Pelican Rapids Public Schools Pelican Rapids, Mine. Office of F br 20, 1940 The Superintendent oor + e Coach Phog Allen, Lawrence ,Kansase Dear Mr Allen : I understand that you are interested in new ideas about basketball and that you are on the Rules committee. I also suppose that you receive many freakish ideas about changing basketball. However I have an idea that we tried out in basketball- in practice= that I think has possibilities. Wetaped the floor according to the drawing made on the floor drawing inclosed, with the different scoring zones counting one,two and three points. The advantages of this are many,with the only drawback being that one might think it difficult to determine from what zone the score was made. However this does not prove to be a difficulty when the game is actually phayed,as we discovered. One man is free to watch the play and the other the zone lines. The principal advantage of this is that it takes most of the play away from the basketp&brings the middle of the floor into the game. It makes it easier for the officials because the men are in the open more and not crowding the basket where the basket counts only one point. It makes the boys think more, as they have to determine for themselves where they want to shoot from, It gives the shorter boy a chance with the taller ones if therg-are as good shots. It develops basket shooting which after all is what basKetball should be. It is more interesting for the spectators. Physical freaks are not at a premium as they i the present game. It would really give coaches womething to work on in Bhs an offense and also am defense. In fact it would make the game more interesting al11 round. Most of the baskets would be of the 2 point variety but there would be enough of the others to add zest to the play. What do you think of this idea? I have talked this over with several coaches in this territory and several of them have suggested that I write you. What do you think of ite? (FZ yy Ain