le ee Se 4 Se Ge Te Be Ge Nine Game Averages Score: aweragce-ef 42.7 points Goals: s¥erege-shets attempted 61.5; evemage made 1607; % 27el Free throws: s#erese attempted 16; swewase made 9633; % 5823 Personal fouls: -werege 10.2 Offensive personal fouls: sverese .78 Violations: swermm 3.7 Rebounds from own backboard: ewermre"£1.35 Rebounds from opponent's backboard: amererme 22.3 Passes and good catches: 559el passes and 345 catches 10. Wild passes: total 7257; out of bounds 267; to opponents 4.9 ll. Held balls: obtained by opponents 3.1 126 Fumbles: total Gel; out of bounds 3el1; to opponents 3 15. Tapped ball: out of bounds 1e3 14. Jump ball: tapped and recovered owmm jump ball .55 15e Jump ball: recovers teammate's jump ball 10-8 16. Assists: total 24; immediate 13; secondary 11 17. Evaluation points: 1091e2=735.2 = 1018 points per game 18. Evaluation points per minute of play: 5209 points 19. Evaluation points per score: 239 points Four non-conference and Five conference games le Score: non-conference average 42 points conference , 4362 points 2e Goals: non-conference average shots attempted 68e753 avee made 17; %.2467 conference . 558 - " 16.45%. 2904 3e Free throws: non-conference average sas attempted 14.0; avee made 8200; % 57el conference | ¥ . i706 2 " 10043 % 5909 4. Personal fouls: non-conference average 105 Conference . 1020 Se Offensive personal fouls: non-conference average «25 conference e 1le2 6 Violations: non-conference average 3 conference tt 462 7. Rebounds from own backboard: non-conference average 22.0 conference . 2026 8- Rebounds from opponent's backboard: non-conference average 19.0 conference eae 9. Good passes and good catches: non-donference good passes, 3744753 catches, 362 conference ™ . 346 06 : 33104 10.Wild passes: noneconference, 8. 53 out of bounds, 2. 753 — -_ CrPseeers 5e75 conference, 703 tt t 206 4.4 ll. Held balls obtained by opponents: non-conference, 2 conference 4, 12e Fumbles: non-conference, 6425; out of bounds, 3025; obtained by opponent, 3 conference 6.0 . 3¢0 . 3 13. Tapped ball out of bounds: non-conference, 1425 conference let 14. Tapped and recovered ovm jump ball: non-conference, e5 times conference. no times l5e Recovers teammate's jump ball: non-conference, 13475 conference Bet 16 Assists: non-conference, 254253| immediate 1305; secondary, 11.475 conference 2500 2 1226 = 1004 17. Evaluation points: non-conference, 1134 = 1065 evale ptsem 69 eval. points conference 1057. =: 980.4 ™ * «2 164 > ” 18. Evaluation points per minute of play: 5.09 19¢ Evaluation points per score: 2569 Ze in Three Conference Games records were made on Both Teams 1. Scores: Opponents 102 Kansas 139 70 Goals: Opponents took 184 shots, made 39 goals; averse gee Kansas ee . 56 * pod Se Free Throws: Opponents took 44 shots, made 24; average 545 Se be Te Kansas -.- " 7 9643 Personal fouls: Opponents 36 Kansas =7 Offensive personal fouls: Soth teams made o personal fouls while they had the ball and called offensive foulse Violations: Opponents 16 Kansas Ls Rebounds off own backboard: Opponents recovered 51 8 9e Kansas . 70 Rebounds off opponent's backboard: Opponents recovered 34 Kansas . 78 Good passes and good catches: Opponents, 607 good passes; 485 catches 106 lle 1l2e 13-6 l4e 15e 166 17. 18e 19. Kansas 105 , 998 rs Wild passes: Opponents, 20; 6 out of bounds, 14 to an opponent Kansas 193; 6 out of bounds, 13 to an opponent Fumbles: Opponents, 203; 9 out of bounds, 11 to an opponent Kansas 203 10 out of bounds, 10 to an opponent Tapped ball out of boumds: Opponents, 4 times Kansas 4 times Held balis: Opponents obtained 17 Kansas sj 16 Jump ball: Opponents tapped one recovered —~ ome ball 1 time Kansas ' ” " no times Jump ball: Opponents recovered —— S jump ball 32 times Kansas . : . yee Assists: Opponents made 54 assists; 29 immediate, 25 secondary Kansas "ee ™ 4] . 