ea \ duly 6, 1958. Hae : nit i H ts ué a18i FCAsH There has been so much talk on the 12-foot basket in previews years tint I have decided net to do more until sumeme sles dees samething. I am not parti ‘ly imterested in a 12-foot basket exept to solve sone of the problens thet many of the couches kick about but do so little work on. Somehow. some of the people thought that a T2 EDITOR Frank Keaney, Rhode Island University MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE E. J. Hicxox, Springfield College, Chairman ArT Kau er, Brown University Kart Lawrence, Allegheny College Roy Munporrr, Georgia Tech. Buiarr GuLiion, University of Tennessee E. M. Hote, College of Wooster Frank Root, Kansas State J. W. St. Crarr, Southern Methodist Univ. Forrest Cox, University of Colorado Sam Barry, Univ. of Southern Calif. VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE Nat Hotman, City College, New York, Chairman Roy Cxiirrorp, Western Reserve University Jor Hutton, Hamline University Harotp E. Foster, University of Wisconsin Sam Barry, Univ. of Southern Calif. BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE ._ Hersert W. Reap, Western State Teach., Chairman Art Kau Ler, Brown University Paut Mooney, Columbia University Roy Munovorrr, Georgia Tech. Harry Rasennuorst, Louisiana State Paut Hinxwe, Butler University Jor Hutton, Hamline University Henry Isa, Oklahoma, A. & M. Ciype W. Hussarp, Denver University Sam Barry, Univ. of Southern Calif. Lro Repmonp, Muskegon, Mich. (High School Rep.) OFFICIALS COMMITTEE Marsu Diezorp, Carleton College, Chairman Joun Breepen, Montana State College Everett Dean, University of Indiana ApotrH Rupp, University of Kentucky Joun P. Sano, University of Vermont COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE Harry K. (Cy) Younc, Wash. & Lee Univ., Chairman Harry RasenHorst, Louisiana State Univ. Cuirrorp WELLts, Logansport, Ind., High School RESEARCH COMMITTEE Vat Lentz, St. Johns College, Annapolis, Chairman PrercE Works, Univ. of Calif. at L. A. H. V. Porter, for the High Schools, Chicago, Ill. Dr. Forrest C. ALLEN, University of Kansas HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE Jacx Lire, Thornton High School, Chairman CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE Prerce Works, Univ. of Calif. at L. A., Chairman H. G. Oxszen, Ohio State University Grorce Epwarps, University of Missouri L. W. Jourvet, University of Pennsylvania PRESS COMMITTEE Ray Hanson, Western Ill. State Teach. Col., Chairman All Committee Chairmen CONVENTION COMMITTEE GrorcE Krocan, University of Notre Dame, Chairman A. C. Lonzorc, Northwestern University Netson Norcren, Chicago University W. S. CHANDLER, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Dr. JAMES A. NAISMITH, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HONORARY PRESIDENT SKETBALL COACHES J.W.BUNN, STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA SECRETARY-TREASURER January 21,1958. Dr. Phog Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Docs I am beginning to get together the ne- cessary material of interest for my report as your chairman of the Research Committee. There- fore, I am appealing to you as a member of this committee, for eny' suggestions, any material of interest to you, your,section of the country and to this great game of ours. Let me have whatever dope you have and also the names of those you know that are doing a bite of experimenta}tion. Thanking you for your kind co-operation and with kind personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, Valentine Lentz Chairman Research Committee. Next Convention: Chicago, Ill., Monday and Tuesday, April 4 and 5, 1938 duly 2) 1938. Dear Elmers _1 a enclosing @ copy of the report Researches im Basketballs I thought you might be ti interested in the chart which we have worked out hare far e rating of our tnslntbal? playorse July 2, 1938 Tanks for your kind letter of Juac 26the it was @ pleasure to hear fran yous With best wishes for a pleasant sumer, I en Director of Physical Education, eS 1937-38 “Jeam Nora Cain Lillian Justice Ruth Dean Frances Williams Coral Worley Lottie Jackson Brownie Barnes Glennis Birket Helen Cathcart Ottilie Ponkoney Pat Patterson Hallie Fern Hunt Merle Luper Melvina Hunter Irma Stricklen SPONSORED BY AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, GALVESTON, TEXAS ANEG © BUwEE-DENG ssa 25 1GSL a 7 @ GALVESTON, TEXAS @ MAX BRAND, Coach © May 2, 1988. you tz here trust the ‘ . Director of Physical Education, Varcity Basketball Coache 29 Race Street Athens, Ohio ‘ April 30, 1938 Mr. ForestmC,. