le ee Se 4 Se Ge Te Be Ge Nine Game Averages Score: aweragce-ef 42.7 points Goals: s¥erege-shets attempted 61.5; evemage made 1607; % 27el Free throws: s#erese attempted 16; swewase made 9633; % 5823 Personal fouls: -werege 10.2 Offensive personal fouls: sverese .78 Violations: swermm 3.7 Rebounds from own backboard: ewermre"£1.35 Rebounds from opponent's backboard: amererme 22.3 Passes and good catches: 559el passes and 345 catches 10. Wild passes: total 7257; out of bounds 267; to opponents 4.9 ll. Held balls: obtained by opponents 3.1 126 Fumbles: total Gel; out of bounds 3el1; to opponents 3 15. Tapped ball: out of bounds 1e3 14. Jump ball: tapped and recovered owmm jump ball .55 15e Jump ball: recovers teammate's jump ball 10-8 16. Assists: total 24; immediate 13; secondary 11 17. Evaluation points: 1091e2=735.2 = 1018 points per game 18. Evaluation points per minute of play: 5209 points 19. Evaluation points per score: 239 points