4 SECTION 1, Substitute for lest clause in first sentence: ae shall be inflated to an air pressure such that when at s dropped from a heighth of six feet to a solid wood floor 3 will rebound to a height of not less than 4 feet 2 inches mor more than a height of 4 feet 6 inches," Substitute for second sentence, the following? "Note: To be 1¢-4), pails must be tested for boucin reaction at the ory and the air pressure which will give this Bowe Prin must be stamped on ba ball, The pressure for game use must bees sta gucTiON 2, The home team shall provide a new ball, ete, 5-6, Penalty might be provided. 6-2, Omit “ete.". | , 6-3. Substitute "end of game" for “second half". ( 6-5, Is “recognize” in the second sentence the proper word? Se 6-7. In the last answer “on the side" is contradictory. 6-8, We ticht de more specific about what constitutes uneportsmanlike conduct, 6-9, Provide for case where basket is made during last few seconds — umpire declares it should count and referee that it should Nove 6-11. First sentence might read “when a foul occurs the official shall blow his whistle and shall designate the offender, . 6-13. the last clause apply to the case where the referee and umpire make different rulings on whether the ball was in the air at the end of playing time? %=%-e, No provision is made for exception for foul occurring after pall has left free thrower's hands. %-{T-h, Does this apply when a goal is made through continuing motion following a foul? qafaNote, Should special provision be made if ball goes out of bounds | after striking an off cial? : soueesionss2 tnt dea Cpueis. te, oaepgaere, tes gut fslhers play" is indefinite. | | B-5-d, Should this inelude double violation? GuBaNote. Substitute “official” for "referee or umpire", 8<8-Ouestion 2. Should this answer be reworded? 9-4, This might read "a team which refuses to piay after referee has instructed them to do so, shall forfeit the game." Ll-1, There is considerable overlapping between this section and wan" The whole section migh be rewritten to conform to fi GHEET III - Page 2 : , Should this ine ude a held ball int the center restraining circle? 15-1. Is “without delay” neces ary? 7 14-7, Is the @: roe "until the ball has touched the basket or backboard correct? Consider the ease of where ~ the ba pall misses _ ‘In that ease the penalty might not apply. 14-15-Penalty (bo). Should this be “at® instead. of “on"9 Also consider the ca 5 € e player reaches an -_ _through pasket without touching mt or reste the fore r the ring. L5-AW2. ae Bay include “and stguadiet by the ottiesal" to be in vs ree" sa rep! , co re ! einai "official" shou refe er coach go on the court for any purpose other than for an 15-0-14-Pen ty (bd). Should “must" be substituted for ‘nay? 15-C-14-Hote, Is it clear that 6 continuing motion count if Seayina time has expred in the meant ¢ i does not NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. pS Wiad - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois TREASURER, FLoyp A. Rowe Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory? oe INOS b. Do you favor the restraining circle around center circle? Yu. 2. Meo ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? Yes...7..... No.......... d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? Ta... we 2. Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center il following a field goal? Yes............ Nou #..... b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court............. (2) From end after being handled by offi- a (3) From end of division line after being handled by official............. 3. Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- ¢ ds which would be placed four feet . Baske single net and ring type (such as the doubl : spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ No a e end lines. Yes....... an mF a which deviate from the éustoman) ; VA \ ring recording device ee light 47): Location 4, This questionnaire checked by..... Ze GA LE Concerning the three second lane rule (check one) a. Present rule is satisfactory............. b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half the circle............. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at the nearest one of oo restraining circles? Yes............ DEG h sass b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be eliminated would you favor ee ae center restraining circle? ING ss In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- ing fromthe rear” being properly enforced? Fee nck. acs Would you favor making a throw lanes wider? - Yes........... ee see Would you favor changing the rule so that touching the ring or yet is a violation even when: the ball i pot on or in the basket? Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction on which would be stamped on the ball? Yes.....7..... a eee If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J. W. Sr. Crair Oswa.p Tower, EDITOR Al et é Picante co” u SS e8) ; v a \Y Fi d , BS 7 3 iin 2 oper se (2). RRO eng OL qusejou jE syfet pews we | (1) [wWEgISPS]A Yous eug of consis cnnchawitves eS spLomn Ws (epece ous) | Pik (#) Spomq pe sqobreq’ psy] eponq pe ie joyjozwB x yeyg Bosy,; Rea ney “y po Bom prAoK epmummepR ppe compen nD. 3 Qouceunr& ceuper Jaurbe: ee. as of wu obboncup aquys spo paug 1 OF EBS POTTS qezeueiag bywAei fo SPM EG fpe pel] sHG paug q pe Aen psaos sys breveny Lays apjop syyome cpeseg pie One heaqogy | ee “or G PO ACH [FACL ppe Lae Mpiey syome Lom. GGUS GPLeye 3 — noe p’ po Aon qraon gpe Leagusn7uR cicje sLonug por gee yours ; a tite — ee & AS ems Sadie eae ae ‘or J? fe wom YG of coMMEMMCECION amprEETC T Coucens® koje cpmuter mpiop mous megs joer oy ery £0 HE A’ Hoxsen’ TT gonep pegsys gree? Cyto" por Hy A’ posites, cHvinnwn ty Owais’, E0iLo0e VV \\ Pete Ke FANE eee d= se beehnwee mq pe epeurboq ou-tpe pyyys Ree co _ Drewenrs mpicy mong eocoxe pyar xesegjom sug: ce ESopoLA feupa miicyp wonyg gqepeiim.e ppe yJeBuy __. RORGHON Of 9 psy] chooiyeg sug is LedminpiS oF : nee “ony ‘Kom [Sscn paar po promen pe _ ees he mpen.cpe pay hor on of mM pe peaters - forcpivs pye rw os Bor m | asppyrrow enew S Moniq Aon pao cpavEwR ppo Yayo Bo pyey miqek; oes woe io) MoM hon peso. wept spe grees fusom pruee at vexed yo Sedaateareees : 5 : ae we qromr. 