se oe 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS _ oe ee STATEMENT CODE ce a SQ" tS io 3 Month ag BUSINESS OFFICE : A—Transfer Checks E—Payroll y a 5 Department........-see ae: SO ~8 Sheet aa t : pees o3 B—Transfer Deposits F—Fee Report - SK oe f ee ; ; é C—Contingent Checks G—Other Transfers - Budget ; 19-715 8-41-1M D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance Date 8% a pegs Order Amount edoher Adjustment Hes “Unincumbered Balance Date : : g Purchase ae Aysnune alk Date arte Meusher Amount Total Unpaid Purchase voucher Amount Credits 3 re és Cash Balance ay BS ae S7FIAT AT Si URY SE 4a57 9 Li 2i2 ee) JUN 2S 2462 ionO0< Eee Y : a N28 6 #26~ 16.6 Sa. WN2S £6329 4HO0— Ju% 23 SEF Sum 335647. anes 3947— 33814 Jun 28 S55 1000~ eS = Jule 2S BB? 2 s420~ L422 25 $3527 wun eo wun 25 ‘421288 WN BPA COSC 125 pe | : | ee un 29 8ESF 796—~ Reg JUN 29 oe Jes 5214 9 Sou ge Hua 29 éess 45 7 = 14088) a Jeo 7208 ee Ris gee Jui BG S232 WN SOR 44 “ZSé50 Ae WN EO S568 dun BO 646 16000— WN BO . SF74AS quUN SO &@SESs *394 9< ee + \UN SG 86323 WN SG 9460 ~6 O-« oe JUN BO 4 i S2LL SAWN SS 26226 dun BO S432 1665 ee 272448| BZA72 ER. wus BO . $2 O27 B duun Bo Jun BO Say “ae emma ZO 5 & A08| _ 8342568 uN 3O - S204 4 uun ao WIN BOO S474 Aix, —GS— a7 & 658| 8 28 3 37 3.8% ' MUN 30 5165 4 dun so) HUN SOD S474 wnt & Om 2 35°7 % 326908| -8 8304 12 WN Be - gs e445 dN SOG 27228 S356 coer DN 30 BAGS 44Kn50 ° 52927 WNSO 2723535 s321i1-~ 246204 67278)\" @ “7 6 27 4 @ Wun Bo 519.0 4 quus 30 dua BO 2462 0% ¢ 250 765.2484 - ‘wUN BO 510.0 4 quun 30 E989 WH SOG gEerz _ * $40.0 0 ~ 236508 10,006 755244. wun SO —S1846 dan so. JUN BO SF 94 (Qi s 8 2362. 0% 5S&&| . 75466%, un 50 $478 6 Wun 30 dun 39 peas 5X. £O-— 2% O# 608| 8 754068 JUN SC 4224 3 Wun go jun 30 : ‘N 236202 Os75—-| € 65823% JUN 30 4094 & quun 30. ~ WN SOA E656 i1295- 236,50 42958) & 645.5 8% f Bat t \ “hysieal Kaéceation #/13/42 Ste bo 2h, ae ’ . 489 ‘ é THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS STATEMENT CODE En Department x Month 2 fe ; ‘ os Ls / BUSINESS OFFICE BTranslor Depot” F—Eeo Report ee f ? ee * C—Contingent Checks G—OtherTransfers Budget 19-715 8-41—1M oD / / ' D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance Se ees Date putes: Onder Amount Nan Adjustment ‘Uxineumbered Balance Date © P sore Amount Date aoe Reponen Amount Total Uae Peciaee Voucher Amount Credits Cash Balance PA SO 9S TAO lara ae. a 30 L777 @ L4095 2% iAY 23 1,234.5 0 amar 25° ( 28 4 F777 2% 8 30000 470905 2% & foo aA 6048 75 Om eae pie 2s 8683 43 35- ao 23 é662 20 Seige 28 8&5 45 3 LAY 8S 4,211.7 O amar 25 23 €GS4 240 20406] A L6B9A 2S AY 29 26 52 9 16407" | MY 29 26 $2.3 S a gAY 29 s620— 114.76 sAY 29 S728 591 9< bAY 29 E720 990— mie, ; bA¥ 29 S724 sc O- 40325 Hi OBA 5 dua 29° a ¥.29 i 4s “R68 94 2% WAY BL 3453 Y¥S$i0 6609.3 1530~ Ses : : MAY SR SSR wy Ba éise $05o— a uAy SE BE SIS i RS &544 4660~ “i g WAY $4 E720 (Bt E26 399 0—~ cae GAY 34 11 08A Samar gt s596 / 34 8€S 2° wooo 4601 7# 121808 e776 22 eae . S4 82ers . — Bm eee AAY 34 110729 away 3a 32 Sere . 