THE WEEKLY TUESDAY (Continued) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1944 OHIO WESLEYAN AT BAS KET BALL FO RM (For Record see Saturday) (For Record see Saturday) ARKANSAS AT PITTSBURGH TRS AUGSBURG AT ST. THOMAS 60 Conway Indpts. 33H 44 Camp Crowder 39 H (For Record see Saturday) (For Record see Saturday) ie Pittsburgh Trs. 387 37 Arkansas 42 V Gorham Pr Springfield (Mo.) 46 Camp Chaffee 57 V Vol. 14, 1 ae oe MACOMB AT AUGUSTANA (R. L) 68 Camp Cham 40 Bega 2h Renee 35 V oj 3 athe 38 Olathe N. A. B. ol. 14, No. 11 Mailed Each Sunday (For Record see Saturday) 27 Monmouth x) Vv Rome Tankers 52 V 25 Wasbbuien B. 24 = , 32 Clinton Hosp. 62 H 40 Albri a 3 40 Warrensburg 36 H PRICE PER COPY 35 Monmouth 61 H 30 DePanl At, 39 Olathe N. A. S. 53H a acon ee eren ee 8 See ea HY . + 3 t. Ambrose 61 H Bite cay 2 ahoma A. & M. asoiby tice Cae pial 39 Camp Bilis 52 V Ae 39H 38 Phillips 66" 49 Oc by Air Mail 36 Camp Grant 64 H 41 Rice 7 yi 40 Warrensburg 41 V 40c by Air Mail Special Delivery Ee Qe ae Be wy 68 So. Methodist 58 68 Gaannes Hos: aH 74 So. Methodist 49 H 33 Iowa Nearness 50 H Fi Sys tanene A. & M. 66 V PAST PERFORMANCE RECORD FOR 1943-1944 SEASON OF ee eae As gRHlllioce Riad aE GION THE NATION’S OUTSTANDING TEAMS FOR AGERDEEN PVG. GOS. ar a “- $8 Baylor as V fe VILLANOVA GAMES TO BE PLAYED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1944, TO Fort D 17H (Por Record see Saturday) bt Texas U. 28 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1944, INCLUSIVE “ Sete NES Wy OHARLESTON (iL) Te AT iL LINOIS WESLE INCLUDES RECORDS OF SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1944 51 Mt, St. Mary's 49 V (For Records see Wednesday) 38 Wabash ware 32 Me idee TS. 49 V 2 24 Indi at Stat na 21 Curtis Bay C.G. 31 H $3 Macon ° ORV KEY 30 Mt. St. Mary's 25 H 68 H H—Indicates that the team whose past performanc rd is 47 Indiantown Gap 44 V 3 Wash St. L.) oe being listed was the home team. r See 87 Cantisy Say ie 34 Ill. State Normal @ Hf V—Was the visiting team. 42 BainbridgeN.T.S. 49 V 45 Mac 49 a N—Indicates that the game was played on a neutral floor. 24 Fort Belvoir 26 H 45 navel tae State 14H *—Indicates an overtime period. i 51 Washington Coll. 31 V 87 Concordia (St. L.) 43) Wireinleaye Raa 37__Charleston ey or x 88 Philadelphia ca. BH ST. JOSKPH (Pa.) gees Cc, GC. N. ¥. si npr eee 48 Phil aoe 49 Indiantown Gap 37 a. C. G. 66 A 43 Columbia Midship- re FEBRUARY 15, 1944 ee BSS, coy AEP cmumiaapiie ALDWIN WALLACE 47 Muhlenberg 50 Camp Millara BR OE ge eee aa) WESTERN MICHIGAN AT FORT CUSTER ti Munloabers Hu 47 N.Y. Marines 35 H a6 Canisius 48 V 7 (For Record see Saturday) 29 Central Michigan 28 H 56 DePaul ea oi 61 Ellis IslandC.G, 170 H 865 Rochester 4 V 47 Franklin U.S.O. 34 H 53 Ls H 27 Oklahoma A. & M. 39 H 54 Ohio een 55 N* eae rCes Michigan 73 V 68 nila. Marines i x POs 66 H* 62 Ober Vv 42 37 H ¢ 37 Arkans: 39 H eaeecaesl a3 y 44 Michigan U. 46 V Se) eraesineae Ciera wees oe John's (Bklyn.) 45 N 44 Akron 38 H 45 Kelloge Field 35 V 48 Pennsylvania 39 N a enO 51 V 61 Camp Reynolds 50 V 50 Michigan Normal 31H 53 Salle 37 H 41 Brooklyn Coll. 33 N 44 Oberlin 35 H 87 Central Michigan 35 V. 43 Drew 2H 37 Canisius 36 V 34 Ohio Wesleyan 61 V $8 Great Lakes 83 ¥ 69 Rhode Island St. §4H ‘1 Muhlenbers 59 V enison 18 V o ichigan 41 Muhlenburg c 49 V 56 Toled 43 V 28 Detroit 34 A ae BY iy Rove Snenigan OLY, BE. Cathearal Too ab 6 owling Green (O.) 44 H fort Sheridan 6 t. Pr: i RHODD ISLAND anes BROWN cE eeu i ae Bie teas Ht 106 Fort Varnum 32H 45 Camp Thomas 51 V MARYLAND AT CATHOLIC U. 36 _St. John’s (Bklyn.) 