26 Lees, pew® hnobesgh emyorced j Q’ JU AONL PELLipolA te gpe Lays Leyeqras fo ,Rawnq- oR we | heparin “ype dengen reageene® orscqo5 Tab ayer pe eymnmsreg mony hos pyar PH (3) eponyq vor pe egobyeq sug igpe coxpor. Leagnm mit SiGe, fea die . HOIY pel] Se eye wesneep one Oo fpe pues eg 8 MONG hom Ysor paws vy Jombe LoposnTaR Sy ae > : ae wd" e GC WIVES Lezrricrrow sbby’ omy po reo wuq pay * 3 if p’ PeUIOAG ST, [pled dacoug joe seapererrow 4 ante. » allies tie so, 3 € Coucenmm— ppc pyucs eccomq jaws) 1pyo (cpeog Lye Cousmigees YESMIPSL OF grees epyeric CQUISe: ApoRs UTS Shbesr2 spore mij] BEN Sy] Lehyyee LecerAcy ab fo yyeLey bicaeuped SP PPS sua] meses ot rye jeterons) y OPP BETS NulssceiR Cojaetpas Op70 40 ZAP ETF" Dror ore’ "A" CHYISNWHK [" AAT BE ACHE, ED 21 AIG CHIU EL LY" OvrAion” 98" ae “fey pewere" NEA INE ONERLOKATIEE BUOMBINA © AEs Cs yy yeu \ PE gO Prawns ar qprorter pywom PeeLevcs * yee 7 | C Dit: Ot Yer LPS Commrpres ayy po Resgopay | Loa ayy cyece ppeas LORCUPSTIAG P¥ELerpal] WEN OF [pS COMUELA TE OLS fyse Efe Vewe BIE? po SNEZLOVMVIBE — WLE2 VUD CYMVDV VIT. CONWILLEE.- GECBELVEA' 44° A” LOuLES BPEMZTES' LPOAD Wy OME posug- of maewrros” Cpeacmmig? Opto ARE oe Gai i 7 UVIIOUYE COFESIVIE VY * AVUOUYT EDEKVLIOM Hey ¥ . CYMAVDIVA Ti = . CYAYDIVKA ¥ BO Moke scorer responsible for determining whether pall left hands before time expired -- Timer is too busy looking at watch, — Also sigt@l for substitution should be sounded by timer. Player who has clear field to the goal and is fouled but continues _ body motion should be allowed goal at the option of the of- Difficulty hes been reported in connection with certain infractions . for which there is no penalty, This applies to a player re-entering the game before a play has ensued and the wearing of illegal numbers. It is recommended that certain situations connected with double and multiple fouls be cleared up. This applies particularly to the questions and answers under 7-16. Tt is recommended thot action be taken relative to the following matters: interfering with the net and ring when the ball is not . or war basket and specifying the proper bouncing reaction - a ae There is some sentiment to the effect that 2 player is too often rel on account of four personal fouls ena is intrastions are comparatively trivial. (2 anicv Ts y cana Ns & +. Set Reduce size of courts for high schools, 1-3, Make clear how circles are measured, 1-5. Provide penalty for failure to ™ark H and V. $-2, Consider problem of batting ball away from basket by tall player. 5-4, Liberalize substitution rule, 6-13-9, Require pistol. 8-1, Increase intermission between third and fourth quarters to two minutes and intermicsion at half to 12 minutes. : 9-3, Allow only two overtime periods. 10-2, If official is unable to determine who caused the ball to go out of bounds declare jump ball at nearest circle. te ef FBodf ch imineted required official to handle the Bunn tried Wiger free throw lane. Found it relieved a erowding on free throws ont on double ve but players aid. not like it. Consequently experimentation was mited, Allen reported as in for fu ort submitted. Recomuends that committee e Regs to i foot basket by “Tisting it as problem : “_ on a detailed tuty of number and location of fouls number and nature of various submitted, re, MISSOURI STATE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Office of the Secretary Ly. Chae: Le Clayton, Missouri hat pe aes March 9, 1937 m4 See > EWS RELEASE é Ss NEWS RELEASE / Se. yt The following tabulation of replies from fifty-two coaches out of two hundred representative schools in Missouri shows the trend of sentiment as it exists toward the basketball rules questionnaire as prepared by the National Basketball Committee of the U,ited States and Canada. Other responses will be tabulated as received up to March 10th and forwarded to’ the Committee which will mcet in Chicago on March 16 and 17, 1957, The Press may usc this data as needed or desirede fhe National Basketball Committee consists of representatives from the National Collegiate A.A. the National Federation of High School Athletic Associations, the Canadian I.A.U., and the Canadian A.B.A. The National Federation recently announced the appointment of M. C. Cunningham, Desloge, Missouri, as one of the four high school representatives on the National Rules Committee. Mr. Cunningham is a basketball official of high ranking and a member of the Statc Board of Control, M.S.H.S.A.Ae His term is for one yeare 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: ae Is the new rule on communication satisfactory? Yes 523 No O-« be Do you favor the restraining circle around the center circle? Yes 503 No 2. ce Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? Yos 493 No 2e d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defcnsivo player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent white the hand is on the ball? Yes 34; No 17. fe Concerning centcr jumps: ae Do you favor climinating the ccontor jump following a ficid goal: Yes 263 No. 25. b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in {check onc) le Immediatcly from cnd of court 18 A 2. From cnd aftcr bcing handilod by officia 24 Se From ond of division linc aftcr bcing handicd by official 4 Se Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modifications: ae Backboards which would be placcd four fect inside the end lines. Yes 173 No 3le be Baskets which deviate from tho customary single net and ' ring type (such as the doublo ring rocording device which causcs a light to flash when the ball goes through). : Yes 163 No 28, ce A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be abliec to sce the ball go through the goal. Yes 7; No 42. 4, Concerning the three sccond lane rule (check onc) ' @e Present rule is satisfactory 25 be Romove all three socond lane restriction 8 e. M&kec rostriction apply only to lance and half the circle 18 5e ae Would you favor having all jumps following hold ball at tho nearest one of the three restraining circles? Yes 273; No 23.6 be If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be climinatcd would you favor retaining the center restraining cireic? Yes 30; No 16. 6. In your territory is the rule rolative to "guarding from the -rear" being properly enforced: Yes 33; No 16. 