8 4691 7% 1168) 2 1:5 764 5% Se = $i E736 “ite 9 = ¥ ‘Bt &7ES 7a ee ‘34 &P4S5 £3 ga¥ Bt 1,094.9 2 quay 32 34 8745 o65~ 4691 7% i2azis| 156412 5% MAY 34 63 GER (340 2? O42 i3s6ge~ os : AY Bt 4,094.9 & quay aa 3620 (34 27049 14.78~ 447,792 25258) ¢ 5387 7% Pek r 350 F 420 LAY Bt 1.40 S24 3 @uay 34 1AY BL 443.794 F 175 14548928 (383A GOOFS “OF G ‘AY $4 4,067.9 7 auay 3i P34 ééss 540 4437 9 & 37563 @ 521764 aY 34 677A S Quay ot AY 34 AAI DS & 390AE- € 1121262 Physiasl Ecueation, 4/6/42 KU SL KC Mos=? 280 ? aS 250 af 27 fae Au 635 {0 Ee «59 a & «48 a/a/aa KC Soe «3S a & ae ao r i x & 3420 13 rs « aor Tee * é5 14 * ° wT a2 eh ittlilwster,%k-? 2.99 : 4/6/42 Giehtite Ko 8D 283. oa " THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS STATEMENT CODE oN , Month oom Department... 2c But eS A—Transfer Checks E—Payroll k po SALE BUSINESS OFFICE B—Transfer Deposits F—Fee Report \ ~ Sheet ee C—Contingent Checks G—Other Transfers Budget 19-715 8-41—-IM oka D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance © Date P ratte der Amount Neuere Adjustment Unincumbered Balance Date oS Amount Date oo Noucten Amount Total Uapei te ucslace Nouere Amount, Credits Cash Balance ‘AR 34 ; 4,91461-7 |war ot HAR S4 3374 8 2283652 1? 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(1408 ss z 295 < wes THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS STATEMENT CODE A Month Mestheetet ine : ¢ Department...4,.2%:2):: SG ith Pon, ‘. BUSINESS OFFICE A—Transfer Checks E—Payroll Rock Ek ape ze B—Transfer Deposits F—Fee Report Bhee hb, : C—Contingent Checks G—Other Transfers ~ Budget 19-715 8-41—1M LS~ D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance Purchase Order Voucher ries Purchase Ord : h said J Vouch “ ron ‘ Date "Number Noe Unincumbered Balance Nannon Namber Amount lots bac ee baad Neher Amount Credits 2 Cash Balance 28 ; ae a e4Sp \ Ce “EB SSS565% 246° 26 Sa’ ot 27s \ 846 PE OE 1020 . 26 é av 495 2.6 qe 3257) 2456 ye a 1155 16 BPO Ba 2.00 > 16 GBD x 7 =| 22951 7 He & 265565464 5 e2s 4o~ ’ 6030 i350 uN a Cc 5 2 4.4 2 6033 G4 5 eo is a Zz ~. MAR 23 6034 1.°5— E04 7 i7.5 98 A MAR BS ev 1.76~ WAR 25 ad 147= 36 3,2 O@ : 7 S23 t Oo Sg 237 }O = o6 [see yO * $4 716 5 or $o 723 7= 42 794 7 = . ik ee go “ ee = s = OF Fo? (OS 2a Si4% 44,98) o 2.5939 4% 3 C4 egos 7 = 25°77 4 @ 21278 £5725 7% Fso 5 | 5 33 $30 3 29 7.7 4 S908) .6 23666 7% S25 3V; 1520- eee 36L0™ = 349048 256647# 3 $O2 re 26ESG LoS oo S374 5% 41553 & 2S3 8142 A €O32 Li2 7 ; &Oossé 120- via 29 22 4 6037 225—-| 337488 14.725 254029 %: eye 7 ry 2 2 , ts BAR SO 22 6 337488 ‘ S525 2575644 MAR SL 4,2 7 Savas 21337— : aeS Si 2% hyatcel 4 1/28/4e higeco,Tii«-?