thrown out of position due to the fact that they are follow. — ing the ball too closely. ! z a en in my 27 years of coaching experi-— an * wit a a es oe ee i have been able to get the tip-off more times than I have lost it with small centers to the fast that the other players on ~ temn make @ tough servap for possess ion of the ball. honestly pelleve thet the teas without a tall center is a tougher figsting team than a team that possesses a tail center end “cite ‘themselves thet they can control the tip. The team without the tall center realizes that it must fight for it and puts up a better serap. ! sik eenti 0 ak oe a thet Heats you ef the tip-off in the center of the court but he = = beter either the oe or offensive basket, Oe either ‘hem away from the goal when they are on way into the eS hee one ee rem ee I would eure all of thisse ills reising the Sine ple basket to a height of 12 ft. ° 3 veally puts the bic fellow ; out of business either umder the offen<__ at loft. basket, but I would leave the high school basket a * : Miller of tures players in the country who are 6 ft.., a= conference here i fix achools in Aas © e fe t. 7 in., severel 6 ft. & Sme;y "Blagere within a vedius of ey a ee wa Pees ee oe are 6 ft. 10 in. So you see — Shase feihous sun Litabaliy stank ant dunt the belie i nto the bas- eee | Te com to analyze the real difficult oe Ticcask the. tie ok ee ‘ta the tH or aids the bell into the basket by his oo tall es a