41 H te Fort Varnum 34 H 60 Connecticut 53 H (For Record see Saturday) 34 Fort Belvoir 31 H WABASH AT DE PAUW Re Sore OR eusies He meee CG Me ee Ok Savy 59 V 6 franklin” $4 Hy Cor Record/see Tuesday) . + je ra Ez 77 U.S. Nay. Air St. 76 H* 61 Quonset. GAS 50 H 57 Gallaudet 27 A 35 Indiana 38 i 61 Camp Endicott 172 H 44 Camp M See alan 31 V 62 Johns Hopkins 39 V 88 Central Normal 32 V 125 Quonset Flyers 718 H 51 CHINA 62 H 42 Washington Coll. 31 V 26 Ill. St. Normal 47 H 82 Northeastern 45 H 66 Quonset C.A.S8.U. 48 V 49 Loyola (Balt.) 29 H 27 Indiana 44 V 48 St. John’s (Bklyn.) 58 V 38 New London C.G.A. 44 H 41 Quantico Marines 52 V 42 Ill. Wesleyan 38 H 91 Maine 52 H 60 Quonset Hdqrs, 52 V 31 Maryland 33 V 25 Indiana State 64 V 61 Connecticut 67 V 42 Rhode Island St. 57 V 37 Juniata 54 H 32 Bowman Field 41 V 57 Brown 42 H 56 Camp Endicott 49 H 47 Washington Coll. 27 49 DePauw V-5 69 V 54 St. Joseph’s (Pa.) 69 V 56 cane M. Standish 57 H 55 Delaware 1V 31 DePauw V-12 39 H 79 St. Joseph’s (Pa.) 67 H Awe 44 V 51 Loyola (Balt.) AN AY 45 Stout Field a 64 Camp M. Standish 48 H 54 Ribas Endicott 42 V 38 Ill. Wesleyan 33 V ea Tong slang U. ee oat ee LOY Sree a ES fe Ill. State Normal 55 V ortheastern oston Indiana State 35 H beeen eS cca 8 ~=WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1944 9 Gases s —_—_————— ormal 33 H CORNELL COLLEGE AT SIMPSON ? U 16, 19 Be TN v-5 aa ey R s ON o Saturday) 7 (For Record se ae MUHLENBERG AT BUCKNELL 49 Franklin 30 V NU. MUSKINGUM (For Record see Saturday) 29 Penn State MARSHALL AT WESTERN KENTUCKY 79 Port Columbus 36 H (For Record see Saturday) 6 7 74 Fort Hayes 34 H 7 News Com benare ns (For Record see Saturday) (For Record see Saturda 95 Lockbourne 43 H i TEMPLE Neutral . JOHN’ 00) 49 Ohio State 60 V Yr yehigh bY GARDEN Be OE ee a 75 Ohio Wesleyan b4 H 32 Muhlenburg - 48 V —_(For Record see Saturday) (Ror Record see Saturday) ea eee pour aoe 42 Villanova 43 Hee TEXAS A. & M. AT 4OUTHERN METHODIST 89 Bowling Green (O.) 53 V De ee ate 35 So. Methodist 65 H 41 Oklahoma U. 37 H 108 Ohio Northern 42 H Aomeciltancys Jeet ing 43 Baylor 48 V 61 Bergstrom Field 46 H 408 Ohio Northern 40 V 40 Texas U. aaa 45 Childress A. A. F. 68 H 39 Oberlin 54H 39 Bloomsburg Trs. 54 V 33 Rice 63 H 36 ri 64 Ohio ‘Wesleyan 46 V CANESIUS 38 EEL 30 H a Bayon 42 H 46 pear ASIP re H 66 Ohio U. 49 H E t. Sam Houston 58 N 65 Texas 35 V 92, Ohio Né Northern 41H ror Record see Saturday) (For Record see Saturday) CORE Sere nn 1 eee nme ee tcc ler 4 y 00! 8 . C. UL 0 A Ae oceten Wallace 62 EL A “wares EAU Fa ae Carbondale (S. Hl.) Trs. 30 Randolph Field 62 V 58 Arkansas 68 V 71 Bowling Green (O.) 55 H 38 Mu ae ee concn Saturday) ie Oe Sonera Cora el aay vs 49 Arkansas 74 V VALPARAISO AT DE PAUL 3 Concordia th) By 43 Corsicana Field Prva ele 61H (For Record see Saturday) (For Record see Saturday) 42 Carbonda! 38 H 33 Ric 67 V 37 T. “6. U. a a GREAT LAKHS Ar DE PAUW eee paev 36 Texas Christian 40 H 49 ‘Texas U. 46 V (For Record see Saturday) 38 Central Normal 30 V 40 Lolla Mines 29 V 64 Baylor 41 47 Indiana 36 H 67 Fourth Ferry 25 H 57 _ Baylor 44 V 40 DePauw V-5 Tas 63 Fourth Ferry 26 H WESTMINSTER (Pa.) AT GENEVA ae plans 7 ve 4 Missouri Mines ar H a een me Reynolds a H (For Record see Saturday) i urray uniata 3H 38 V ; Bf Ghent rakes 45 V CHARLESTON AT TLL. ST. NORMAL 1 Carnegie) ech.) 357¥. ex CeCe 38 ze ri georesrueld oh Ee (For Record see Saturday) 39 Oklahoma A.&M. 41 N* abas ondale 59 Fort Knox 29 V 41 Indiana State 43H* Here eT ie troy 65 Franklin , 26 H 21 Indiana State 40 V 64 Bethany 566 H 76 Fort Knox 36 H 56 Macomb 40 V 46 Juniata 64 V 69 Earlham 24 33 Indiana State 40 H 46 Wash. & Jeff. 39 H 76 Fort Knox 36 H 41 Carbondale 31 V 66 Geneva Z 58 H 69 Earlham 24 A 72 DeKalb 49 H 58 Pittsburgh 54 V 58 Franklin 37 V 50 Ill. State Normal 53 H 69 Carnegie Tech. 54 H 85 Kentucky 38 V 44 Macomb 42 H 35 Bethany 54 V 32 DePauw V-5 29 H 56 Ill. Wesleyan $7 B 76 kron 54 H ELMHURST AT GLENVIEW N. A. S. MARSHALL AT CINCINNATI DeKALB AT MACOMB 44 No. Central (Ill.) 36 H 52 Illinois Tech. 40 H (For Record see Saturda 49 Wilmington 4H oi RCE 50 v4 67 Nonenyen a ie OnE ¢ ED Be Sey Be v —TRIDA FEBRUARY 18, 1944 ~ eK: 50 adio Schoo! mington FR 54 No. Central (Ill.) 55 V 38 Great Lakes 64 V 41 Ohio U. 40 V A R 944, SLT ARO GEE My Ealcen them wilt 7 Bui, BY cass ae ett re eaton cago 42 Concordia (R.F.) 49 V 46 Camp Grant 55 H 71 Wright Field 32 N 39 Carnegie Tech. 32 H (For Record Eves 0e 49 DeKa 8 H 60 Camp Skokie 32 Ohio U. 34 H 58 Camp Mallard 20 H 83 Concordia (R.F.) 41 H Valley 33 H 34 Kentucky 38 H 44 Oberlin b2 V Pa CR Icae OC eee CLEMSON AT DAVIDSON 43 Akron 71 V Cee CATE Oy (For Record see Saturday) 33 Davidson Tr. Det. 28 H Se Onion estoy a Bp 44V 44 amp Grant 47 H 25 Romulus A, 32 V 44 St. Thomas 30 H 3 Army Ind. Center 21 H 4 Notre Dame 52 V 4 Michigan Normal 32 V 3 Great Lakes 45 H 49 Romulus A. 45 46 Camp Grant 38 N 25 ‘Romulus A: B. 32 V 61 DePaul 49. 3 St. Mary’s co L.) 35 H 6 Notre Dame 43 H 34 Fort Custe 28 V 24 Great Lakes 67 V 46 Michigan Normal ee 30 W eee Pen 47 V 44 West Ontario 22 A 63 Detr 34 V 84 Marquette 63 H FRANKLIN-MARSHALL AL MUMUBNEBRG Lehigh 30 H 60 C.C. MS 47 Vv 43 Bloomsburg Trs. 42 H Penn State 34 H 41 Tem 51 H Princeton 89 V 36 teenie 34 V Temple 32 H 54 Ursinus 47 H Lehigh 52 V 36 Villanova 41 H Serentaeree 35 29 Villanova 48 V St. SeRep niet CEa:)) 41 av 25 Albright 28 V Sao 28 V 47 Bucknell 62 H Vil 36 H 87 Swarthmore 49 V 5 Philadelphia Ep al 1et 87 Bainbridge N.T.S. 80 V Bucknell 32 A 63 Swarthmore 1H Pennsylvania 68 A 30 Bucknell 38 V Phila. Marines 35 H st. eso tD (Pa.) 41H Albright 26 H West Virginia 45 H Bloomsburg Trs. 61 H Cc. Cc. N. Y. 41 H 48 Temple 38 V GEORGIA U. AT GEORGIA TECH. 4 Towson Gen. Hosp. 43 H Atlanta N. A. 8. 34 V 44 Clemso: 0V Mercer 31 H 3 Georgia Medics OV: Atlanta N, A. S. 37 H 52 Clem En Georgia Medics 28 H 4 Robins "Field 4V Georgia Prefi. H 4 TOA Clemson 34 V 4 Mere 4H ‘58 Mayport Navy 44 A 4 So. Carolina 4H Georgia Prefi. 43 V 2 Georgia A.S.T.P. 71H Clemson 24H 35 So. Carelina TV Mercer 35 V 4 Lawson Gen. Hosp. 6 V Georgia Medics 45 V 48 Robins Field 42 H 176th Infantry 65 H —_39__Georgia Tech. 42 H 42 Georgia U. 9 V INDIANA STATE AT VALPARAISO 43 George Field 4H Stout Field 46 H 62 Evansville mrt 6 Central Normal 27 H 43 Charleston 41 v* Ill. State Normal 31 V 40 Charleston pape Evansville 33 V 64 Wabash 5 Concordia (St.l4) 64 H 46 Bridge. Brass 3 Bunker Hill N.A.S. 46 H 5 Evansville 29 V Beach Flyers 48 V 70 Ill. Wesleyan 4H Cessna i . 54 V 40 Charleston Sava Boeing Cr 48 V 62 DePauw V-5 40 H In. St. Normal 63 H 63 Central Normal 39 V DePauw V-5 35 A 58 Bridgeport Brass 47 H DePaul 67 H 85 Wabash 1) AY Fort Sheridan 60 H 49 Central Normal 35 H Notre wai 57 V 71 Ill. Wesleyan BBVA 44 DePauw V-5 51 V 4 George Field 9V 41 Bunker Hill NAS. 64 V 48 Valparaiso 2H 389 Central Normal 37 V 52 Indiana State 48 V 60 Bridge. Brass 438 H GETTYSBURG AT LEHIGH 45 Harrisburg A.F.1.C. 33 H 80 Franklin & Marsh. 41 V 43 New Cumberland 41 H 52 Muhlenberg 73 H 39 Middletown A.S.C. 52 H 30 Lafayette 43 V 64 Lehigh 5 H 27 Bucknell 54 V 59 ietarion Valley 8 Vv 35 Bucknell 47 H 35 Albright 0 V 51 Lebanon Valley 38 V 49 Albright 5 H 44 Lafayette 46 H 35 Gettysburg 54 V 48 Lafayette 387 H 39 Albright 81 H __47 Lebanon Valley 39 H ‘GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS AT ST. OLAF _ So. Dakota State 28 H 42 Albert Lea J.C. 22 A 5 Wartburg ape 31 Wartburg 18 H 3 Mankato 3 V 36 River Falls 53 V 5 St. es 0H 72 Navy Sel. Board 24 H 8 St. Ola: 5H 25 Gust. Adolphus 43 V Ceaste Mae (Minn.) 4H 36 Mankato 46 V 47 So. Dakota State 48 V 34 River Falls 27 H 1 pra ato 34 H .85 Carleton 40 H 1 Hamlin 42 V 39 St. marys (Minn.) 49 V 2st Mary's (Minn.) 27 V 40 Augsbu 27 H 0 St. Thom 38 V 26 St. Thomas 51 V 53 Macalester 27 H 44 Augsburg 43 V 36 St. Thomas 40 H 63 Albert Lea Army 26 V KANSAS U. AT NEBRASKA 0 Heringion A.a.B. 27 H 33 Iowa U 50 V 2 Hutchinson N.A.S. 46 H 15 De Paul 6b V 1 Ft. Leavenworth 27 A 21 Minnesota 40 V 6 Washburn 24 V 41 South Dakota U. 31 5 Rockhurst 32 V 23 Iowa State 66 H 3 Rockhurst 28 H 27 Kansas U. 51 V 6 Olathe N. A. B. 42 H 85 Oklahoma U. 45 V 2 Fort Riley 31 H 32 Minnesota 45 H 2 Kansas State 44N 54 Kansas State 47 H 4 Missouri 27 N 32 Missouri 36 H* 5 Pittsburgh Trs. 21 H 29 Missouri 4H 8 Missouri 8b VW 5 Olathe N. A. B. 49 V 1 Nebraska 27 6 Kansas State 80 H 3 Oklahoma U. 24 A 9 Iowa State 40 V 2 5 Washburn 22 H Si 8 Fort Riley 43 V . 85 Oklahoma U. 39 Vo x MIAMI (0.) AT OHIO U. 62 Wilmington 22 H or Rio Grande 28 H 7 ‘Franklin _ 35 H 47 Bowling Green 69 V 4 Earlham, 33 H 46 Toledo 48 V 7 Wright Field 30 H 40 Ohio Wesleyan 33 H 6 Ohio U. 30 H 80 Miama (0O.) 46 V 4 Toledo 37 H 66 Wittenberg 34 V 9 Earlham 45 V 40 Cincinnati 41 H 2 Indiana ; 50 V 49 Denison 66 V ‘66 Cincinnati on 52 H 58 Wittenberg 42 A 5 Wright Field 44 59 Otterbein 53 V 1 Canisius 44 V0 61 Muskingum 41 H 34 Cincinnati 32 V 43 Ohio Wesleyan 34 V MICHIGAN AT NORTHWESTERN 51 Central Michigan 29 H 45 West. Michigan 47 H 42 Romulus A. B, 30 V 48 Notre Dame 32 N 46 Fort Custer 44 H 54 Great Lakes 36 38 West. Michigan 48 H 57 Michigan 47 V 50 West Michigan 57 V* 60 Wisconsin 38 N 47 Northwestern 567 H 77 Chicago U. 20 H 52 Illinois 45 H 43 Notre Dame 36 N 41 Wisconsin 50 V 42 Ohio State 40 H 31 Wisconsin 42 V 36 Great Lakes 46 N 32 Fort Custer 35 V 43 Iowa Seahawks 35 N 44 Purdue 46 V* 47 Wisconsin SOVe® 35 Purdue 51 V 57 Minnesota 32 N 49 Ohio State 53 H 42 Illinois 29 V 39 Ohio State 52 H 43 Camp Grant 51 N 65 Indiana 49 H 46 Indiana 44 14 Chicago U. 41 V MUSKINGUM AT WOOSTER 69 Kenyon 39 A 25 Canisius 338 V 47 Akron 62 H 32 Rochester 59 V 49 Ohio Northern 45 V 46 Otterbein 44 V 86 Ohio Wesleyan SiMe 67 Fort Hayes 13 H 78 Rio Grande 24 V 47 Geneva 36 H 41 Wash. & Jeff. 55 V 88 Denison 44H 41 Ohio U. 61 V 64 Ashland 37 V 74 Rio Grande 38 H 69 Case 51 V 50 Capital 44V 76 Ohio Northern 24 H — s— SATURDAY (Continued) UPPER IOWA AT ah USC OUE U. ne 2 11 College 35 V 59 nton Hosp. a Poareoure 45 V 47 St. Ambrose 37 V 27 Cornell Navy 53 A 53 Savanna Ord. 37 A 43 Coe 45 V 49 St. Ambrose 30 H 26 Luther 46 V 60 Cornell Navy 41H 26 Cornell College 34 H 50 Drake 41 V 38 Simpson SV 54 Wm. Penn SOmavs 42 Central Iowa 67 V 45 Drake 41 H 40 Wartburg 61 H 58 Wartburg 28 H 41 Cornell Navy 16 V 61 Iowa Wesleyan 30 H 58 oe 44 H 40 Luther 52 V 42__Luther 38 Hx ‘BOWLING GREEN AT OHLO WESLEYAN Toledo N. T. S. 42H 41 Oberlin 42 H £6 Camp Perry 23 H 54 Denison 75 Vv 66 Fort Hayes 40 H 44 oe 62 PF 64 Cleve. Diesel N.T.S. 27 H 61 Fort H 47 H 49 Toledo Sun Oil 26 H 55 Baldwin Wallace 54 N* 52 Grosse Ile N. T.S. 34 H 33 Ohio U. 40 V 59 Ohio Northern 25 61 Case 38 A 41 Great Lakes 65 V 87 Muskingum 36 H 69 hio U. 47 H 46 Denison 64 H 73 Oberlin 42 V 48 Oberlin 50 V 58 Camp Bilis 38 H 26 Bowling Green (O.) 66 V 53 Denison 39 H 61 Baldwin Wallace 34 H 39 qatar Field 29 V 59 Patterson Field 40 H 48 Gross 40 V 34 io U. 43 H 54 Patterson, Field 30 H 62 Lockbourne A. B. 35 H 85 Ca 54 V 66 Onio Wesleyan 26 H 68 Ohio Northern 46 V 56 Bluffton 35 N 63 Toledo N, T. S. 28 V 37 Great Lakes 44H 55 Denison 1 V 44 Baldwin Wallace 26 V ST. JOHN’S (Brooklyn) Neutral CANISIUS Be, AUDITORIUM 69 West Point F. A. 47 H 49 Camp Curtiss A.F. 27 H 57 Montclair 34 49 Camp Reynolds 19 H 44 Detroit U. 31 H 46 Erie Coast Gd. 13 H 80 Webb Institute 32 H 36 Brigham Young 45 H 38 Kentucky 44 A 48 Baldwin Wallace 40 H 45 “CCH NS. 38 N 36 Havana U. 21 H 58 Rhode Is. State 48 H 54 West. Kentucky 560 H 36 Temple 32 V 53 Camp Curtis A. F. 29 H 86 Army 49 V 33 Wooster 25 H 68 Cathedral 43 H 36 1 CyNe We 37 H 60 St. Ea Ne )55 H 91 Buffalo Anti-Air . 59 Brookly 0H Artillery Unit 31 H 41 St. OT Ss (@a.) 36 V 42 Sampson N.T.S. 37 H 56 Rochester 50 V 33 Temple 46 H 40 Long Island U. 38 Vo 44 Miami (O.) 41 H GENEVA AT CARNEGIE TECH. 49 Camp Reynolds 41 V 25 Akron 65 V 88 Carnegie Tech. 37 H 32 Case 39 V 44 Bethany 62 V 38 Westminster (Pa.) 61 H 53 Bethany 38 H 37 Geneva 38 V 62 ron 49 H 14 Kentucky 61 N 38 Pittsburgh 44 V 33 Pittsburgh 63 V 39 Wash. & Jeff. 46 H 32 Penn State 34 H 36 Wooster Cd WwW 27 Wash. & J 59 V 36 ron 50 V 45 West Virginia 60 H 58 Westminster (Pa.) 66 V 33 Pittsburgh 52 H 50 Camp Reynolds 49 H 48 Westminster. ee) 65 V 58 Pittsburgh 59 H 31 Wash. 61 H 51 West Virginia 48 V 44 Case 42 H 48 Wash. & Jeff. 50 V NEW YORK U. Neutral COLGATE ee QDI 65 Fort Hancock 710 See AAF TTC 31 V 67 Bklyn, Ma 30 H 59 Hobart 170 H 52 St. Francis *(Bilyn.) 30 N 63 Pale 66 H 64 Pittsburgh 40 H 64 Connecticut 36 H 41 Colgate 48 H 48 wes 41 V 36 Penn State 37 H 40 ae ooaes NES Fh 35 V 46 Connecticut 45 H Rete ts ome le 62 V 43 Columbia Midship- 44 Army 69 V men’s School 46 H 41 manne State 34 V 45 Temple 43 V 45 Cornell U. 40 H 62 Brooklyn College 40 H 44 Hobart 50 V 42 Rochester 44 ILL. STATE NORMAL AT DE KALB (N. Hil.) Valparaiso 49 H 30 Concordia (R. F.) 48 H Wabash 26 V 39 wine a tom 63 H George Williams 52 H 60 Elmhur 48 H Decatur Cater. 40 H 62 Concordia GF.) 37 V Valparaiso 59 V 562 Wh atts 46 V 7 Peoria Diesels 69 V 49 Mai 36 H 53 Great Lakes 83 H 61 Il. “State Normal 47 V : Carbondale 43 A 49 Charleston 12 V Wabash 39 H 61 Carbondale 59 V DeKalb 61 H 48 Elmhurst 49 V Ill. Wesleyan 34 V Macom , b1 V Great Lakes 85 V Charleston 50 V 6 George Williams 387 V ay Carbondale 38 V NOTRE DAME eutral GREAT LAKES cHicaco poo 56 Alma 32 A Glenview A. B. 38 A 42 West. Michigan 46 H é Chicago U. 29 H 4 Wisconsin 31 H 2 Mllinois 44N Northwestern 48 N Bowling Gr’n (O.) 41 H Purdue 40 H Purdue 62 H Wisconsin 47 N Minnesota 32 H Purdue 32 V DePauw V-12 26 H Kentucky 55 N Illinois 64 V Marquette 46 H Northwestern b4 V Nemtiweetenn 43 N Ohio State . 46 N Walnare ey) 44 H Fort Sheridan 52 H 4 Marquet 60 V West. Michigan 40 H 65 Bunker Hin N.AS. 55 H Lawrence 27 A 45 DePaul 61 V Tll. St. Normal 53 V 48 Great Lakes 84 V Fort Custer 38 H 45 Marquette 36 V 67 Glenview N.A.B. 41 V Ottuma N, A. 8S. 30 H Northwestern 36 N West. Michigan 43 V Toledo 25 V Ill. State Normal 47 H arenauel ette 24 H Bow ane} ear cem (0.) 37 V Lawren 35 V Wisconsin 40 V Notre Dame 48 H Fort Custer 23 V OKLAHOMA A. & M. AT OKLAHOMA U. 37 Phillips_U. 22 H Childress A. A, F. 51 H 50 Tinker Field 30 H 8. M. U. 41 V 41 Mics ere aerer (Pa.) 39 N* Norman (S. Base) 42 V 39 C.C. 27 Vv Norman (N. Base) 51 H 42 Fanny 37 V Norman Ne Base) 29 V 39 Enid Flyers 29 H 4 Phillips U. 31 N 66 Texas Tech. 31 N 45 Southwestern 19 Norman (N. Base) 25 N of Texas 31 N 45 Southwestern 31 Norman (N. Base) 27 N of Texas 39 N 61 Kansas State 28 H 44 Texas Tech. 24 40 Oklahoma A. & M. 59 V 42 Phillips U. 28 H 44 Missouri 30 H 59 Enid Flyers 34 V 45 Nebraska 385 H 59 Oklahoma U. 40 H 24 Kansas U. 23 V 60 Will Rogers 28 H 43 Kansas St. 34 V 22 Norman N. A. S. 43 Phillips U. 30 V (N. Base) 23 V 27 Missouri 26 V 66 Arkansas 41 H 30 Norman N. A. S. 17 Arkansas 15 N (S. Base) 32 A 84 Pittsburgh Trs. * 23 H 39 Iowa State 41 H 48 No ncaa aN s. 39 Kansas U. 35 H (N. se) 25 H 26 TiuteHingen NAS 27 H PITTSBURGH AT PENN STATE 40) Nia yYaue 54 V 34 Muhlenberg 40 V 64 Westminster (Pa.) 82 N 26 Bucknell 29 H 63 Carnegie Tech. 33 A 45 Susquehanna 25 H 38 Ohio State 59 V 41 ash. eff. 34 A 44 Geneva 38 Sigua Neways 36 V 12 Penn State 156 H 38 Temple 45 V 52 Carnegie Tech. 33 V 34 Carnegie Tech. 32 V 54 Westminster (Pa.) 58 H 15 Pittsburgh 12 V 59 Geneva 58 V 34 Colgate 41 H 32 Army 66 V 38 Army 49 V 47 Bethany 45 H 38 Juniata 29 H 26 Navy 46 V NAVY Neutral PENNSYLVANIA ONION TION, HALL 59 Catholic U. H 58 Yale 31 A 88 No. Car. Prefi. 45 H 67 Cornel) U. 61 H 73 Swarthmore 39 A 48 Dartmouth 64 H 45 Temple 33 H 62 Princeton 46 V 45 Duke 42 H 51 Cornell U. 50 V 51 Hampden Sydney 28 H 39 St. Joseph’s (Pa.) 48 N 46 Penn State 26 H 66 Muhlenburge 46 V 35 Villanova 27 49 Dartmouth 61 V 67 West Virginia 49 H 53 Swarthmore 45 V 41 Princeton 39 H*® 53 Columbia 28 H 50 Columbia 45 V CARBONDALE AT MACOMB (W. IIL.) 69 Army Air Base 27 H 34 Monmouth 81 V 40 Charleston 46 V 54 PUSS (R.L) 43 H 55 Evansville 35 V 34 low: 82 V 55 Evansville 39 H 37 Ren 44 B 38 Cape Girardeau 42 V* 40 Charleston 56 H 43 Til. St. Normal 45 V 58 Ill. Wesleyan 38 V 81 Charleston 41H 36 DeKalb 49 V 42 Macomb 38 H 38 Carbondale 42 V 59 DeKalb 61 H 51 Ill. State Normal 66 H 38 Ill. State Normal 60 H 49 Ill. Wesleyan 45 H 42 Charleston 44V SATURDAY (Continued) SATURDAY (Continued) BOCKRURED COLLEGE AT KANSAS STATE OLATHE N. A. AT MISSOURI Kansas U. 45 H 45 McPherson 39 H 3 3 Sedaha A. b. 9 3 qeansas ay ve 3 Herding ron N.A.S. aa vs re RaneesqOM a *36 33 flifinots ae 38 it e. 2 as 23 N we eee State = ae H 34 Washburn 31 H it eg ent School By y ot Re ea 34 N 36 Wwititem \ Jewell 51 y 3 aE ere 38 4 ay Benue Trs 3g ut 38 1 28 Washburn 20 H 44 Kansas U. 62 N 48 Topeka A. A. B. 33 H 30 48 Warrensburg 65 V 28 Washburn 33 N 49 Kansas U. 25 H 35 31 Maryville 31 H 33 Iowa State 42 A 56 Kt. Leavenworth 37 H 25 26 Park 35 Hl 28 Oklahoma U. 61 V 48 Missouri 35 H 26 45 Washburn 57 V 43 Fort Riley 67 H 87 Topeka A. A. B. ve 36 25 Missouri une 55 V 63 McPherson 44 V 53 Pittsburgh “Trs. 89 OV 45 30 Olathe N. B. 51 H 30 Kansas U. 36 V 51 Park V-12 : 9H 44 27° WW. ‘arrensburg 49 H a ORO U. eu a 40 Mende 3 vy Nebras 5 ockhurst 37 Washburn 51 V 59 Winter Hospital H 30 Missouri 45 H 54 Washburn 37 20 Iowa State 47 V 49 Park College 46 V MARSHALL COLLEGE AT LOUISVILLE 39 OReee ih 0}, Ges A eeioee RATA, 68 Georgetown (Ky.) 22H 43 Georgetown (Ky.) 21 H 44 Willamette |" «29 H 39. Albina Shipyds. 47 H Ae pS Trs. 24 H 39 Bowman Field 37 Ht 31 Albina Shipyds. 36 V 39 Tillamock N. S. 30 H 56 Loyola (Balt.) SE ones ne 43H 88 Fort Lewis 43.V 0 $8 Tilanock NS. 36 A 2 ashington U. ac. Packards 9 48 Maryland u. 39 V 37 Berea 62 H 25 Washington U. 67 V 39 Idaho U. Savi Ge CaaS wae we a 51 Bowman Field 53 Vv" 52 Oregon State 33 H 38 Idaho U. 34 V a 26 34 West. Kentucky 54 V 38 Washington U. 67 H 41 Washington St. 45 V 65 Amer. War College 33 H 47 Evansville 44H 47 Washington U. 56 H 35 Washington St. Adin, Sai yee STAR Rene eters a8 v 43 Oregon State. 34 Oregon U. a1 y ashington State 3 ashington U. ie Geccmmcey Hg aaa ci yp amNteeOS CY. coll ee Para daho regon 56 Toledo 61 V 55 Morehead (Ky.) 67 H 78 Idah 0 Washington U. 540 Vi 43 Morehead (Ky.) 41 H* 87 West. Kentucky 31 H : ong me 39 Washin ctor rae 66 V 64 Louisville 58 H 38 Morehead 57 V. 34 Idaho U. 9 68 Marshall 64 V 52 Idaho U. 48 H* VILLANOVA AT ARMY AKRON AT OBERLIN 51 ovale (Balt.) 35 V 80 Swarthufors 29 &5 Carnegie Tech. 25 H 57 Camp Perry 21H 52 Swarthmore 33 H 69 Colg 44 B es Niestraine tex (Pa.) ae & 42 Ohio Wesleyan 41 V 7 ee pularines aA a ee BEA John's s (Bklyn.) 2 Ee 5 uskingum 52 C 44H rinceton 5 olum ae ous Wesleyan Aa a 36 Iachenten 44 V Be ee at B? A a Penne tara re Be 2 ASE 42 Bowli Green 13 H ampson 55 New London 49 Geneva 62 V 60 Baliwit Wallace 62 H 41 Franklin- Marshall 36 V 58 West Virginia 31 a $8 Baldwin Wallace “4e'v $4 ‘Deniee 39 43 Bucknell ““"ig'yes Gg Pittsourel pa a aldwin allace enison uckne ittsburgh cr 50 Geneva 386 H 50 Ohio Wesleyan 48 H 56 Fort Dix 58 H 69 Hobart H 68 Baldwin Wallace 69 H 35 Baldwin Wallace 44 V 48 Rider 41H 54 Westminster (Pa.) 76 V 65 Case 55 V 38 Swarthmore AAV 39 Bucknell 49 H HAMLINE AT AUGSBURG Soa Novels Cealt) au BR Mankato tes P.) BY Ee ei concorde (St. P.) eS Ee 44 Sampson N.T.S. 56. nV s0r oe, 3 Carleton 7 AS 49 Carleton 26 H 47 Nae, procure, 34 H Vv. P. 1. AT WILLIAM «& MARX 44 Mankato Trs. 26 V 39 Carleton 43 V 42 Emery & Henry 36 V 44 Fort Story 28 27 Carleton 36 V 54 Macalester 31 H 55 Virginia U. 63 N 85 Norfolk N. T. S. 65 HB 55 Bau Claire 23 H 60 St. John’s (Minn.) 35 V 29 No. Car. Prefi. 