& 4059 e facie, om eo % te eles ef/4A 2 K€ Boe! «35 ood «58 2GO oh end of * £5 eA OR kaa RT Month Sheet 19-715 8-41—1M THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BUSINESS OFFICE STATEMENT CODE A—Transfer Checks B—Transfer Deposits C—Contingent Checks D—Vouchers F—Fee Report G—Other Transfers H—Budget Allowance.__ X ans Date Purchase Order Number Voucher Number Unincumbered Balance Date Purchase Order Number Acct. Voucher No. Number Total Unpaid Purchase Voucher Number > 3 a a & “a OF 2a re sc cme 28 Fema mg & Si 7 far < > 4 # i 3 pee {2 eB xe Se 2? 23 as 26 * as A> 5 aoe re ay ke AG tA Aa ou cr > > > > Vv < Z Qn Gey ot w + @ Z - Department \ Budget 5 Amount Credits Cash Balance 2 O62. C8 iL G48 a 2.5 46.8 2% 6 é 2 a. 6 ee e G #22 we 2 ae Ss m Le & A a Ez 3 PY 2 a C77 7? = & : z se eS ae Z ” Month Sheet Ae AA tte tee OF sf re fluo * 19-715 8-41—1M <> THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BUSINESS OFFICE STATEMENT CODE A—Transfer Checks B—Transfer Deposits C—Contingent Checks D—Vouchers E—Payroll F—Fee Report G—Other Transfers H—Budget Allowance g if oe edi icatien Purchase Order Voucher . 5 Purchase Order Acct. Vouch Total Unpaid Purchase Voucher 7 nincumbered Balance cot. oucher pa. Amount Credits Cash Balance Date ARG bon Amount INUnDeE Adjustment Unincumbered Balance Date Number Amount Date Not INGIRDES Amount Orders Number rs mi ee # Pe a8 ging ss 0 OG o% S2 c 33 é wd ae BO BA 8 An Bog S00 Jae on Ss > 4 1689 10.93 > 42,7 55 ‘34 239.3% 32 32 , = oe mMaAd rae: nd & erg & + G 7 Co 8) a ey “s J ow ee 3 WF 2) {3 J ee Wii S23 A 3 oi ee 3 a SS & OS ios Gd 6 mS eo os asi + “a MS + f Z ee SES 34 we 1 C24 D Se aS B34 8 O25 os iL te 33 Fst Z 1s JA BS S36 S440 5124 f Hs ‘ 2 e a ¥ sh qos ‘a 4 33 34 O¢ oO AMVAN SG & 34 BLP iat ee 1% D & Ss G4 — wats SS D oe 2 = ‘ t ee « By r * A * ry 2 a jet wt z a 4a 6 Ars ‘ 4 os Z a ? 3 S ae a 4 y Se . 4 4 eas pe di ne Poa es sos 4 = 20 0> 414 7. JAN 3 fads 3S 1, & 431463 IT a a z a ; cs £ st rs ep oe A * 1p 449 2O6% Jans 17S Jas $20 GO" Ah - 1 i AAO GD & A 2E754% i SLA &Oooe WT Am 34 saz? 3 a. et ae 2 Se ~~ 72 2 “ t #0a 3B S&-O ZF + oy ; “ err : ey 4 4 dm 4 OF 4 hokey JAN 34 bats OS 6&Cié LF. & a ee A f bss OS ae . 4 ya ae ale a a >. 38 ® 2 2 R wan BF 4 9 AM SSe 26 F BS to 3 Ls aw G 3 & © ee a @ ry fF 34 a 20 HUAN 34 Am 32 BS MG F oh 3736.2 1 fel; THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS STATEMENT CODE LOL fi CS Patt PAl A yo, “2 # ES gee f £2 Fie. 23 Month...f1 i042 $ bed BUSINESS OFFICE iA. Ththefor Ohetls B= Payroll Department... i 6 Ade LOPE EL AAP AS Shest 7 F ef i B—Transfer Deposits | F—Fee Report f C—Contingent Checks | G—Other Transfers Budget 19-715 8-41—1M D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance - : Date eo der Amount Neushes Adjustment Unincumbered Balance Date P Benen Oneet Amount Date mete Yousher Amount Total Uppaie ® urchase Nenelee Amount Credits Cash Balance ny ao 24 7RS 2 erov 9 ov 29 347643 S¢@ aOR ma Pe co $4 2es?7~ 2%r3> ce = oF OES se Ke $4 2088 on 0 =~ co BS eO7 2 7FO6O—| «58 S&ase@ecla GA~P 3elK AG 8@ Las venworth «25 ® -25 KC Ho. BS : aB4 ‘THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS STATEMENT CODE BUSINESS OFFICE Bieter Deooiia Foes Renort ie esi Sees C—Contingent Checks G—Other Transfers - Budget D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance — ; Dats Faniiase Order Unineumbered Balance Date prpuate Onder Amount Date eet Noucier Amount Total Unp Amount Credits Cash Balance oct 32 = 5766 74 3: pCT St 355. 2909.7 54 NOV 29 2262 soOO- : NOV 29 165 0— 794% nov 29 1722 8964 0— E NOY 29 2780 so~ : es Nov eS e22660— 147% 134518 4421 5 @wov 3 Nov 29 46759 4 2.9 09.7 3: NOV 2G A 32984 30— ce Nov 29 Ses 35+ Om Noved 3986 635-— we wet | NOV 29 3987 15.27 6- tooe hes see Nov 29 S288 eon £t ov 29 3289 2.90— joy 29 S996 100— Novy 2D 3394 134.0 Nov 29 932 75~ Nov 29 3998 if0= by oy 2 2460915 i NCY #29 BSS4 25 0— 467; 3toi¢ A 2876.7 44 NOV 29 2409.5 3: a gt bes Be Be oe og mB Ov 29 467 8 2&8 9 74 44 : 108 “Reonod sa wov 2ep¢ 26542 72 5— 3 Nov 29 240955 in me i 38 on NOV 29 26885 7294 — 4525 15298 286183: ag e855 8 & wv 29D 203 72> -s° #oR* * * f° Es kov 29 2928 42 5- 3 738 “ 3% Ov 29 2966 B82i- 4 es ? pe Vv 29 3282 34050— oo eS oe Ov 29 3254 i90co0— S * wy «(HOY 29 33286 2i7S~ @ NOY 29 S329 2S 3 eee eteeceepem Hv 29 3345 750— ’ B Ssssssaee " ov 29 B364 s50— w 29 4069.5 3 anov ¢ POs ov 29 3477 B447- 3i015¢@ 142453 2 27190688 } ov2o oO 552 7 tele phone ype om w ov 29 EBESo8¢ éypuyert0 3~ : yw 29 24005 5% Ov 29 SS172 li phents& 5 — 3A 5% eo5s o.1 2.71067 3% ov 29 24432 3: ¢ Nov 29 34 5 # F (A275 27534 8% ww 29 2475. 24 fs ov 29 32 5 & Fr 2189 278S27% 8 at S THE UNIVERSIT BUSINESS: 17-3689 4-38—3M Date Purchase _ Onder Unincumbered Balance Date Ber Bt 25766 / #oct 3 Nov 29 2262 5OO~ Nov 29 165 O— 794% nov 29 1?%e22 8°95 0— NOY 29 Z?7 80 so NoV2o 21660 31474 134518 2442.1 5 tnov 29 Nov 29 2409.1 5 @nov 29 Nov 29 240905 3: ao 29° uw se 240953 29 ¥ 29 Nov £¢ NOV 29 Nov 2S NOV 29 Nov 2e NoY BS Nov #5 NOY 29 wv 29 2409.5 3 nov 29 weg 24€05 8 #nov 29 ov 29 2443.7 3 tnov 29 av eo ZATSE 2 @wov 29 STATEMENT CODE Department... ha fi ha be Ba be he be be a fa ba A 4 Uy tote le te ®t i & ot Bbw eM Om & OF Bin A OMAHA MaMa a AY A—Transfer Checks E—Payroll B—Transfer Deposits | _F—Fee Report pes C—Contingent Checks G—Other Transfers D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance — Monch AGMount Total be gees Weak Balanes 335 2969.7 54 467 2.96 0.7 3: S384 30— = B98ées 35<— Bees 62 5— BSE? 15.2 6= S288 Zon Bees 2.9 0 39906 450~— B92 131.0 S?32 of 5 sees 3998 1f20= = BES4 25 0— 467 330 48g 2876.7 4: 4675 “289774 44 € 26542 725— = 2688s 794- 442. i5298 286183: 2903 i72> 2o2s i135=< 2966 go ie S282 s400— 3291 105 0- S228 24.7 5-— 3329 235— 3245 75 0— ZB264 55 0— S472: S147 ~ 32635 14215 27196 8¢ S52 7 Lelephons FE 5~) S808 Essrceai lin SS42720 hanes G3 336031 5% 8 2 O07 3.