they were in necd of exercise. Their reason for not taking it was because they got out of the habit. By nature the human animal is lazy when it comes to teking exercise regularly. He just has to be ordered to take it, REMEDIAL EXERCISES AND PEYSIOTHERAPY FOR VETERANS It is expected that some veterans will need special body building exercises and physiotherapy. In this Institute, where we have the facilities for this work, the best time to give veterans special exercises, heat and massage would be during the period scheduled for their physical cducation, It would be impossible for us to give attention to in- dividual veterans or to small groups efter school. At this time, Mr. Knight, our trainer, is working with injured athletes giving them heat treatments, diathermy, massage and bandaging. TEMPORARY EXCUSES FOR VETERANS As now evidenced, some veterans are finding it difficult to finish their daily assignments. Some have asked that their burden be reduced.. When students are excused from physical education tem- porarily, we have found it difficult to get some of them to return and also to make up their absences until pressure has been put upon them. One purpose of physical cducation is to give young men a little regular exercise severel times a weck to keep them physically and mentally keen and healthy. If we excuse veterans temporarily and permit them to crowd their physical education into a short space of time just to fulfill the requirements, we are dee feating this purpose. | CREDITS FOR ARMY COURSES It is hoped that the American Council on Education has not singled out physical education as the only subject for veteran exemption. Many veterans going to college have taken other courses in the Army and Navy, some of which might parallel those in col- leges, If veterans receive credit for these courses, we feel that the American Council on Education has a point in recommending that veterans be given credit for their physical training course in the service. However, physical cducation is not a subject that can be learned once and dropped. It must bo a continuing experience IF IT IS TO ACCOMPLISH ITS PURPOS!. oe sore : if it becomes imperative for a slow learing veteran to drop physical education for the benefit of his studies, it is héped that he will make good use of this extra time and will not spend it in the Club House, playing pool, cards, listening to the radio, or i. ee Scot ee EO eee ees | The physical education staff at this Institute respect fully requests that the curriculum committee seriously consider the advisability of having all future veterans, unless excused by the college physician, report resularly for physical education which will be in the form of recreation, * Harry As Van Velsor