THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Department of University of Kansas My aA: Of. The action of the Deans on December 16, 1941 relative to credits to be allowed to students who leave the University to enter the Service contains the following provision: "A stu- dent who wishes to make the necessary preparation and take an examination over the whole course may receive full credit in that course if he passes the examination satisfactorily. Such an arrangement must be approved in advance in writing by the chairman of the department _and the dean of the school." L) CstHh/ is leaving the University to enter the Service, and it is my understanding that he plans Ee full credit in his course in &% by taking the final examination in this course in accordance with the above ruling. In order to make certain that the arrangements for this examination have the required approval, I am asking that you sign the enclosed card, present it to uae for his signature, and return it to the Registrar's Office. Credit for the student in this course cannot be placed on the official University records until this card is on file in the Registrar's Office, LOW smsb Assistant Registrar Enclosure caning ptt ee