36 7 Evaluation points: Opponents, 1995 positive; 244 negative Kansas 3210 ” 237 m Evaluation points per minute of play: 509 Evaluation points per score: 2349 le oe Se 46 Se be Te Se Ge 10. lle lee 136 14.6 15. 166 17. 18. 19e 206 2le 226 236 o4e 256 266 27 e 286 296 TABLE II EVALUATION CHART DATA, NINE GAMES Nine home games 4, Noneconference 5 Conference Totals Average games, average games, average Score 384. 4267 4240 4.3 02 Goals attempted 554 6145 68e75 558 Goals made 150 1647 17.20 1604 Percentage 27 el 2Tel 247 2904 Free throws attempted 144 1620 14.0 1726 Free throws made 84, 9455 820 1004 Percentage 580d 585 57el 599 Personal fouls 92 1062; 105 1020 Offensive personal fouls 7 278 225 120 Violations 35 Se7 500 4.92 Rebounds recovered from own backboard 191 2led 2200 2046 Rebounds recovered from opponent's backboard 201 2208 19.0 2540 Good Passes 5232 S59 el 574475 546 06 Good catches 3105 545 20 36240 55104 Wild passes to out of bounds 24 2067 2015 2e60 Wild passes to opponents 44, 449 5075 444 Fumbled ball out of bounds 28 Sel 5025 500 Fumbled ball to an opponent 27 50 500 50 Held balls obtained by opponents 28 Sel 200 40 Tapped ball out of bounds Le lsd 1025 14 Tapped and recovered owm jump ball 2 005 *D 0.0 Recovers teammate's jump ball. oT 1028 1375 8 e4 Immediate assists ii? 1340 1345 12 06 Secondary assists 99 11.0 1175 104 Total evaluation points 9162 1018 1065 9804 Positive evaluation points 9821 109142 1134 1057 20 Negative evaluation points 659 7302 69 7606 Evaluation points per minute of play 5209 5009 5edd 469 Evaluation points per score 2509 2509 25 04 22el Ze Se 4e Se Ge Te 8. 96 10. ll. 126 156 146 15.6 166 17. 18. 196 206 2l1e eee 256 246 256 266 27Te 28-6 29% TABLE III EVALUATION CHART DATA, THREE FINAL HOME CONFERENCE GAMES Opponent 's Home team totals totals Seore 102 139 Goals attempted 184 165 Goals made 39 56 Percentage 2led 3509 Free throws attempted 4.4, 42 Free throws made 24 oe. Percentage 5465 6463 Personal fouls 36 | 27 Offensive personal fouls 3 3 Violations 16 15 Rebounds recovered from om backboard 51 70 Rebounds recovered from opponent's backboard 54 78 Good passes 607 LO2S Good catches 4.85 998 Wild passes to out of bounds 4 4. Wild passes to opponents 14 13 Fumbled ball out of bounds 9 10 Fumbled ball to an opponent Li 10 Held balls obtained by opponents at 16 Tapped ball out of bounds 6 6 Tapped and recovered own jump bell 4 0 Recovers teammate's jump ball 32 25 Immediate assists £9 41 Secondary assists 25 56 Total evaluation points 1751 2979 Positive evaluation points 1995 5216 Negative evaluation points 244 257 Evaluation points per minute of play e92 4,97 172 2008 Evaluation points per score * BIG SIX CONFERENCE RESEARCH le lestutty—trs-mede—on—the length of time consumed in bringing the pall across tne division line after a goal or free throw had been made p Complete information from 18 games shows that: a) the act was performed 586 times for an average of 31e4 times per game; (b) a total time of 2527e1 seconds was used for an average of 1404 seconds per games Ot 2 mre oe SH deg, (c) the average time for each individual movement across the line was 4457 secondse | 2e A-study ofthe number and location of held balls during es wes-mette.e Complete information from 24 games shows that: (a) held balls occurred 220 times in one end Givele fer an average of 9el per ame 5 (b) held palls occurred in the opposite end circle 163 times for an average of | 6.8 per games | | a (c) held balls occurred 52 times in the center circle for an averese of 262 per game; : (a) held balls occurred for a total of 435 times for an average of 18.1 times during each gamee . of a jumped ball before control of it was lost to the opposition. Complete ins formation from 24 games shows that: (a) goals were made 32 times for an average of 1233 per gamee ea hae ey a ff (cu , : ser) Zz A, Ped oe AA FR CAL - CaF 4M aes Cath > Loe 24 A P Os . CS a @ Bee de Bt. Kitt Cone, Lon GN tei ht Ka fi ees 160 Hpi. D KN, afl es is da. at. g Poi e Ue BS a. BS ke. At - a Ps ia, dt Oboe. as Jagd Se. 8 3 41 ey t “ $i a= Ko tra, Cad fate Sabena Cob, Soa atacn= 4 01. Lek. rrr ce ine fe. 1S Za | ba. i We ee Ansel : / A: i. ad i. ale dete Mra -¥ 2 \ Fein Centre Bhi (L 2 Da mying 9 (Ad hk, HAAG CO Nur Lt hohe | i I ofc g py A? Prades we trae (etre ‘ ‘ oe eos Ahern JB es ® 7 7: > 7 a SI tt Kh Ck Tak, off: od, dh —— ia pe 2 f po Ue fo, Se CAace. eee LO Lb _* . : pS 206% 8 Ie 2fio- Khe Dela. Py hine “ef 33 [4s] 52 fo Bi Jeds Cat Drees “fe ro Afra - Ths Ae Aue a Aya Sar Lt Mh, Kasra. (el a" 70S x fo fo 2/1§- Wes —-Ohby Dey. Dp oe 24- LE Tho, ‘ Cal Ba a a4 fate Sudha ae, Cane jeg Zo - /O Kb Ng de 2195. ee (3 Jo. Ohz, oe Spe ay penne eee An fn le < Beth 3 faa x / ly. /46e., ay ae ee a epi s.-Choe, Cs tees | Je ee pe ee aes ae ae Male 25271 78:0 7 eee oo \eF 435 ar oa re 2 : =e (here igor ee a . a =, <8 \; ps Ww r &, 1958. Sonehow varticularly Ve play our last game with the University « 1 am not on Maroh Srd. Afker that it will take me sone time to. i in cotting date, that I have and to Theve has been #0 meh talk previous years that I about but de so little work on. that a 12-foot basket was the only baby thet 1 | x wat ee reine 2 eats as scom as the work is completed. does t sttat Le iu a i : iW if Yours, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS / LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS February 11 2 9 =o ye Mr. Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Conn. Dear Mr. Dole: As Chairman of the Researeh Commit- tee of the National Basket Ball Rules Committee, I am endeavor- ing to do a bit of research work on exceptionally tall men in the various National Collegiate Districts of the U.S. Would you kindly list for me the names of all men in your district whether members of your con- ference or not who are taller than 6 ft. 3 in.? I especially want those over 6 ft. 5 in. and better. Will you please give me the school that they are affiliated with and their year in college as far as competition is concerned? I would appreciate your writing me at once giving the names of the outstanding tall men that you know of and then write the other schools that you have heard of having tall men for definite confirmation. I will appreciate youwe early coopera- tion. With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, Representative 5th Dist. Nat'l Collegiate Ath. Ass'n. FCA: IW ) NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. - CANADIAN A. B. A. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A Ay os TREASURER, FLoyp A. Rowe Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio ; { CHAIRMAN, L. W. St. JOHN ? secretary, H. V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois VICE-CHAIRMAN, H. H. SALMON, JR. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1937 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be : presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 6th to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1. Concerning rule changes which were made last 4, Concerning the three second lane rule (check spring: one) a. Is the new rule on communication satisfac- a. Present rule is satisfactory... }O2Z@ tory? Yesg gag ae £y b. Remove all three second lane restriction... B45 i b. Do you favor the restraining circle around c. Make restriction apply only to lane and half : 3 center circle? Yes. LABONo....68.. the circle... S49 : ’ ce. Do you favor the rule which allows. four 5. a. Would you favor having all jumps following eo held ball at th arest f the thr Fa charged time out periods? Yeh B Eno. sey. ' oe " * — 44s ie ass or traini i 2? Yes. ! No... 882 rs d. Do you favor the present rule which allows a oe " bs defensive player to strike the ball and hand b. Tf (a) should not be adopted and the center e of an opponent while the hand is on thegball? jump should be eliminated would you favor i retaining the center restraining circle? Bes Yes@@6é.