MODIFIED BACKBOARD LATA 1. Possible Plans; a. Use present board but paint with a water base paint the area as indicated in lerger diagram on page 47 of the guide. b. Have manual training departmont make board of the new proposed sizo and shape. a. Sceure new board with curved surface and use on cross court or for a domon- stration game by mutul agrecmoent. DATA 1. as plan 1, @ or 3 usedT Length of tim uscd: Rricf statcmnt of activity: ee tee 2, Number timcs a try misscd modificd board in such = way that ball would havo ro- bounded from officicl board: 3, Numbor timos a run-undor try wis mde whon ball would probably havo hit lowor edge of official board to ruin try: 4, Number times a try was made from the ond cren: Gonsreal Observations Was there any appreciable effcet on the confidence of a shooter aftcr having used this board for practicc? te —_— ee er ee ee eS Sen eet — - ene Whet was tho effect on general appearance of the court? eee: ee ———— oe Did visiting playors appear to bo handicapped by the modificd board? Os Was there any noticcable difference in the accuracy on froc throws? Long shots? Short shots from under the baskct? ‘ins there any tondeney for more ploy in the area behind the backboard? Whet was the goncral attitude of the spectators toward the modificd boards? meee Signed ; : School: City and Statc: NOTE: Anyone who desires to attempt this exporiment will be supplicd on request with shects on which the proposed ncw backboard is diagrammod.