monday ANNS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND either the oo begins - at 1:00 pem., or both the luncheon and program, beginning at 12: B00 ’ The meeting will be in the Crystal Room instead of in the Griii.s Anns who plan te attend the luncheon should telephone Clif Calvin's sition, number 66, before 9:30 Monday morning so that reservations can be made, Members — if your bidhbetin comes to your office, be sure to tell your Ann about this event, The program is a SONG PARADE of 1860 to 1940 with the beautiful young singers | in appropriate costumes of. the times. How does it alana / mor "Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair Mrs. Kelvin Hoover - sings 1870 "Love's Old Sweet Song" ...Phyllis Wherry in costume: club sings mmneeee1880 "In the Gloaming" - Mrs. Ifilton Allen in costume: : f t—u————_—<,oe) NATCeP the Bai = Patty Armell in costume: "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree" - lirs. Jack Miller in cost~ pein ane Bae ,e 1910 “By tie’ Beautiful Sea" - Mrs. Puul Smart sings in costume. een 1920 "hy Buddy" - Mrs, Buddy Hanna in costume; ee sings. neeenaneneeees 1930 "Springtime in the Rockies" - Rosemary McC. costume; club. ae 1940 "God Bless America" - Mary Tudor Hanna i oe ns ume; club sings. ‘The young ladies who will be in costume are: _. ae XY Me Phyllis ‘Wherry -—- daughter of Neal Wherry Patty Armel — daughter of Lyle ‘armel Isabelle Perry Allen — daughter-in-law of Dr, Alien Mrs, Jack Miller | Rose Mary McClure -— daughter OF Re We MeClure Mary Tudor —- daughter of Hovey Hanna Aileen Hanna — daughter-in-law of Hovey Hanna Mrs, Kelvin Hoover — will sing . Mrs. Paul Smart —- will sing aS Robert Oyler — pianist ; Mrs. re hares: is "generalissimo," Mrs, hetrer and lirs, Smart will sing two of the songs as solos, The other songs will be sung by the club and guests under the direction of Thayer Gaston, You'll be there, won't yous Yours in Rotary The Scribe Rotary News and Views *°A Different Way’’ We recently heard about “an old scheme handled in a differ- ent way” to promote better at- tendance in the Rotary Club of Lake Mahopac, Carmel, N. Y. On the reverse side of The Sev- enth Spoke (the club’s publica- tion) is a list of club members. When a member is absent from a club meeting, he receives his... copy of The S eventh Spoke with . the names of all absentees checked. Then attached: is a meeting schedule of nearby Ro- tary- clubs. ‘with: the following : remark: “Here's your Séventh « Spoke. We missed you last meet-» ing. How about calling up one of ‘your fellow absentees (see mames checked) and make a date for a makeup at one of the nearby clubs?” It is that little touch of indi- viduality that makes a member feel that he was really missed.’ Boost the boy. That’s Rotary—and it’s a darn sight better business than offering a reward for the capture of an outlaw.—Savannah Rotary. The Rotary Club of Catletts- burg, Kentucky, has established a Rotary book shelf for occupa- tional guidance at the high. . school. Each club member gave a new book relating to his occu- pation. « For a more successful observ-' ance of “trade day” the Rotary Club of Campbell, Missouri, ss formed a Merchants’ Associa-_ tion, which is now carrying on successfully with various acti- vities. 20-42 How To. Use a Pitchfork The Gossip Sheet of the Ro- ., tary Club of St. Catherines, On- -tario, reports that the pitchfork . “ allegedly:used in the capture of. . one Herr Hess is being exhib- ‘ited'for the purpose of raising money for the Queen’s Cana- dian Fund for Air Raid Victims, and has ‘already yielded a net profit of $4,250. One Thoughiless Word A handful of emery dust will disable a battleship; a drop of ink will discolor a glass of water. One discordant note may spoil an entire song; one thoughtless word may wreck a friendship. It behooves us, at all times, to be on our guard as to the things we say’and do. If: we would create that atmosphere in which progress thrives, we must be tolerant and tactful. “All for one and one for all” means help- 3 fulness,’ loyalty, cooperation— ut rst of ‘Bul there must be harmony. “St. Louis (Mo.) Pep- > The Way Rotary. Works” ( The cpt ve @ series: he iiss =) describing the organization and ad- ministration of Rotary International. ye _ The Board. of Directors. “The board of directors of Ro- tary International is composed of 14 members, 13. of whom are elected annually by the conven--: ~ tion—namely, the president, five directors nominated by the clubs in the United States (one nominee being selected by the delegates from the clubs in each of the five zones in the United. States), one nominated by the clubs in Great Britain and Ire- : land, one nominated by the. clubs in Canada-and Newfound- land, and five from-other parts .— of the world nominated: by the. board of directors of the preced- ing year? These 13 men, with’ the immediate past president : as the 14th’ member, Mave ‘been * ’: given by the clubs the control and management of the affairs and funds of Rotary Interna- tional, and the clubs have told the board that its action as the central administrative body shall be final, subject only to appeal to a convention of Ro- - tary International. ; The board has been charged by the clubs with the duty of doing whatever may be neces- sary for the furtherance of the » purposes’ of Rotary Interna- tional, the attainment of the ob- jects of Rotary, the study and teaching of its fundamentals, the preservation of its ideals, its ‘ethics, and its unique features of organization, and its world _ extension. ..'The board meets usually -three times a year, in July, . January, and June. There is an executive committee of the ’ board ‘to which’ the:clubs have authorized the board to dele- gate some of its powers. The meetings of the executive com- mittee are usually midway be- tween the meetings of the board. (To Be Continued.) arch ll, 1942. Mrs. Robert Haggart, Colonial Court, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Haggart: When we first planned the "Song Parade" for last Monday's Rotary program we asked Mra. Lyle Powell to - ‘take charge of it. Since Dr. Powell was ill, and Mrs. Powell couldn't do it at the last moment, we asked Irs. Buddy Hanna to take it over. Mrs. Hanna asked me for the names of daughters of Rotarians, and when I talked to her ever the phone I had no roster of the club available, and your name slipped my mind « Brother Rotarien Reb Rankin and you mother were at the meeting Mondey, and I felt ashamed of myself that we didn*t have you on our progrem. Your mother told me, however, that you have two children home with the mumps, end I imagine that maybe you wouldn't have had tine to do it. But I want you to know it was just another Phog Allen faux pas. I am sorry we didn't have you. Very sincerely yours, . Chairman, Program Committee, FCA: AH Lawrence Rotary Club. Sr tg March ii, 1942. Mrs Corlett Cotton, 704 West 12th St., Lewrence, Kansas. : ne Dear Corlett: — thanks @ million for all you did in helping us out with the "Song Parade” at Rotary eo Eldridge Hotel. Everybody voted it a swell party, and your unselfish a eek te ee eeuen of We iguntiy. Rotarily yours, Chairman, Program Committee, PCA :AH Lawrence Rotary Club. Maroh 11, 1942. Ep eee Yr. Clif Calvin, — 710 Nassachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Clif: You went to untold efforts in making last Monday's Rotary program a success. I am merely writing to thank you for your unselfish service in helping us put over — the program. Reotarily yours, Chairman, Program Committee, PCA: Ail Lawrence Rotary Club. March il, 1942. Mre Me Je Gotto, Eldridge Hotel, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mike: You certainly did a swell job in making arrangements for our Rotery Club meeting in the Crystal Room last Monday noon, and I want to thank you for all the energy and interest that you put into this. ‘Everybody voted it a swell party, and the thing that we appreciate, Mike, is that you were wstinted in your efforts to have us enjey the pageantry. Thanks a million. Sincerely yours, Chairman, Program Comsittee, FCA:AH Lawrence Rotary Club. 2 Mareh ll, 1942. . 