UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS -- LAWRENCE-KANSAS KU. NEWS BUREAU W. A. DILL, Director ee HORACE MASON, Sports Editor Sports News For Immediate Release LAWRENCE, Kan., March ----A fitting climax to a successful season was written into the books Thursday night by the University of Kensas basketball team which defeated Missouri 56-36 to win the undis- nuted Big Six cage championship. A major share of the credit for the team's showing is due Dr. ¥.C. Allen, the nation's leading basketball coach. Dr. Allen took an unimpressive looking group of cagers and made them into a team which won 18 games and lost only 2. Evidence of the material Dr. Allen had to work with was the Jayhawks’ opening game in which the varsity barely nosed out the fresh- man team, 44-40. Although the yearlings are the best in years, they had been working together only about a week and a half. Only outstanding man in the group which Dr. Allen molded into a championship team was Fred Pralle, twice previously an all-Big Six guard. Appropriately enough Pralle turned in the best game of his career against Missouri to score 22 points and win the Big Six individ- ual scoring crown. It his last college game and a thrilling finish. AS the team weathered experience this vane. other men began to stand out and give Pralle strong support. Don Ebling, who failed to live up to expectations as a freshman, hit his stride early in the conference season and played sparkling basketball the remainder of the year. Dick Harp, another sophomore, developed into a guard who rivalled Pralle an defense and long shots and who promises to be a star of the first magnitude the next two. years. Sylvester Schmidt, who joined Pralle as the only seniors on the squad, played consistently fine ball at the "quarterback" post and will be missed next year. George Golay and Bruce Reid, forwards, came through with outstanding performances in the crucial games with Oklahoma and Nebr- aska and much is expected from these two men next season. Lewin Corlis and Loren Florell, another pair of fine for- wards, also should add much to the squad next year. ee a