Cock ue We are submitting for your consideration a suggestion of using an 8 foot radius circle with the center of the basket as the center of the circle. No player on the offensive side may shoot at a basket in this area. The three-second prohibition rule is eliminated. An offensive player may remain in the circle as long as he desires, may catch the ball and pass out, or any player may dribble in and dribble out without restriction. This rule will prevent close lay-ups or any tip=-in shots. The line of the ciftcle is counted within this area. This rule is intended to curtail the altitude of the exceptionally tall player who camps in under or around the basket and dunks or taps the ball ine This prohibition will cut down a great number of fouls, especially when the player is fouled wren driving in for the basket in an attempt to shoot a goale It will also eliminate all the nudging fouls by the offensive or the defensive player in a single or double post play. There may still be a few of the two-shot variety fouls after a try for goal outside of this area, but it is claimed that the restriction of shooting for field goals in this area will aid materially in the reduction of fouls. There are many prohibitions in basketball; for example, the three-second rule and also the rule against the defensive player batting the ball off the rim of the basket or abeve the cylinder of the basket. This rule affects only the altitudinous offensive player. It does not strike at the exception- ally tall player who bats the ball away from the cylinder of the basket. We at Kansas have really tried this rule out and found it amazingly success- ful in clearing up the area under the basket.