Lawrenees, Kensas February 3, 1940 lite He Ve Porter, 1l S. LaSille Stes Chicago, Tllinoise Dear irs Porters There wes an error in transoribing the reply I sent you whieh showld heve read as follows: Om Moe 9 I see difficulty because you would encourage fouling near the division line. They would forn e tight wall across there and stop your drive : If my letter ws ambiguous about the fouls near the division line being called technical fouls, I say we should not change that rule, because such a rule would definitely encourage fouling near the division line. If you permit a personal foul to be called a tech= nical foul enywhere in the back court you would encourage holding, and I would be definitely against such a rule. | I believe I understand what is back of the rule. Too qualifying « player from the gamee I am still for the four personal fouls disqmlifying a player because if you ease up on that you would encourege foulinge I might say that I believe these questions of yours are very apropos and should be put on the liste Yes, I answered this questiomaire so that you might see that in my opinion most of the changes were meeting with favor. : I would like to imow what you think regarding the tolerance of bomee of a basketball, Ithink it is entirely too active, and while same coaches went to make the goal larger, I believe if we reduce the resilience that many balls that now hop out will stay ine Then I thought if we could get sanething on floor resilience we could correct some terribly floors that are more harmful now than any other part of the