THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE or THE REGISTRAR University of Kansas Department of KG ; Austin Mlen My dear Professor The action of the Board of Regents of January 9, 1943, provides that a graduating senior who withdraws from school to enter the Armed Service during the last quarter of the semester may receive full credit upon satisfactory completion of an exan- ination in each course for the work up to the date of withdrawal. Vik fini is leaving the University to enter the Service and wishes to receive full credit in his course e ; by taking a De saew Boe in accordance with the above ruling. Will you please arrange with him for this exam— ination at any convenient time after the regular meeting of the class on After the student's grade has been ined, please sign the enclosed card, present it to Dean Abo?) for his signature, and return it to the Registrar's Office. The same grade should be recorded on the official grade sheet. Credit for the student in this course cannot be placed on the official University records until this card is on file in the Registrar's Office. LCW: msb Mne Losure