NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - Y. M. CLA. - C:ANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Vict Cuairman, JOHN BUNN ng Q a Cuda HH OOO be. Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Calif. “ees oe 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Treasurer, FLOYD A. ROWE ieee ane a” Seexmaay, 4. ¥: PORTER Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio r eras 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Evirorn, OSWALD TOWER Game Administration Andover, Massachusetts Sumner A. Dote January 29, 1940 Complete List of Committee Members F. C. Allen iv. of K Eee ir. P. 6. Atlen s KR John Brown, Jr. Univ. of anse.s 347 Madison Ave. L c New York, New York awrence, Kansas J Onn oe ~ tanford Univ. M ; . Palo Alto, California Dear Nr. 4llen; Forrest Cox Colorado University 1 appreciate having your detailed letter relative to material for the 5. 2 Crocker questionnaire. I think it will be possible to incorporate most of your Univ. of Western Ontario sux cestions in the questionnaire. 1 note that you have given your opin- — ae: ions relative to the topics mentioned in this mterial. Of course, I High School think you understand that the purpose of thiswas not so much to get ; the opinions of the members on these questios as to get their opinions Sumner A. Dole : : Connecticut State Colleeeag to whether such mterials should be included on the questionnaire. Storrs, Connecticut iE : * assume that you gave your own answers to these topics in order that * Sun-Gazette Co, the Questionnaire Committee might have a sample of what may be expected Pe cmos eee"In the way of an understanding of these topics. This should be help- ‘Springfield College ful in eliminating ambiguities. Springfield, Massachusetts 1a cardee Ae There is one part of your letter that may be a typographical error. Hamilton, Ont. Canada at any rate I am not able to properly interpret it. It deals with Frank P. Maguire Dept. of Public Instructiontuhe following proposal of my letter: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania M Ohio State University lL. Consider any foul (not flagrant) committed against a player ? —— who is in his back court aS a technical foul. Curtis Parker Centennary College . eee Shreveport, Louisiana Ty your letter you answer as follows: "I say 'Yes' definitely, because HY gt tenalle St you would encourage fouling near the division line. They wold form a tight a wall at the line and stop your drive." Is there a mistake in this answer? Floyd Rowe = = Please let me have a line whicNtddtline your point in greater detail. Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Yours truly, r Southern Methodist Univ. peas Dallas, Texas / 5 H. H. Salmon, Jr. 40 Wall St. New York, New York . % Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts S ecreta ry HVP/j