60 V 86 Norfolk N. A. S. 68 V 51 River Falls 40 H 52 a uneae (Minn.) 32 H 29 No. Carolina U. 42 V 44 Portsmouth Mid. 59 V ae St. John's (Minn.) a H 27 St. Ola: 40 V 31 Woodrow: Wilson ene AY Richmond = A. B. a vi acalester en 41 Soasonala J. C. spite amp bear oe C 8 Rich da 5 Ve af St Mary's (atin) 35-V* 40 Hamline at y 48 Camp Pickett 26H 46 Newport News App. 40 H i uate pecolp ing As ze 43 St. Olaf ae ea Bs ody Wilson Hosp. BD 2 BY Hampden ona ES z ugsburg 4 53 Macalester 7 38 ampden sy 25 St. Mary’s (Minn.) 40 H 47 St. John’s (Minn.) 35 H 46 Willian & Mary 22 H 22 a 46 V cS ee eee (Minn.) 52 w 44 Emory & Henry 24 A Re awa. ; Wiison Hosp. Rae - omas 32 ampden a 5 BAYLOR U. AT RICE OTTERBEIN AT WITTEN BERG 2 Waco A. A. F. 41 H 5 Randolph Field 38 V 70 Camp Millard 19 H 84 Ohio U. 66 B 3 Waco A. A. F. 29 H 6 Kelly Field 39 V 47 Fort Hayes 383 H 64 Earlham EX} A 28 Southwestern 67 V 1 Ellington Field 48 B 67 Lockbourne A. B. 44 H 58 NS Northern 41 H 45 Corsicana Field 32 -V 9 Bllington Field 42 H 53 Ohio Northern 37 H 42 Ohio U. 58 V 5 Ponce Field Re a 3 Southwestern nite Es pulooRt en aR a ie Ohio PAO ae aa wi ice of Texas apita: erbein 39 3 Texas U. 55 V 62 Phillips U. 36 N 63 Kenyon 37 H 50 Earlham 49 H is 7 CUM MME GeV pdbece pete 21 V 52 Wilminet 38 H 1 CoRUs aylor mington 29 Texas U. 54 H 54 So. Methodist 34 H 39 MARS ADS 37 4 Nee eee BB = A Penaneas re iB 39 Capital 41 V exas A. ‘ r Wk IMPS 28 Arkansas 45 H 2 Ellington Field 44 H Lowa Sua S 31 Ag 49 Iowa SIMECON 26 34 Arkansas 36 H Texas A. & M. 33 V Senco wane tate Hab ey eee a 45 H 41 So. Methodist 64V 4 CU, at 38 V t eres Soe aeao) Stmcanrone 51 a8) Some bodisy Sd ut fae octet Pie 65 St. Ambrose 29H 14 Ottumwa N. A 63 V Bee Agat, HB ff guimreN As HY if Dine es enver U,. Or . BETHANY AT ah RINE 13 f) Ottumwa N. AUB 75 Bee eo Cotaeti Cqisese #0hs v v : Loras ‘0. 62 Geneva 44 Fairmont Trs. 31H 63 Simpson 25 37 Iowa Central 51 V i] Gamp Reynolds 43 ¥ West Va. Tech, 38 H 72 St. Amb 4V 18 Upper te 38 ‘amp Reynolds est Va. Tech. . Ambrose pper lowa 5 Westminster (Pa.) 64 V Juniata 47 H 33 Iowa State 27 H 35 Ottumwa N.A.S. 60 H 8 ash. & Jeff. 42 V Long Island 51 V 35 Northwestern 43 N 43 St. Ambrose 65 V 13 Camp ‘Reynolds 30 H Wash & Jet, 39 72 Augustana GEIS 394 60 Wms Pen 48H am eynolds ‘a8 'e ustana BS rere ee ea EE HE Geena Wee co a estminster a. i BEER OO UY stows == Y MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1944 as ohne dent ay MUSKINGUM AT AKRON 49 Navy 67 V (For Record see Saturday) (For Record see Saturday) PURDUE : WISOCONS: ALBRIGHT AT FRANKLIN-MARSHALL 4 DePauw V-5 41 H** 28 De Pauw V-5 a 25 H 35 Alumni 48 H (For Record see Saturday) 49 DePauw V-12 32 A 43 Marquette 61 H 40 Phila, Marines 33 H y erea ees Pe ¥ 3 gine Dame 41 V Bs BB A ocuitonrs Aa im otre Dame ‘am rant 61 H righam Young 5 DePauw V-5 60 V 4 METanettS 37 V 60 Elizabethtown 46 V 32 Notre Dame 35 H 47 Notre Dame 45 N 47 Arkansas 40 H 70 Chicago U. 27 V 43 Illinois 45 H® 45 Lebanon Valley 27 H 62 Indiana 43 H 43 Illinois 38 V 77 West Chester Trs. 23 H 5 Minnesota 38 H 3 Northwestern 60 N 28 Franklin-Marshall 25 H 43 Minnesota TE 5 Michigan U. 41H 26 Muhlenburg 57 V 48 Michigan 44 H* 42 Michigan U. 31 H 81 Lehigh Sv 61 Michigan 35 A 49 Minnesota 30 V 60 Gettysburg 35 H 37 DePaul 39 V 5 Northwestern Sintec’ 68 Westchester Trs. Saava 59 Ohio State 49 V 40 Great Lakes 63 H 45 Gettysburg 49° 47 Ohio State 54 V 62 Indiana 43 V DENISON AT BALDWIN WALLACE 7 ie i 28 H 52 Indiana 31 V (For Record see Tuesday) (For Record see Tuexday) ST. MAR Minn.) AT ST. THOMAS WESTMINSTER KLYN COLLEGE ° onan mccoy) Aa bet p Mankato Trs. 44H S ia) Re BERD a : nnesota 0: 4 _ 52 La Crosse mm fh ke nam ow (For Record see Thursday) SE eno M52 EL cana McCoy A ae ; a pobnis (Minn.) a wl 67 Webb Institute 31 ‘arque’ 2 TGaSEipAdG ISHUS ad ee oot 35 H Bb Ghennet ae 46 St. af 39 H 5 caper al (Minn.) 36 H 36 West. Kentucky 35 A 3 Beaming Spero. 