le Ze Se 4e Se Ge Te Be 96 SUMMARY Nine Game Totals Score: 384 points Goals: 554 shots; 150 goals; average %.27el Free throws: 144 free throws; made 84; average % 5803 Offensive personal fouls : 7 personal fouls while the player had the ball. Personal fouls: 92 Violation: 33 Rebounds: 201 rebounds recovered off opponent's backboard Reboundss 191 rebounds recovered off own backboard Passes and good catches: 3232 passes; 3105 good catches . 10. Wild passes: 68; 24 out of bounds and 44 to an opponent lle Fumbles: 55; 28 out of bounds and 27 to an opponent 12. Held balls; 28 held balls obtained by opponents 13. Tapped ball: 12 times tapped ball out of bounds 14. Jump ball: 2 times tapped and recovered own ball 15ยข Jump ball: 97 times recovered ball from teammate 's jump ball 16. Assists: 216; 117 immediate assists and 99 secondary assists 17. Evaluation points: 9821-659 = 9162 evaluation points 18. Evaluation points per minute of play: 5209 points 19. Evaluation points per score: 235-9 points