NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. : CANADIAN I. A. U. - CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohie 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Ks. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 4. Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory? Yes,X.... WO b. Do you favor the restraining circle around De ee ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four center circle? Yes.,/1...... charged time out periods? Yes A....... We d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? FOS FN eee Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump following a field goal? Yes............ NO:1....c b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court..../X.... (2) From end after being handled by offi- OW oss. : (3) From end of division line after being handled by official............. Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet inside the end lines. Yes............ io... b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to flash). 2... No. as ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ No.. X..... This questionnaire checked Le Location ...4 4. 10. Concerning the three second lane rule (check one) a. Present rule is naviiectoey: gf oak b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half the circle AC ee a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at the nearest one of the three restraining circles? Yes............ INO: 2%... b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center restraining circle? Vos 7i. 21, cee In your territory is the rule relative to “guard-- ing from the rear” being properly enforced? You A... BG sa sasecsees Would you favor making the free throw lanes wider? Yes............ Nod ay Would you favor changing the rule so that ‘touching the ring or net is a violation even when the ball is not on or in the basket? Weis No... desast Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory, tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction and which would be stamped on the ball? Yes. ies PU anc nace If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J. W. Sr. CLair Oswatp TOWER, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoYD A. Rowe Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio