Col. Yh. CG. 3 Commandant, R.0.T.Ca, ‘University of Kansas. Dear Colonel Washington: Z am enclosing a schedule of the time the showers will be available next week for the A~12 boys. You will notice that we have indicated 20-minute periods during the timo our students are in class. The load here is especislly heavy at 10:30, but if your boys com at 11:40 the rush will be over. We have also indicated hours on Saturday and Sunday efter-— moons when the showers are available. ‘Twill appreciate it if you will let us know as ag soon (ee to the gym. They, of course, are to furnish their towels at all times. he lnehers on tie south shies will be evailaiile for their clothes. Anguring you 6f ou éeulre to enoperate with you, I an