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Mr. B. T. Grover has told us of your batting chart of basketball. He thought chat you would be glad to send us one upon request. you If possible, would,please send two copies. Thanking you for your kindness. | Yours truly, / Eugene MecKa zie Ene. 1 Kay Cte. = ai i i May 18, 1958, Yours, lerecter of 3a Varsity } . Coache = 1 , > wi Attherte, Orcs Nez te 19 Ae al - Mr.Forrest Allen University of = Dear Mr. Alien: Will you blease send me your pamphlet "Batting Percentage in Basketball." I was asked to write to you for the in- formation, by Mr. Brandon Grover, my coach. * Very truly yours, Wayne Gander O1;\0 (THIS SIDE OF CARD TS FOR ADDRESS ] Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawsrence, Kansas ay 16, 1958 yours, JOR BEEL 5 WEST MULBERRY STREET ATHENS, OHIO May 12, 1958 Mr. Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen, I am taking a course at Ohio University in Coaching of Basketball. Mr. B. T. Grover our in- structor told us about your batting chart in basket- ball. He suggested that some of us write to you for a copy of it. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me one. Sincerely yours, Mr. Joe Bell RESEARCHES IN BASKETBALL Dosaveaiad of Physical Education, University of Kansas / Lawrence, Kansas Forrest Ce Allen, Director of Rissead Education and Head Basketball Coach Be Re Bibel, Assistant Professor of Physical Education Ve We Lapp, Assistant Professor of Physical Education The material pyesented fin the following pages represents a partial summary of material gathered d ing ne 1937-38 basketball seasone Data were collec all their conference contests. A paper will be searches in detaile Due to the verify and analyze our complete ’ que Data were collected from 9 home games by a group of, trained assistantse A During the first six games material was taken only on the home teamse For the last three conference games statistics were collected on both teams, thus making several interesting comparisons possiblee The data used in the evaluation of the teams are shown on the summary tablee This material is being made available for the coaches meeting and a more formal write-up will be presented at a later date with additional materiale with hs Lay fama any oobi Te. Mee ee KANSAS OFFENSIVE EVAL UATION CHART For years the main method of eveluating’a basketball team has been on the number of scores that were made by the te to detract from winning basketball & chart was e This evaluation chart was not meant Se The motivating influence back of the to improve the unit in bgfketball, the player. However, many things occur in a basketball game that/che average spectator, and even many coaches, missSe The chart was an attempt to Avaluate and put into figures a team evaluation similar Lo the box score used in Paseballe With that idea in mind a list of offensive activities was made andfeach activity was weighed subjectively. The weight of the : Ate item was given due to its importance in contributing to (ie athena tweens ? 7 : : List of Items A. Positive items Weight in evaluation points le Ce Se 4 De Se Te 8 Qe 10. fl RFR NNN WP OO Field goals Free throws Immediate assists Secondary assists Recovers ball off opponents bakboura Recovers ball off own backboard Taps and recovers own jump ball Recovers teammate's jump ball Makes & good pass to a teammate Catches a teammate's pass Be Negative items le Ze Se 4:6 De Ge Te Se Ge Error of omission Held ball obtained by an opponent Fumbles ball and it goes out of bounds Fumbles ball and it is obtained by opponent Taps ball out of bounds Wild pass out of bounds Wild pass to an opponent Violation of rules Personal offensive foul aOoOPrWANNNEH EH In the use of the evaluation chart, the algebraic sum of the positive and negative points is usede This sum for each game represents the total effectiveness of the teame le Ze Se 4e Se Ge Te Be 96 SUMMARY Nine Game Totals Score: 384 points Goals: 554 shots; 150 goals; average %.27el Free throws: 144 free throws; made 84; average % 5803 Offensive personal fouls : 7 personal fouls while the player had the ball. Personal fouls: 92 Violation: 33 Rebounds: 201 rebounds recovered off opponent's backboard Reboundss 191 rebounds recovered off own backboard Passes and good catches: 3232 passes; 3105 good catches . 10. Wild passes: 68; 24 out of bounds and 44 to an opponent lle Fumbles: 55; 28 out of bounds and 27 to an opponent 12. Held balls; 28 held balls obtained by opponents 13. Tapped ball: 12 times tapped ball out of bounds 14. Jump ball: 2 times tapped and recovered own ball 15¢ Jump ball: 97 times recovered ball from teammate 's jump ball 16. Assists: 216; 117 immediate assists and 99 secondary assists 17. Evaluation points: 9821-659 = 9162 evaluation points 18. Evaluation points per minute of play: 5209 points 19. Evaluation points per score: 235-9 points