FOUR—E Paper Has Endless Variety of Uses CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE these various paper products for al- most 60 years. . \ Carpenter simply buys sacks, bags, paper plates, cups, wrapping paper, Christmas papers, letter paper and ten thousand and one other items. It buys them from the mills and manu- facturing plants that specialize in each thing. It buys them in quantity and keeps. a supply on hand in its warehouses. . The company’s own salesmen of course have detailed catalogs of everything the firm handles. They call on your grocer and baker and druggist and everybody else who sells you anything, and they sell him the particular kinds of paper he needs in his business. Then, from their nearest stockroom they ship him a thousand sacks, or half a million, or whatever it is he wants. ‘ They sell on a wholesale basis and in large quantities. They buy their supplies by the carload; in 1940, for example, Carpenter brought into Oklahoma City approximately 300 carloads of paper in various forms. A lot of this it stored for a time in its Grand avenue plant. Sometimes on big shipments it places a customer's order direct with a mill or manufac- turer and the shipment is made from Paper in Many Forms on Display The Carpenter plant has nu- merous show rooms where its various products are on dis- play. On the right is a display of a few of the varied items kept in stock, These are main- ly processed forms—fancy wrapping paper, paper plates, cups, novelties, etc. On the extreme right is the plastic bindings department, where covers are fixed on thousands of books, pamphlets and magazines. In this picture, covers are being attached to Sorosis club cook books. eee the factory direct to the ae This simply eliminates a handling job. For the most part, however, Carpenter stocks its supplies locally and fills orders from the city ware- house. Thus it fulfills its role of a paper wholesaler. It keeps on hand every kind and size and shape of paper a customer conceivably might want, and is able to get the order out to him quickly. OLYMPIC On their fine, ued success. The Manufacturers Of IONIC BRISTOL FIBERFOLD BRISTOL Made Rite Index Bristol DE & SE TINTS Congratulate CARPENTER PAPER CO. extend best wishes for contin- WHEELWRIGHT PAPERS, INC. LEOMINSTER, MASSACHUSETTS BRISTOL new home and Congratulations from a friendof LONG STAND- ING and best wishes for the continued success of CARPENTER PAPER COMPANY. The Preferred Service In Washrooms Used By Many People Daily RED Cross ¥ ONLIWON TOILET TISSUES AND PAPER TOWELS MORE SANITARY, MORE ECONOMICAL o » THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN THE HOOVEN & ALLISON COMPANY “Spinners of Fine Cordage Since 1869” XENIA, OHIO Makers of high grade Jute and Sisal Wrapping Twine for every purpose Distributed in OKLAHOMA CITY By CARPENTER PAPER COMPANY HEARTY, CONGRATULATIONS! to the CARPENTER PAPER CO. Of Oklahoma On the remarkable progress which makes their new home necessary and possible. Badger Paper Mills, Inc. Peshtigo, Wisconsin We congratulate the Carpenter Paper Company on its new home as evidence of its faith in the continued progress of the great Southwest. The Hopper Paper Company, Tay- lorville, Ilinois, the closest fine paper mill in the country to Oklahoma City feels fortunate that its geographical position allows it to serve so well this part of the country. | THE HOPPER PAPER COMPANY: Taylorville, Illinois W. C. Hamilton & Sons CONGRATULATIONS —on the housewarming of a fine paper house— W. C. Hamilton & Sons con- gratulates the Carpenter Paper Company on the finest paper warehouse in the Southwest, and is doubly proud to have them as distributors of Hamil- ton Vellum and Text Papers. If you want the best, use Hamilton papers Miquon, Penna, Makers of: Hamilton Vellum Hamilton Andorra Hamilton Victorian Hamilton Kilmory Hamilton Italian Pressed SUNDAY, JUNE 8, Company Starts In Oklahoma in 1908 CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONB about 22,000 square feet of floor space and this proved ample until 1921 when the company again outgrew its physical properties, It moved in March of that year to the 27-29 Grand ave- nue location it has just vacated for the new home. In the Grand avenue building it had 58,000 square feet of floor space scattered over four floors; and in re- PAPER IS PART » can be rendered thru Good luck! CONGRATULATIONS TO CARPENTER PAPER COMPANY on the opening of their fine new home in Oklahoma City—and all good wishes for in- creased success due the greater service that Strathmore MAKERS OF FINE PAPERS 1941. cent years the company has felt an increasing pinch for room, Carpenter continued its operations in Oklahoma as a branch of the Kan-= sas City Paper House until July, 1931. Then, in keeping with the company’s early policy of incorporating an indi-. vidual business wherever feasible, the Carpenter Paper Co. of Oklahoma was founded. Paper Keeps Record Of Its Own History Few arts or crafts haye a finer or greater group of books dealing with their crafts than paper. Yet while paper-making had its European origin in Spain, there are few volumes on Spanish books, either ancient or mod- ern, that deal with the craft. OF THE PICTURE new, modern facilities, : 4 BI B Bul aa? BI 28 iy pI EI By By 4 WOARARARARATORAmAmOmAmAmAm mi MAmAm AMMA nAmAmAmO mC mA mami mCi mmOncm TOE MOTO ETD DIEIE TE SETE LIE TELE IEE SETS EDI IIE LIE LIE TELE LE TILDE LEE SELE LILIES Omron E by By e STURDY KRAFT WRAPPING | e KANT-TEAR GROCERY BAGS © TARPON MEAT WRAPPING @ ... ARE PRODUCTS OF THE GREAT SOUTH @ ... MADE FROM SOUTHERN PINE AND DISTRIBUTED BY Carpenter. Paper Company IN OKLAHOMA SULUBURUBUBUBUBUSUEUEURU To the CARPENTER FAPER COMPANY on the opening of thelr new home'- ALL GOOD WISHES PER Seay ES aera gogo pageee mney