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes wider? Yes 1; No 49, 8, Would you favor changing the rule so that touching the ring or net is a violation cven when the ball is not on or in the basket? Yos 12s No 37% (Concluded on sccond page) “Le 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction and which would be stamped on the ball? Yes 40¢ No 4e 10, If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number, | Rule 7, Secs 9, item 2 and 5 Rule 5, SéeCe 4e March 8, 1937 To Members, National Basketball Committee; Here is a proposed agenda for the basketball committee meeting to be held at the Morrison Hotel, Chicago, on March 16th and 17th. Varia-~- tions may be made in the program as they may be found necessary, Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday, I am NOTE: 9:00 A.M, 12:00 “1100 P.M. Yours truly, fll Bale Secretary AGENDA FOR NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE MuasTING Tuesday, March 16th - Morrison Hotel Penthouse Conference of sub-committees, Informal conclave of committee members (An informal reception which may be attended by basketball men who may desire to get acquainted with members of the committee,) Dinner at Old Heidelberg Inn. | Meeting in Penthouse -- L, W, St. John presiding. Report of representative of National Basketball Coaches creep . : . ' , | ational or sectional organizations of coaches, Reporesa sand school administrators. Report of questionnaire committee, Report of Reserch Committee, | | Brief report from each member of the committee, These should merely outline the sentiment relative to basket- ball in each section of the country. No arguments in = ef any particular rule proposal need be given at this time. Stenographic record of these will be made and the officers will prepare a synopsis to be presented on Wednesday, - Wednesday, March 17th - Morrison Hotel Penthouse -- L, W, St. John or H, H. Salmon presiding Consideration of: Topics from the questionnaire and ; tte Ge ee om the reper tthe RE BSSase use e tne. Opies which may have grown out of the work of the _ effici@l interpreter. : ee Various sections of the rules which may need additions, omissions or revisions, Noon LUncheon Continuation of rules discussion, Report of treasurer. : Rapert of Roninas ing committee and election of officers, aetion on other business details, February 24, 1937 To Members, National Basketball Committee: By this time you have probably been notified that the annual meeting ‘of the National Basketball Committee is to be held in chicago on | 6th and 17th.| Acting on the suggestion of Chairman St, 3 m send you a few more details relative to the meeting. The committee will meet in the Pent House on the top of the tower of the Morrison Hotel. The Morrison has offered to supply desir~- oe rooms at the special rates mentioned on the enclosed card, I suggest that you take sare of reservations at your earliest opportunity although I do not anticipate any difficulty in con- nection with ability to secure rooms at any tine, the committee will convene for the first nesting at 7300 Palle Tuesda) eee th, Those who arrive early will probs | lobby on the second floor of the hote in the caeanentine Lobby. The Tuesday night meeting will be devoted to various reports. These will include recommendations from the National Coaches Asso- pe recommendations from various other organizations of a tewide or nationwide character, report of the questionnaire ree and the research committee and presentation of the various rule comments which have come to the official interpreter or to other x ber of the committee. The annual basketball questionnaire is now on the press and we expect to have it ready for distribution in the next few days. ®inee the time is short it will be necessary for each member of the committee to plan distribution and to be ready to act as soon as his supply of questionnaires arrives. In order that there be a minimum of duplication I am suggesting that the plan used last year be ee tant. The essential features of this yhen wore that each representative of the Nat . Collegiate Athletic Association attempt to get the ate tient ree "im the hands of college men in his own district, The Canadien representatives will circulerize membere in their own orgonizations. Messrs. St. John and Tower, as representatives at large,will use their own judgment es to wheré their supply of questionnaires will do the most good, iach of the high school representatives will be responsible for the Fes sh school men in the territory as outlined on a map which is being sent to then, Spoming sre ~ renewal of pleasant associations and a profit WM YP des Secretary VP/j Varsity Basketbell Coach : City Col of Hew York New York, N.Y. Dear Hat: fenching Films Division i ws vring "ss Soo St ing him te write or have someone from their 6 vi- sion contact you m vogera to's sot of tho filas. I will be gled to meet Sunliey sie 10th ak Min tase koes, Beaeh wk Cs thew Senlgtad. suhiaipating a plassmt visit sith you and with best wishes, i am ‘Sincerely yours, Director. PST annie of the letter I sending Sr © an @ copy am ° | 3 F.Ceds s Nalin preg ob eee Atud To THLETIC ASSOCIATION THE CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK Room 106, Hycreng Bui_piInc 138th Street and Convent Avenue NEW YORK, N. Y. Prof. WALTER WILLIAMSON College Manager of Athletics Phone EDgecombe 4 -7424 February 17, 1937 Dre Forest “. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas lly dear Phog; Mre Herbert W. Read, Chairmm of the Rules Yonmit tee of the National Basketball Coaches Association, and I have been trying to work out a unified program so that our activities of the Viswl Interpretation Committee can coordinate with his,in the running of mime our National Convention program. I hve sat in confereme With li. Read on several occasions here in New York, and I believe we will be able to work out sone thing satisfactory to alle I should appreciate very much if youcan arrange to ve your motion pictwes at the Yonventione Frankly, our one objective should be to attempt to bring about a uniform interpretation on blocking. For the past few years there has been a wide division of opinion on this phaseof the game. I sincerely believe that we are rapidly coming to an understanding, however, and that some harmonious adjustment will be mde. In either event, I should be grateful to you for bring- ing your pictures along to the Convention, and trust that we my be able to come to some solution to the probleme With kind personal regards, I remin Singerely yoyrs, Nis IF NAT HOLLAN Varsity Basketball Coach March 10, 1957 ‘To Members, National Basketball Committee: At the present time there is a strike among the taxi drivers of Chicago. If this continues through next week it may be necessary for members of the committee to reach their hotel by street car or elevated, Since the Morrison Hotel is near most of the stations there will be no great difficulty but the following information may be of use to you. : How to Reach Morrison Hotel from Various Stations From Chicago and Northwestern Station: Front entrance faces Madison Street. Take Madison Street car going east. It is five blocks to the Morrison. From Union Station: There is a pedestrian tunnel leading from the waiting room to the elevated station, Take any elevated train going to the city. Get off at Madison Street station and walk two and one-half blocks west on Madison. From LaSalle St. Station: Front entran. ce is on Van Buren Street. Walk one block east (to the right) to Clark Street and then four blocks north to Madison. From Illinois Central: Walk west on twelfth Street three blocks to elevated station. Take any elevated train to the city. Get off 2% Madison and walk two and one-half blocks west. Of course, .tnere may be some independent taxis available and in that Gase you Will not need these directions. If not, you should have a good appetite by the time you reach the hotel, I hope the elevator men will still be working. Otherwise it would be a long trail to ~ the top of the Morrison Hotel tower, = Yours truly, ~ NU Grete Secretary HVP/j NATIONAL COLLEGIATE Ai Me - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. ° CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHN VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V. Porter TREASURER, FLoyp A. ROWE Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio ee NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to... DP: F.C. Allen, Dir. of Ath. /- f U, of Kansas, Lawrence, Ks. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 4, 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. { Qns ~ S : {a g : ha és 1, Concerning rule changes which were made last 4. Concerning the three second lane rule/ (check aM ‘ a peas 4 3 \ eer f) “pi spring: one) \ /O2 aa a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory............. | ‘ tory? Yes..... eo Me b. Remove all three second lane restriction\.......... 3 wt b. Do you favor the restraining circle around c. Make restriction apply only to lane and \half conics curd? Yeu. Mo. the circle... \ uy q ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following» hel h t f the th charged time out periods? te. I ee ee oe ee ae as / traini ircles? Yes..%....... Phin \ x d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a piiencnise acon ” " oe defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? jump should be eliminated would you favor a ae retaining the center restraining circle? Yes... MO iiaine 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Yes... Noes. Yes... Wiican b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) wider? Yes........... We. (1) Immediately from end of court............. 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- - touching the ring or net is a violation even ; when the ball is not on or in the basket? Cale ra sa : 2 Le alae (3) From end of division line after being : ‘ 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing handled by official .A<.. reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of : : factory tests which would determine the legal 3. Should the following be legalized for those pressure which would secure that reaction an schools that choose to use the following modi- : fibiations: which would be stamped on the ball? Yes...%...... a. Backboards which would be placed four feet NO.....------+» inside the end tines. Wes. Nai — ; 10. If any particular section of the rules needs ; ‘ improvement give rule and section number b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light Comment on reverse side. to flash). Yes........... No... QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more W. E. MeANweLt spectators at the end of the court will be able Samuel Rocers to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ ; wie ati eile No. L— ‘ H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN This questionnaire checked by....... fv ; ; le av , / Location Mb beers Kowsna— NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoyp A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio SECRETARY, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. CHAIRMAN, L. W. Sr. JOHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio INET : ; NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dr. F.C. Allen, Dir..of Bth. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last 4. Concerning the three second lane rule (check spring: one) a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory............. tory? ‘te eS Hag oo b. Remove all three second lane restriction &...... b. Do you favor the restraining circle around c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half center circle? yes... a 7 .. the circle............. ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at th t f the th charged time out periods? Yes..X.... PO ces ee. r nce YX. . oe traini ivcles? «= Yeu:..2c. Mon... d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a Papi incites Vistpians . . defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center restraining circle? . VYes..-...... INO: 335.4 Si ee eve PAO cilicis 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Yes. YO... Now Yes...Qea.. NO. neeenn b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) wie Uae No... (1) Immediately from end of court... soo8 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- touching the ring or net is a violation even ? when the ball is not on or in the basket? AN ecu % (3) From end of division line after being pe ree ; 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing handied by oficial... reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of i : factory tests which would determine the legal 3. Should the following be legalized for those pressure which would secure that reaction and schools that choose to use the following modi- feations: which would be stamped on the ball? Yes...X.... a. Backboards which would be placed four feet NO.......