UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE : DIVISION OF PHYSIGAL EDUCATION AND February 28, 19386 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS To the Boys of the Kansas Varsity Who Made Nubbins out of Big Earse Dear Boys: I want you to kmow how elated I am at your wonderful achieve= ment last Saturday night. Any coach who could sit on the sideline and see the morale, the determination, and the punch exhibited that you boys showed, and who could then withhold fulsome praise of a sterling bunch competitors, then I would say there must be something wrong with that fellow. Well, there may be something wrong with me now, and doubtless there is, because I haven't had my apple today from Nebraskie Seriously, boys, I am leaving soon for Columbia, Missouri, to look over those Tigers. Reading between the lines of the sport stories which came out of Norman, I have got a sneaking hunch that the gentlemen Tigers are playing a double post with Mre Brown on one side and Mr. Tison on the other. With Lobsiger and Halstead playing the guard position, it is going to be necessary for us to devise a little different defense, if my fears are well grounded, and I believe they are. You see, it would be necessary for us to put the apex man, Schmidt, out in front of those two post men and to have our two guards, Harp and Pralle, play inside of those post men, inside and on the side of their respective opponents. The fact that we pulled Schmidt back would leave an extra man to play out in front with Lobsiger and Halstead. This type of defense is always a very dangerous one when both guards can shoot well. So I want to get down and see just what the Tigers are doinge You know, boys, even if Missouri should beat Oklahoma tonight it would certainly be an anti-climax for us to let Missouri beat us. And if they do beat Oklahoma tonight they are going to be tougher than a boote They will be in there fighting for that second place tie. And then if Oklahoma should beat them they will be just about like Nebraska. They will be out there endeavoring to knock Kansas off for Oklahoma, Just smoke this in your pipes, boys - there is not a school in the Big Six but what would give their right eye to knock Kansas out of the picture. And you can figure it out for yourselves that there is plenty of trouble ahead for use So I want you boys to go over all of your Nebra&s plays in the room with Deese Bruce, I want you to explain to the boys what you were telling me the other night when they were not coming on through to receive that pass from you when you were throwing it away. My answer to you would be that even though they weren't coming in it would have been