* _. 3104 5@ (“4296 5553725 3261 34 Z2489 27852 7% Department, if: Budget. E—Payroll F—Fee Report G—Other Transfers STATEMENT CODE A—Transfer Checks B—Transfer Deposits C—Contingent Checks D—Vouchers BUSINESS OFFICE . “THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ae fd i Month Sheet H—Budget Allowance es 4-38—3M 17-3689 * ot 4 te “em my oy “hy + 1 Or QO Op a. | st *, i, m2 a 1 & * XK a © Gy A 3) we 4 wt Oo toed Ob wig a | a Q © © mo OY OG rey et ei ey Cages mM. eg Ey v4 tw 3 S 3 § vt < o oS Ba vay aT) way TOMS a w A ay S ir) P) thy 2 © w e ff 8 ho vend ca wt < 4 in, Fas a SZ > |* ® * ty we ee £ |9 ot ra) if hh Wey SEW. ag ec em GO ee P| es) 3 e) sy es i gry P et P| ee sf ce ta nig eff Wipe 2 PECPPERP TECTIA Stith rte SIMBWOMMBOOMBDNOOOMUOHW OHM OMAWMH oe chins i ele g 4 OUM NLA OKR CW M Ore OMA GQ HOAG FQ HY OH OH By E AiO me © fF HM OC etet tO i Kil tO O10 & et wi : ce Ca} ae ec a gs as wwe 25 NAV HA DA GH Be WUN DAN AMAWA WHOS + +4 Fig Sz AVYOYYUEGOURKRKRKRKREKRR AA ®O OHA GQ FOOHmH OMA tng GQOHADAABRA AAA HRA AA GA A AAA Se & Oy & O & hm Oy by lh Uy, a fy ay & i Bo bg Oy i Om OM om ig tg gg MH OE Oy OG Oy OF Oey az ty ty ty t ° a a 8 wa elt et et ef et ot et of et el of of cf cb et ef ef et ct ef wt et et cd i ott et ef of of et ot ty : " HOM AHA HY AAMAMH HAM HH OO OM OKRA OHO HHH He few fine Rw foe fae fr inf anne fue ser) he foe ine Danas fnle we fue de fw fst ge Be Se ete ee ee Lin *@oOooo P UU oO O00 4 O @O OO Oo © « aa’ 3 OeO oO oO @ 3 SBSSBSSRRRABREERBRBSESRRESBRSRBESESS 33332 | 4 “Thysical Kéwoation, i a/ae/e2 83 CAMQ i Pa i oO oO sa et i 10 oO Or Cr st

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STATEMENT CODE ‘ ue, BUSINES A—Transfer Checks E—Payroll : Department...... nce Liga. peeled Atif USINE} B—Transfer Deposits | F—Fee Report C—Contingent Checks | G—Other Transfers Budget. E f D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance ; Month..... Sheet.... 17-3689 4-38—3M. J der Voucher : . ; Acct. Voucher Total Unpaid Purchase Voucher . Date pcos Or Amount Nowsbee Adjustment Unineumbered Balance Date No Nourbet Amount Orda Nevenee Amount Credits Cash Balance AUG 3S 2O5664 |Ai 3339 8 +3 O 6-4 a faa Pe PLS. a SS Vide 7435— 2600 af SESE— 22 8 ee & R o on 8) a “ 29 € sz Zz fe i. 29 SOO 2 29 S94 O— Sé¢64 4,9 5904 0 wSEr e9 4 29 4306 6% 2 290A BOA 2090 i= BO 2OS3z 5 = SEP 30 209 5 noo sp BG 2035 23 LP BO 2036 B92! si 30 2637 44 03 3EF SG 269.8 15 gf HOP SO 2 OS 2 Sn Oo = SoP SO £22 2 S53 : SEP SC 3215 “ 4} 30 33 S-3 ‘ one SO SS z 30 i & q +5 i $EP 30 SS 45-~ ‘ at ee ns 4 = 30 * 5 tf 434A a — ter 36 3958 600— §ErP BO 295s $25 = 4 S HoErP So S360 75— a a # 4 A S342 a & a 8 4o000 a? 435 2 5 % 7 5S 4 Lo A a3 z V4RD 97 8 sogo= BOD § C é 1 eee > ZARB 23.3 yor ZO OB I 2B ei wo st? 30 4295 der BO 1442 z Ser 30 220 6.7 i WSEP 30 74s SEP 36 1662 % 3S iv 68076 D 2876393 30 6 iF 6G 30 17? 