-- No..g49- pe Yes. BBS. No... S22 a 2. Concerning center jumps: 6. In your territory is the rule relative to “guard- & a. Do you favor eliminating the center jump ing from the rear” being properly enforced? following a field goal? Yes. g94- No.6 58-- Yes... 969 No..495. b. If (a) should be adopted, ball should be 7. Would you favor making the free throw lanes thrown in (check one) wider? Yes..¥@.. No.31449 (1) Immediately from end of court... 693 8. Would you favor changing the rule so that (2) From end after being handled by offi- touching the ring or net is a violation even : when the ball is not on or in the basket? Gal... 6321 (3) From end of division line after being Yes... B16 No... 2296 ; 9. Would you favor having the proper bouncing meen hy official... 343 reaction of a ball specified and the requiring of : s . factory tests which would determine the legal 3. Should the following be legalized for those pressure which would secure that reaction and schools that choose to use the following modi- fications: which would be stamped on the ball? Yes. L133 a. Backboards which would be placed four feet No.... 380 10. If any particular section of the rules needs inside the end lines. Yes. 664 No. 94%. b. Baskets which deviate from the customary — single net and ring type (such as the double ring recording device which causes a light to flash). Yes. 4368 No. @g}- e. A smaller backboard designed so that more spectators at the end of the court will be able to see the ball go through the goal. YesQg4-- No...1361 This questionnaire checked by Location improvement give rule and section number Comment on reverse side. QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE W. E. MEANWELL SAMUEL ROGERS J. W. St. CLair Oswatp TOWER, EDITOR H. V. Porter, CHAIRMAN 1. “oncerning vue salted nies a unde Leet aii a, Is the new rule on comaunieation satisfactory? New Bngland States & ew York 52 Connecticut) on Soe aon indi: Lllinoi wd ’ ° gan, indiana ois ay Kansas) ' , a btates 103 onsin, North Dakota, South Total: —. OS b>, Do you favor the restraining circle around center circle? Total: 1480 ¢, Do you favor the rule which all periods? ws four charged time out New Bn _ spetes & New York 2 101 155 209 28 Total: 1485 g yey Ie © the present rule which allows a defensi 2 . r the all and hand of an opponent while “han nd is dled by official Atlantt c Nort ‘thwe - States 26 112 112 et Page three + (3) Yrom end of division Line efter being handled by offic iad New &n land States & New York 4 tlantic Coast 21 schools that choose to S. Should the pen ve legalized for those use the following modifications: which would be placed four feet inside the end lines. a. Backboards ie 554848 Be Baskets which deviate fren: 2 customary single net and ring ype (8uch as the double ring vocuraine device which causes a Tent to flash. Total: 415 ¢. A emailer bac! rd designed so that more spectators at the end ofthe court wiil be able tome the ball go shrough the coal, Total: 204 1551 Page four - 4. Concerning the three second me rule A. Present rule is satisfactory New &n a aoe & New York 18 Totel; 1024 >, Remove all three second lane restriction Atlantic Coast States & New York 18 Horthwest States Total: 345 