-----+ inside the end lines, Yeo. Y.... Me. 10. If any particular section of the rules needs b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to flash). Yes............ No...% ee ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ No... ie This questionnaire checked by.............°a™ improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J, W.. Sr. Ciair Oswatp TOWER, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN Location SAY, NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A, : NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JOHN VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secreTArY, H. V. Porter TREASURER, FLoyp A. Rowe Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to Dr. FCG. Alien, Dir. of Ath. U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last 4. Concerning the three second lane rule (check spring: one) ot a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory.....£...... tory? Yes......: a I ic. b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... b. Do you favor the restraining circle around c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half center circle? Yes...00.. No.0... the circle............. ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held t th t f the thr charged time out periods? To INOS. oes : a — " — traini i 2 Te... Nee... d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a eee nae , defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center _restraining circle? uw Yes..... eeeee ING 2.2 MB Ss No..... en eee® 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Yes............ ou Teed Noss b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) wider? Yes............ No... 2. (1) Immediately from end of court........ — 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- touching the ring or net is a violation even when the ball is not on or in the basket? Ciel MOS See 2s No: — (3) From end of division line after being indicat hi. 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal 3: men boas a. be 2g for ny pressure which would secure that reaction and schools that choose to use the following modi- Aealtninae which would be stamped on the ball? Yes....4< a. Backboards which would be placed four feet NO......-----++ inside the end lines. Yes... a 10. If any particular section of the rules needs : ; improvement give rule and section number b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light Comment on reverse side. to flash). Yes... No.8. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more W. E. MeANWELL spectators at the end of the court will be able Samuel Rocers J. W. Sr. CLair to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ Cintas Toi seek INO. i. H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN rN Z a7 J é i £2 ff fA i" oe Cg. C. t CL- , ie il id. oo v2 , ‘ ; as 3 ores a» de vy P ga wi qt Ae ab J ALL TEA rare - o aa ii Py a Ae -aTAK@RLIO9 IAMOMTAM A 4 A SSN - UA |) MAIGAMAS wo = H MOI nae JAMOITAM - awodt A avo’ Aan ae gata09 .VH xyaaraxose 3 wind HL aanac-so L 12.W J apenano otlO AnoisvalD srolimoube 3 a ae oi ag " WHO! pW Gh eh a —) gies? oO. HA 194 Joplin sno f aeods 4 siondil ogeoicD ..J4 siledad sgert ; x iy = f £8 , i % Fl pee T Ca ee et MY ior: sf PANT ALOT RID A VATTAA bees are watts og y i ee ‘giontl .ognoid’) Jeon? slis@al djvo@® It settol .V A of a0 voodo) olut onal baosse gordi. ait galirrgodo) ee __ das! obpmt otow doidw aggnndo slot gaivreoneD = .T =e gee ee i aaa > dqmotosiaitae ef elet dvosetT .e -ortaites motaviaumutos 0 = wor odd al .# ..oicitoittaer omel baoose cetds {le svete .d 4 SS. 08F Teed isd bas onal of ylno yiqqs moitoittze gisM 9 bavors oloio gainiexisos oak sovat woy od a | doris edt 0 ee tolatio totnes gtiwollot eqoiet ae gnivad sovet voy binoW 2 G «sot awolis doidw olvy odd tovet wby off .9- ~~ oft to emo tesieen odd ie fled bled mes fe i OVE eae Tabolreg dwo ontit begrads OR UMM ocanicined 29 aglotio gninier —— aewolls doidw ole deasetq oft sover voy off wb wetese ot bas betqabs ed jon bivode (s) It d brad bas isd odd oditde ot togaiq ovienatsb yovel soy bivow betgniaile od bivode qoini S fled 6it no ei baed 9d} shidw imonoggo sa to Telstio gainietest, toiaso oft gainiatex aie Dati Sona cers i28 ak 2et i IE sieccens -bisug” of svitslor slot ont ai yrodivted ao0y al 8 caqmnk totnes gaimrson00 = .& | t Teese re aed —_ odd mort iti qa ‘tetti99 od gnitenioils tovat soy off .s a oka win OA nn OY Thiog biel e gdiwollor xoital words sett edd gitidant tovel voy biaoW 7 ed binede. tad pone ad bluode (a) tI .d AE occa as¥ trobiw (emo doods) oi woud. ded? oa olus ett waigaeds tovet voy bivoW 2 -$1u09 to bee mort ylotsibermml (1) move moiteloiv « 2] Jem +0 gars odt gridouot -ito yi! belbasd gaied volta bao mort (2) Fisdend off mi to mo Jom at Had ont moitw a ee ee . Z : es i ws aniod oie. aati notaivih, to bre most (8) griotuad tsyorq ont gaived tovet goy bloowWw .e if tn i To pnithipet on) hae beGieoge ad a tonehoeet 0 i vd a {agei of) .anintteteh biuow doidw atest yiotonl ye ue bas soifere: jadt o1oes binow doidw omacerg caod} sot bexilegel ed gaiwollol edt bived@ 2 ~ibom ygatwollot od? sax ot seoots jadt aloorlse om..@eY Siled orld ne haqmsie od blvow donlw sataitaoh +r dost snot hoonl od bisow dsliw ebagodiloell 0 aheon saldx oft to moijoon selusiixeq yon TOE “at ae el ok wodmun woijose bare olux ovig saenrevorqinl visenosano oft mort staiveb dlairlve atodead .d eidueb sit es done) oqet gaix baa tom olgate bia setever co jaammeD ‘tigi & eseuso doidw ostveh gnibiess1 git : Tis 8 ae FIITIMMOD SHtAMMOITZIUO Ni Ssenipuep aot .(deaht of JgwnneM 4 WwW 22503 Sumac WAL 6 | WL gota WoT! clawaO: wAMaAHD atTROT V HH Msi e et Jovian ae .. aotteosd eront Je? oa bemgiesh breodslosd qolleme A . aids ed Liw duos ot to bane odd ta erotetooge ae as¥ Jeog oft dguoxdd og Had adi o92 of . VE Nd belseds evisnnoitzeup vd. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoyo A. Rowe Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SAiMON, JR. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to ...... DY%e..F.C. Allen, Dir. of Ath. U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last 4. Concerning the three second lane rule (check spring: one) a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory.......... Bs : tory? Yes... Ay... BO a) csspee b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... b. Do you favor the restraining circle around ce. Make restriction apply only to lane and half center circle? Yes..X oe Nei the circle... Xs... ec. Do you favor the rule which allows four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following charged time out periods? Yes... Mi held ball at the nearest one of the three d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a restraining circles? Yes............ No... e- defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? jump should be eliminated would you favor Yor. MK... MA: retaining the center restraining circle? Vee... Ps. eee ‘ 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Yes............ No. asia Os ct No... nee b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) vite! Wa: No... a (1) Immediately from end of court... 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- touching the ring or net is a violation even a. when the ball is not on or in the basket? (3) From end of division line after being _- No... : 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing handled by official............. ee reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of f hich i 38. Should the following be legalized for those ses _ a oe eee ~ agai ; ; pressure which would secure that reaction and schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: which would be stamped on the ball? Yes eis a. Backboards which would be placed four feet NO.......---00+0 Ca ee a Me. 10. If any particular section of the rules needs b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light ede, Voc. No..h.. c. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Tu... DO cine This questionnaire checked by.......! ah Location improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SaMueEL Rocers J. W. Sr. Crair Oswatp Tower, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. ° NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JOHN | Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. SECRETARY, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Ks. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. i, Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory ? Noite: dc eaeete omen b. Do you favor the restraining circle around center circle? Yes... Es alas ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? Vee. No........... d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? Vale ie Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump following a field goal? i Me... b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court............. (2) From end after being handled by offi- Cloak. (3) From end of division line after being handled by official... Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet inside the end lines. Yes............ No...4<.... b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to flash). Yes............ tok e. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ This questionnaire checked ee baie Aare Location ..... 4, 10. Concerning the three second lane rule (check one) a. Present rule is satisfactory....- Mies. b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half the @irele:..2 a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at the nearest one of the three restraining circles? ee. Mb scc ges b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center restraining circle? Yao. NOEs In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- ing from the rear” being properly enforced? — 7... hile Would you favor making the free throw lanes MOB os 0. 2 Would you favor changing the rule so that touching the ring or net is a violation even when the ball is not on or in the basket? Yes... Nola Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction and wider? which would be stamped on the ball? ra. DY iste If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W.. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J. W. Sr. CLair OswaALpb TOWER, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoyp A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio of Ath. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLOYD A. Rowe Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. Saimon, JR. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHNn . Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to Dr. F.C. Allen, Dir, of Ath. U,..of Kansas, Lawrence, Ks. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last 4. Concerning the three second lane rule (check spring: one) a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory...... . ag tory? Yes. Pe DPD scone ssestns b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... b. Do you favor the restraining circle around c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half — center circle? Yes............ Pg 5 ss the circle............. ec. Do you favor the rule which allows four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following charged time out periods? Yes..{..... No.......... held ball at the nearest one of the three d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a restraining circles? Yes..../...... NO....--2---o-+ defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? jump should be eliminated would you favor Vou. we i. retaining the center restraining circle? Ya 4+ Beh 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Von ©... ae Yes puedes NO: Mos b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) ae wat Wee eV (1) Immediately from end of et | 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- touching the ring or net is a violation even a. when the ball is not on or in the basket? (3) From end of division line after being Yes......1... NO...» : 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing handled by official............. or ee reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of ts which termi 8. Should the following be legalized for those ay : ween See Orne bei toa : 2 pressure which would secure that reaction and schools that choose to use the following modi- P fications: which would be stamped on the ball? Yes..