910 Massachusetts St., “ Dear Mr. “ards 4s cheirman of the progrem committee of Rotary, . I desire to thank you most heartily for your wonder- ful contribution toward making lest Monday*s — & Success. The flowers were lovely and added much to our program, Thanks a thousand. Sincerely yours, Chairman, iacian Conmait tes, FCA :AH Lawrence Rotary Club. Maroh 11, 1942. Mrs. Robert Oyler, 839 Missouri St., Lawrence, Kansage Dear Mre. Oyler: — Your kindness and generosity in participating in ow Song Parade at the Eldridge Hotel for our Rotary progrem last Mendey were excelled only by your beauty and your graciousness. Your playing was lovely, it se Aiba tees ak Rotarians voted it one of the most entertaining short programs they have witnessed. 4s chairman of the progrem committee of Rotary, I desire to thenk you most heartily for your wonderful contribution. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Program Comnit‘teo, PCA: AH Lawrence Rotary Club. March 11, 1942. Miss Mary Tudor Hanna, 800 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Hanna: In behalf of the Rotary Glub I went to thank you for you" kindness and generosity in participating in our Song Parade at the Eldridge Hotel jeat Ientey- The come were allurtic, and the Rotary Anns and Rotarians voted it one of the most lovely short programs that they have witnessed. As chairman of the program committee, I desire to thank you most sincerely for your fine contribution. Very sincerely yours, . Chairmen, dnece Committes, PCA:AH Lawrence Rotary Club. March 11, 1942, Mre. Paul Smart, an 733 Rhode Igland St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mre. Smart: Your kindness and generosity in participating in our Song Parade at the Eldridge Hotel last Monday in our Rotary program were only exedled by your beauty end your graciousness. Your costume was very fetehing, and the Rotary Anns and Hotarians voted it one of the most lovely shert programs they have witmessed. fs chairman of the program committee of Rotary, I desire to thank you most heartily for your own fine contribution. Thanks a thousand. | Sincerely yours, Chairman, Program Committee, FCA: Al _ Lewrence Rotary Club. March 11, 1942. rs. Buddy Hanna, 2138 Kentucky Ste, Lewrence, KLangas. Dear Mra. Hamas Your kindness and generosity in participating in our “Song Parade” at Rotary Club last Monday were only excelled by your beauty and your graciousness. The gowns were alluring and the voices lovely. The Rotary Anns and Rotarians voted it one of the most entertaining short programs they have witnessed. TI want to thank you, also, for your wonderful help. You took on this added burden just like a true patriot and never complained once; on the other hand, you were always pleasant and affable, as if it were a pleasure to you to do this added task. ‘ie vote you es one of the salubrities and celebréties of the Rotary family. Buddy truly is a lucky be Thanks a thousand. Cordially yours, Cake, Program Canbnien. FCAsAH Lawrence Rotary Club. Miss Patty Arnel, 1515 University Drive, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Patty: In behalf of the Rotary Club 1 want to thank you for your kindness and generosity in participating in our Song Parade at the Eldridge Hotel last Monday. ‘The gowns were alluring, and the Rotary Anns end Rotarians voted it ae of the mest lovely shears programs they have witnessed. Thank you so much for your very fine contribution. Sincerely yours, Chairman, Program Coumittee, FCA:AH Lawrence Rotary Club. Sat es Important Dates Connected With ~ Our Observance of Boys and Girls Week, 1942 Monday Evening, Aprilzo.. Pre-Clinic Student Assembly Soroptimist Club Dinner Friday Morning, April 24 . Sunday, April 26 . 45.0.3 Church Day in Lawrence — Morning, Apfil ge ee ee . Pre-Enrollment and Senior Student Assembly Monday hea April 27 . . . . Rotary Club Luncheon Bigg April 28 . Boys and Girls Ciry Day in Lawrence . Noon Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce ‘ Afeeneden Meeting of the Student City Council ‘Teesday Mormimg, Apri-28..\. ./. . 1 ww Student Assembly, <*If You Do Not Go to College”’ Wednesday Morning, April’zg .. - 2... 2 i. ; Student Assembly, «