CASKET HARDWARE GARMENTS DRY GOODS FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUPPLIES VAULTS BRONZE ELECTRO-SOLID COPPER COPPER PURE IRON HARDWOOD FABRIC COVERED CASKETS PHONES: CHERRY 7815-7816 OFFICE ,FACTORY AND DISPLAY PARLORS 810-812 SYCAMORE STREET CINCINNATI, OHIO February 28, 1940 Mr, Forrest C,. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I want to thenk you for your letter of February 26th to which you attach data conceming the suggested trials of the *8 foot radius circle’ in a basketball game. I shall continue to be interested further in any action that would prove this suggestion as practical. Personally I am certain it would be m improveme mt and make for a much more interesting game of basketball from the spectator's standpoint. Thamking you for the interest you have shown. Sineerely yours, CINCINNATI DIVISION