3S 2 qtr Se 2750 2£ -1 EP 30 2269.1 3 aser 36 ae ge. 27S OL 65+ 37064 % 37168 oD 2639.7 oe ‘ a » ia x ~ 3 ft) o 7 Oo wat. 36 SEF 3 4 36 4 3% Fr 45 20 0 z= 0 9 49 % SEP 36 T EL oi 434 = = ern ry Zo sees é on ‘ ; ‘ oy 22 ‘ogy, Sa iy we 4 P SEP 30 e214 3 ASEP SC 4367 q oo 70A6= 2 O & 74748 c SO 1-4 : wo Nc aa macs - Lt. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SLEMESR EINE oe Soe Bat des Page ee ae Zp Months Reg eects Pee : BUSINESS OFFICE Boe Dect PLR bepot ee : Be tq f f 3 Ce ee C—Contingent Checks G—Other Transfers . Budget so Sheet aes D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance - ¥ 17-3689 --4-88-3M ee pe. = Date ‘Purchase, Order Amount Nowehes Adjustment | Unineumbered Balance Date — és a [ Feestiaee Onder Amount Date fete Nedsher Amount Total Oeics ae Nawchee Amount Credits = Cash Balance CSE OE: Ce SB SOR 1 | wm ee. fur 3G 4 2 "95669 ¢ A: S oe SaS8S ium Fo ~/ pe 2 40626¢@ H 66500 324169% JUL St 2402 £o7n o> ee 3 ee lan Sa aD 4 2 » * - s oe : JUL 34 a3 904 4=— 3 h JUL 3t $2 14504 - 5 SUL 34 8 7 490* ie ee ; su Sa O88 295- JUL 34 PES .. 75 00> JUL 32 — 86~ 2743%* J. 34 “Ses 19024- JUL Ba “28 192 52 a JUL 34 200 6007 UL Ba £05— 283 HM 3S £35 6000 JUL 34 954+ 2726 Jul 34 aS? 126466= aK SS “238 2928 JUL 34 £32 200 JUL B4 i776 270 Jt. 32 a9? 395 ~ : PUL Bt 295 i1s20~ Jt 32 #25 SHO ; JUL 34 224 2ao0- = : JUL S42 225 o=~ = wh 31 22656 s25 5 SO7268 202795 ¢m a8 wuL 34 1,213.74% Z2416 9% wu 3% 8 310 $22 2736-7 ; a. BL 34 423 4£o00— Jut 34 202795 na. 34 . 24 124 7S00— LIgzts ce 106258 »& 3435254 | = 6G sre ws 5s a 7 +e. 352 Bp 35+ 2 Ju Sa £0194 0 Suu 3: : te i. So 372 245 S63~| Licv7zss 8558 6 31267 8% Se ¢ BLA 2066 gu~ 2066 55> a. SHE 2069 S421 20786 300—- $4 2072 55+ Si 2074 120+ a3 #O? 5 39o- 32 2076 s5~ 7 34 4062 oFF 425- ‘ 34 2079 35— nh B4 2080 240 Bs 2082 AS SL BL - Le 4B eS st, 3% 2OCa&2 1o0~ Licy72es 7O718| A 3.056072 MA. BA . LY GE7 4 Gon 34 14,4672 6% 8 4805 30 711c# wu 3140 26267 44i22- : JUL 34 1,9 63.7 4 aw S32 26276 3283~| 9332 5% iv4i58| ¢ 28969 7% ut, 32 86 2763 1,991.2 7 ay 32 SO8G Oe 28969 7% THE UNIVERSITY OF STATEMENT CODE = 2 otf 7 BUSINESS OFFIC ! SPaeete Depeste Eafe Report Pen ee Sheet nos dof 2 2 : : oes CContaeen Checks Te Buiet Alas * ] Budget af 17-8689 4-38—3M fe eee ee i Ser beeen. 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Ric hie, eee oe D—Vouchers H—Budget Allowance Bee ig SE gage aa ae a 17-3689 4-38—3M 4 : : Date paeouses Onset enount Nigucres Adjustment Unincumbered Balance Date pee Orde Amount Date fae paneer Amount Total Diese urchase enelee Amount Credits _ Cash Balance jun 56 $840 |JuN So JUN S56 Hos 3a 0: JAN 34 2 OG 2 IAN Bt JAN BLA O22 a7 8 Oe B78¢° a 2 OS JAN 34 9.8 7 Huan 34 VAN SLA 6007 1975+ LOCe io753¢ A o8