Total: 54 5, @. Would you favor having a1] jumpa following held ball at the ne@rest one of the three restraining circles? gland States & New York 21 32 New | Atlantic Coast il = —— — 279 = 878 Total: -667—tiéiSDN ge five - be Tf (a) should not be adopted and the center jur eliminated would you favor worasnene the center circle? | : iaisatie Geeat Gentral states Dorthwest States | States Southern 6, In your territory is the : year" being aeele @ ay forced: 7, Would you favor makin w mel nd States & New York arene Coast sat, State _ Page six - 9. would you favor having the proper bouncing reaction of a ball uiring of factory tests which would < : sife a would secure that re action and which would we cuminet on the ball? the ecel and the req England States & New York i nt give rule or SUNIROPOLITAN BASE oT ALL WRITERS ASSOCIATION Madison Square Garden, Mareh 10 «88 14 9 112 College School officials Basketball Total Coaches Coaches Writers lL. A= You © 28 61 8 . = No 0 B - Yes No G - Yes No De- Yes no on 2, A = Yes No Bel 3, A = Yes No B - Yes C = Yes No 4,A- 5. Ae Yes B = Yes No 6, A= oe 3 No 8, Yes Wo 9. Yes No D2 OC Qe Fh UO Th OPH OF UR BY BS OH HIT Of HH O ——_— Ro ow we Ca Sun Ve» om Sa wew oo wou ob wi oF ae ok Sp BS ®6 82 Ibe 35 S&F as F oi UE Ba Se ER Be Saw Se Be Ba oh BK EY +t » oe BB Se SS BB So bot ea *., SS ue BE BS ~S uF o Use curved line 5 feet under basket. — ) Change backboard - reduce size, Raise basket higher, - ee 3 ‘ prohibit complicated sets of numbers and outline numbers . Move free throw line back or allew 3 points for field goal. Lene made 12 feet. Bore & yee rectangle 10 feet wide for lene. FRONT AND ZACK COURT — Make front court 45 feet. a es Allow only 1 bounce in the back court to encourage defense to advance, larify action along center line, | Remove 3 second and 10 second rule. Permit nS play in circle - 5 second rule apply to lane. Don't allow 3 second rule against zone defense. | < legalize presence of offensive player in his free throw lane or circle “or indefinite period so long as he is not in possession of ball. Once in possession he would be compelled to pass, dribble out or attempt “goal, : JUMP BALL - cMTHR JUMP gule to give official authority to call jump ball to prevent injury in piling om when one or more players dive for ball. Roate center position each quarter with any 4 of 5 players. If center jump removed - 5 time outs. | eee i Include in 14-11 the ‘violation of entering circle too soon. = If A gets ball in jump and 5 is in too soon, disregard violation. Require offender to attempt free throw at opponents’ basket. Count Bliminate underhand shots made to draw fouls. provide action during free throw by having ball tossed to free fromtout of bounds at end, | : position amd shooter brings arms or ball into defensive man s Arle 6 fouls fouls for disqualification. © ,OULS (continued) ae . Dezipera' foul js to save certain score too common, If basket made med. “ES ‘fo ‘call foul, If missed, call foul and award Free ‘hrow, Allow declination of pemalty if player continues motion to score. Clarify rule on extra throw for deliberate foul, | After Sra (or 4th) uaa Foul award extra throw to offended tean or team may substitute | Six Personal Fovls before disquelification. Five personal fouls before disqualification. Time our High school time-outs 2 minutes. Allow time-outs for injury only. Timer should sound eignal for substitution, Scorer instead of timer should determine whether ball left hands pefore time expired, Clarify rule regarding overtime. . All Free throws at half. / Remove ovt of bounds decision when player forced out. Rigid enforcement for pothering free thrower, Greater attempt at statewide uniformity, Hliminate special interpretations by leagues.