#2 Mr. George J. Johnson Februery &, 1957 being shot and the ball was two feet above the basket. Dr. — Batemith ssid to the conches, When is it that the spectators get the greatest thrill,“ and a coach replied, "When thet old ball gees t the bucket." Dr. Naismith replied, "You are wrong. It is when it is above the basket on its way to the | astion is will the bal : the basket or will it miss. e ae ew : fhe vneertainty of the thing - will it or will it not - one set of rooters pulling for it to through, the other set pulling for it to miss. Isn't that en argument ¢ ble to the jump ball, tip-off or tap in this phase of basket bail. ee aa . 7 When the rules will eliminate the juap ball altogether then I would say thet I would be consistent sand vote for the elimination of the tip-off or jump bell at cen~ ‘ = You are fust making another out of bounds play when you give the opponents the ball out of bounds under the basket. ‘You have removed the dash and color and you haven't speeded up the game only you have enabled a team to pass the bell within bounds. | 3 Bat, the teas which has just scored, if it has half-way intelligence, can drop back quickly on defense before the tean t has been scored upon ters the bali and drives down the floor. Certainly no quick break will be permitted by a half-way smart team under such conditions as these. . A quick break is much more thinkable by a defensive guerd who recovers the opponents' shot off the | back-board and by a semi-long 3 to a sleeper team mate or one who has laid « slightly initiateé a drive to the besket. And, would a quick break be best by a team that has been scored upon recovering the ball and making the sane type of pass? . fhe defense would be thet when the ball starts to go through the hoop, the scoring team senses it imuediate- ly and immediately drops back. While in the other case the offen- sive team would be driving in to follow their rebound and by hav- ing a defensive guard recover it, the first offensive team would /