ire Bruce Drake, University of Old " eg Mare ‘Deaz* Bruces Thank you for your letter of the 23rd instant. ate He Ve Porter nt Cideugas wie Ub eehiien uaaueieey oF Win Yoke inois High School Athletic Association, and a member of the Research Committee, is interested in reducing the size of the backboard. Ie fecls that a fen-shaped board would do as well as a larger sixby~ four bounds The objection to the glass backboard is that Rules Committee says that the boards shall be painted whites That a ee ee eee Se ee ee ee eee started many of sporting goods houses sold glass backboardge The reflection of light on the glass and the fact thet the class me Sir Ge wae cede te ot ee ce ee caused the Rules Comittee to put in this mandatory rulings It ie et REE Sh RE Se eee Oute © ee At any rete, I went to thank you for your good With all good wishes, I an FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.