formed by many of its members, on committees, in raising funds, and as managers of teams, thus contributing to the success of the 11th Olympic games at Berlin. 5. Professor Thomas E. French, on behalf of his committee, made nominations for the various rules committees. The Con- vention voted that beginning next year the principle of rotation now in vogue with the committees on basketball, football, and track apply also to wrestling and swimming. ‘The list of the new com- mittees appears at the end of this Bulletin. 6. Mr. Romeyn Berry, for his committee, presented a slate of officers for the ensuing year, which was adopted, as follows: President, Major John L,. Griffith. Secretary-Treasurer, Professor Frank W. Nicolson, Wesleyan University. Vice-presidents : Mr. Malcolm Farmer, Yale University, 1st district. Professor P. O. Badger, New York University, 2nd district. Professor N. W. Dougherty, University of Tennessee, 3rd dis- trict. Professor Ralph W. Aigler, University of Michigan, 4th dis- trict. _ Professor H. H. King, Kansas State College, 5th district. Professor E. W. McDiarmid, Texas Christian University, 6th district. Dr. H. L,. Marshall, University of Utah, 7th district. Professor H. C. Willett, University of Southern California, 8th district. The following members at large of the Council were elected after the Convention by the new Council named above: Professor C. E. Bilheimer, Gettysburg College, President Thurston J. Davies, Colo- rado College, Director R. A. Fetzer, University of North Carolina, Professor W. J. Livingston, Denison University, Professor S. C. Palmer, Swarthmore College, Professor I. N. Metcalf, University of Chicago, and Dr. J. E. Raycroft, Princeton University. The names of the members of the new Executive Committee will be announced later. RULES COMMITTEES FOR 1937 For football, basketball, and track the figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 before the name of a member of the committee indicate that he is to serve one, two, three, or four years, beginning this year. Association Football Rules Burnham M. Dell, Princeton University, Chairman; ‘Thomas Dent, Dartmouth College; Robert Dunn, Swarthmore College; Douglas Stewart, University of Pennsylvania. Advisory Committee: H. W. Clark, Lafayette College; A. W. Marsh, Amherst College; N. M. Fleming, Penn. State College;