Dr. lyle S. Powell <-- _ Colonel Born November 5, 1893, Rueh County, Indiana. Graduated from high school in Indiana; went to Wyoming on a cattle ranch at age 16; cowpuncher in Wyoming until the World we: Served ad Captain, commanding the 99th 2 Aerial Squedron on the front in France; also served with the French -Esquadrille I and 267. At the dose of the war had charge of relief in Northern Rumania. Returned to U. S. and graduated from the University of Wyoming, then entered Medical School, University of Nebraska; finished there in 1925. Went to Harvard for further training, and also took postgraduate work at the University of Vienna. In 1935-36 went to India as Ophth,]mic Surgeon at the British Hospital at Shikarpur, India. Married Geraldine Olson, who was seoretary:to the dean of the Medical School at the University of Nebraska. Has two sons, lyle, Jr., and Robert. Lyle, Jre, attended Culver Military Acadeny, and is now at the University of the South, Sewanee, Temn., and Robert is now at cue. The boys are 17 and 16 years of age. Monday's address will be given by Lt. Col. C. A. Edson, of the Command and Staff School, Fort Leavenworth. The bubject will probably be on "National Defense".