\......... a. Backboards which would be placed four feet en inside the end lines. Yes............ No....<.... 10. If any particular section of the rules needs b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double > ring recording device which causes a light improvement give rule and section number - Comment on reverse side. to flash). Yes........... POE Fie QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more W. E. Meanwett spectators at the end of the court will be able SamuEL Rogers J: W. Sei Citar to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ Nai... This questionnaire checked by fet Lt ee foe can Necaia flan c Location Oswatp Tower, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN f » hgh) dehedl | _ NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S.A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. . CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio . 40 Wall St., New York, N. ¥.. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V.: Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES. AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to U. Dr. F.C. Allen, Dir, of Kansas, Lawrence, Ks. ’ The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. % Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory? Yes..,X.... PO sic ent b. Do you favor the restraining circle around center circle? Yes....X.... Me ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? Yes..X... oss. d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? Te. No....A... Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump following a field goal? Yes............ No... 2<... b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court............. (2) From end after being handled by offi- OR is (3) From end of division line after being handled by official............. Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet inside the end lines. a A Ose b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to flash). Yes.......... 6. 2. ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ — -. This questionnaire checked by............... - 4, 10. Concerning the three second lane rule (check one) a. Present rule is satisfactory............. b. Remove all three second lane atte c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half the circle............. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at the nearest one of the three restraining circles? Yes............ No... X... b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center restraining circle? In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- ing from the rear” being properly enforced? MOA oo He Would you favor making the free throw lanes Wess. NOE Fs Would you favor changing the rule so that touching the ring or net is a violation even when the ball is not on or in the basket? Sea i 7. Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction and which would be stamped on the ball? Yes soa traxe INGOs og . If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number wider? Comment on reverse side. Location _... f QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J. W. Sr. Ciair Oswatp Tower, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN ~ CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoYD A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio of Ath. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JOHN VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V. Porter TREASURER, FLoyp A. Rowe Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to ...DPs F.C. Allen, Dir.of..Ath. Us..Of RORSGg, UMWrenee, Fanse. ic The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last 4, Concerning the three second lane rule (check spring: one) a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory... tory? Yes.. ae Me). b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... b. Do you favor the restraining circle around c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half center circle? Yes..t<..... ei the circle............. ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held bail at the nearest one of the three charged time out periods? to. Be...4-. restraining circles? Yeo. Wg d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. Tf (a) should not be adopted and the center of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center restraining circle? SOR TAO coo Yes... TO acne 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Yes...1..... eR ee No..¥,.-..- b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) wider? Yes:2:2:5:. Nose... (1) Immediately from end of court....¥...... 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- touching the ring or net is a violation even dad when the ball is not on or in the basket? (3) From end’ of division line after being Se Se : inaied ical... 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of : : factory tests which would determine the legal 3. Should the following be legalized for those : : pressure which would secure that reaction and . schools that choose to use the following modi- | — which would be stamped on the ball? Yes........ fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet NO...-------++ inside the end lines. ae Ss 10. If any particular section of the rules needs : : improvement give rule and section number b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light Comment on reverse side. to flash). Yes............ No.....------- QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more W. E. MEANWELL spectators at the end of the court will be able Samuet Rocers J. W. St. Crair to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ INO csr Oswatp TOWER, EDITOR This questionnaire checked by.....&4 Location .. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. . NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CHAIRMAN, L. W, St. JOHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SA: MON, JR. 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois secreTARY, H. V. Porter NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to ......O%s.F2Ce Allen, Dir, of Ath. U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V, Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. i; 2. 3. Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory ? to. Ocak b. Do you favor the restraining circle around center circle? ne ae ooo cscccoeans ce. Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? Yes...4.... PIO esse cece d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? Vos No..../4..... Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump following a field goal? Yes...,X.... Pec sesgesice b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court... : (2) From end after being handled by offi- cial....X... (8) From end of division line after being handled by official............. Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet inside the end lines. Yes............ No..A na b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device mm causes a light to flash). Yes............ No..f®....... ec. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to © ss ball go through the goal. Yes............ WOO. Pasi This questionnaire checked by....... Locatis endlind 7 4. 10. Concerning the three second lane rule (check one) a. Present rule is ciate. b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half the circle............. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at the nearest one of the three restraining circles? Yes............ No..... Xx... b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be eliminated would you favor retaini the center restraining circle? Wess. NG: In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- ing from the rear” being properly enforced? We. oc No... LX... Would you favor making the free throw lanes wider? Yes............ No... ale Would you favor changing the rule so that touching the ring or net is a violation even when the ball is not on or in the basket? Wes us. No. ae Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction and which would be stamped on the ball? Yes..../\.... PRRs dress If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W., E. MEANWELL Samuet Rocers J. W. Sr. Cra Oswatp Tower, EDITOR H. CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoyp A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. : NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. . CANADIAN I. A. U. : CHAIRMAN, L. W, St. JOHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohie 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to ...DP+ F.C. Allen, Dir. of Ath. Ue...0f Kansas, =Lawrence,. Kans. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 3 Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory? Ta A. ee b. Do you favor the restraining circle around center circle? Yes. 2%... PH coscncisdus ec. Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? Yes..4\.. No.......... d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? Wes A ONO Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump following a field goal? Yes............ NoA\........ b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court............. (2) From end after being handled by offi- cial...7\.... (8) From end of division line after being handled by official............. Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet a eee No. b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to flash). Yes... Oe ce. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able inside the end lines. to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ No...4..4... This questionnaire checked by..........4-€Z44 4, 10. Concerning the three second lane rule (check one) a. Present rule is satisfactory...¢...... b. Remove all three second lane restriction........... c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half the cirele............. a. Would you favor having all jumps following held ball at the nearest one of the three restraining circles? Yes............ Nod... b. If (a) should not be adopted and the center jump should be eliminated would you favor retaining the center restraining circle? Fe... No..26 mee In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- ing from the rear” being properly enforced? Bc No..X. ests Would you favor making the free throw lanes Yes... Novnnnns Would you favor changing the rule so that touching the ring or net is a violation even when the ball is not on or in the basket? TOR. Aine: No.. 2K... Would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of factory tests which would determine the legal pressure which would secure that reaction and wider? which would be stamped on the ball? Yes............ Nou p If any particular section of the rules needs improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. Locatio QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J. W. Sr. Ciair Oswatp Tower, EDITOR oo Porter, CHAIRMAN CANADIAN A. B. A. TREASURER, FLoyp A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. = NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. ‘ CANADIANILA.U. — - CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JoHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to...DP+ F.C. Allen, Dir. of Ath. The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1, Concerning rule changes which were made last spring: a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- tory? ae es b. Do you favor the restraining circle around thee det Ya ie. ec. Do you favor the rule which allows four charged time out periods? ae Tees d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a defensive player to strike the ball and hand of an opponent while the hand is on the ball? oe. NG. oe. Concerning center jumps: a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump following a field goal? ta te. cus b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be thrown in (check one) (1) Immediately from end of court............. (2) From end after being handled by offi- cia (3) From end of division line after being handled by official............. Should the following be legalized for those schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: a. Backboards which would be placed four feet inside the end lines. Yes............ Meo b. Baskets which deviate from the customary single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to. fash). Yese............ PO Gorse ec. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. Yes............ No.