Mite Ae We. Olsen, Vice President, Ae Ge Spalding & Brose, Chicopee, , Unssnclnmetts. ‘thank you for your Vind letter of the Sth instant oon- cerning a change in the size of basketballs. seicde Ge 2 Ee secretary of the Netional High School Federation, lns wanted a smaller ball for the jumior _ high sehools (29 inch), I an not promoting or spreading the propaganda for & smaller ball. When Coach “dwards, of the University of Missouri, wanted a larger hoop I seid a smaller ball would proportionstely mike a larger opening without changing the size of the hodp. | Bit an Minami of She Remetceh Ginkittibes of Win Udicheln, _Tassure you that I am not pushing this at all. It was only POA sAH | Varsity Basketball Coaches