Se 5. Team efficiency, team itive evaluation points 5 sai toon positive ‘pius negative evaluation points 6. Player efficiency, player's positive evaluation points | player's positive plus negative eval. points 7. Scoring ability index, number of goals times percent of goals made plus one-half (free throws times per cent of free throws made). By using the technique outlined, data were collected on the Kansas team during nine home games and on the opponents during the last three home games. From this material comparisons were made on the “ansas team using the averages for the four non- conference games and for the five conference games, In the last three home games, the Kansas team was compared with its opponents, Different styles of basketball would undoubtedly yield a different average for the number of shots, passes, etc. The frequency of these occurrences are listed as follows: TABLE I. Nine Game Averages : I. pases’ 1-7 points 2e : attempted 61.5; made 16.5 %26.9 3. Free throws: attempted 16; made 9.56; %59.7 4. Personal fouls: 10.2 361.5 passes; 345 catches Das 3" out of bounds, 2.67; to opponents, 4.9 , Held balis: by opponents, 3.1 12. Fumbles: total 6.1; out of bounds 3.13; to opponents 3 tapped ball: out of bounds 1.3 et Jv pail: tepped and recovered own jump ball .22 15. : vrecovers teammate's jump ball 10.8 16. Ass : total 24; immediate 13; secondary 11 17, Evaluation points: 1103.0 - 73.2 = 1029.8 points per game 18. Evaluation points per player per minute of play: 5.14 points a - ‘ . ear SCC : ad ,