4 Mary’s (Minn.) 48 V 48 omy Field 32 H A Oras 5 & . St Rails (Minn.) eo H 83 C.C.N. Y. 41 N 27 Gust. Adolphus BapET) | eguachist: Adolphus 0 Ed Se Hels. 30 3 Camp McCoy 386 H 4 St. Olaf 36 V 40 U. 62 V 40 Hamline 25 V 32 Hamline 36 V i 4N 71 Macalester 22 H = AT a Toledo Ate U. 0. L.A. AT SO, CALIFORNIA Ee! Val ne 65 a (For Bacon ieee Bt cae) 3§ Pepperdine 48H 35 Calif, Tech. 43 H 30. Dobauw V-12 38 H tne ST A ae Ne MRUDAR Sa ay ec! jan Pedro 52 Occidental 34H 88 ~Roosevelt Navy 30 H Bee ear ces 50 Redlands 26V = 39:«Los Alamitos 44H 83 Stout Fiela He 56 Redlands 39 H 38 San Diego N.T.8S. 28 V eon canaville 46 V 42 Roosevelt Navy 43 V - 88.:«San Diego Mar. 42 V 33 DePauw V-12 61 V 41 20th Century Fox 49H 41 Calif. Tech. 36 V $9 Warlha: 35 H 47 Camp Santa Anita 40H 19 U.C. 33 V ROMBINGIaNaNStAtS 53 H 33 So. California i9 H 24 California 26 V ge owraniil 38 H 36 California Tech, 38 V 49 Occidental 24 H oh ae Bl V 44 Occidental £20V ag 4 SERUM OTZNAL 41H Be ein 49 V a1 California Ur = 6 Bd California Ge 47 37 Valparaiso" $9 B, orn. : a n —; 5 24 California U. 35 V eae IDAHO U. aT WASHINGTON U. fe San Diego Navy 43 V alaalecaiees rote i / $8 Sand point NA. S. 49 °V WASH. & JEFF. Neutral TEMPLE eae ouzaney 16 CONVENTION HALL y Vite 70 Juniata 387 A 3 Muhlenberg 34 V a0 a an 43 V 47 Camp Reynolds 33 A 36 Lafayette 25 V 40 Oregon U. 38 H 34 Penn Sta 41 V 37 Oklahoma A. & M. 42 H 67 Oregon U. 25 A 5 Marshall ‘So, 40 H 5 Franklin & Marsh. 41 V 38 West. Wash. Coll. 35 V 42 Bethany 34 67 West. Kentucky 48 A 57 Oregon U. 38 V 4 Geneva 39 V 4 Havana U. 22 H 56 Oregon 47 V 3 West Virginia 42 V 4 end Sete 38 H 38 Oregon State 33 V 5 Carnegie Tech. 27 4 Ursi 34 V 42 Oneron State 36 V 39 Westminster (Pa.) 46 V 32 «St. John’s Ray 36 H 31 West. Wash. Coll. 28 H ey mus king gum ae Bet # Ar ae Py 56 Willamette 27 a e ° s 30 68 West vireinial 48 H 3: 45 V Re onsen State 29 61 Carnegie Tech. 31 V 4 woe Virginia 32 H 53 Washington State 40 H 50 Geneva 48 H a aes ae g 61 Washington State 41 H 88 Muhlenberg 48 H piowas ‘STATE AT MISSOURI TOLEDO AT WESTERN MICHIGAN owes Beans ay Ee (For Record see Saturday) 39 Toledo N.T.S. 41H 34 Bunker HillN.A.S. 43 H 38 Minneecte 20 Hi 31 Grosse Ile 42 A 51 Cent. Michigan 24 42 Kansas State 33 V 48 Ohio U. 46 H 46 Notre Dame 2V 56 Nebraska 23 V 34 Camp Ellis 62 A 73 Fort Custer 34 A 60 Ottumwa N.A.S 37 H 38 Wright Field 83 47 Northwestern 45 V 27 Towa Seahawks 33 V 37 Miami (0.) 64 V 48 Michigan U. 38 V 41 Missouri 25 H 44 Toledo N. T. S. AOA 57 Michigan U. 50 H* 40 Kansas U. 29 36 West. Michigan 560 H 40 Great Lakes VG 41 Oklahoma U. 39 V 25 Great Lakes 55 H 8 Geo. Williams 49 H 62 Drake ‘ 34 V {¢ Wright Piela yee aan ee aT SEIS ASRS EELS, 20 are uakes v v i 43 Baldwin Wallace 56 71 Cent. Michigan 53 V WASH. & JEFF. Neutral LONG ISLAND U. ae Grosse Ile N.T.S. 48 V 4 Camp Grant 44 H GARDEN Brooklyn Goll. 46 N 47 Marquette 30 H (For Record see Saturday) ea Brooklyn A Be a Ht MARYLAND AT _ VIRGINIA MILI. INST. 51 Brigham Young 41 HT 33 Quantico Marines 59 H 25 W. Wilson Hosp. 28 56 Rider 42 A 39 Marshall 46 H 25 Virginia U. 9 Ef 37 Havana U. 40 H 21 Bainbridge N. T. S. 55 H 36 Maryland Va. 43 V 88 DePaul 59 A 20 Rae ee ws 52 V 22 No. Carolina U. 50 N 59 Duke 67 H* 43 36 H 1 Virginia U. 58 V 84 Fort Totten 37 A 43 Man naan Sydney 51H 120) VAR Pare 46 H 561 West Virginia 39 A 25 Bainbridge N.T.S. 78 V 38 Emery & Henry 61 H 66 Yeshiva 47 H 29 Fort Belvoir 60 H We Wo 12 Ah 39 V 98 Rhode Island St. 68 N Be Caen olg Oe 31 H 35 Ashford Gen. Hosp. 42 H 38 Canisius 40 H 48 Wod. Wilson Hosp. 28 i , enecra cen Hosp. 43) ¥. TEXAS U. AT THXAS Ay &M- 34 Richmond 65 V (For Record see Wednesday) (For Record see Thursday) Rs —s—