UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUR! CO. LUM BA March 2, 1938. Dr. F. C. Allen, Coach of Basketball, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr. Allens Statistics on the Oklahoma-Missouri game played in Columbia February 28, 1938. Passing into front court following goals and freethrows: Number of trials <---—- 53 Total time ----------- 162-80 seconds. Average time per trial -—- 3-7 seconds. Jump balls End circle ---~ 13 Center circle - 4 End circle ---- 9 ‘steal ——- 26 Number of jump balls moved to a circle: End circle ---- End circle ---= Total ----- 9 Goals scored following jump ball situations: Oklahoma --<<—<= Missouri ------ Total qa<-<-= i Your special delivery letter regarding the location of officials came this morning and was read with interest. When this was discussed several years ago I thought that it was agreed with officials as to how they locate themselves and the plan, as I remember it, followed your suggestions. Early in the season I checked the work of some of the officials in this regard and since they followed it pretty well I dismissed it from my thoughts and have been con- centrating on the numerous errors of our players. Attached is a diagram of the scheme I had in mind. We probably should check with the two men in our game and obtain an understanding. Yours truly,