Oe . : UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS piel wauigme es August 7; 1941. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION - To the Kansas Varsity Basketball Men who have passed their academic work satisfactorily and are eligible to pley for Kansas under the Big Six Con= ference requirements for the 1941=42 basketball season:* Bob Abrams Bob Johnson . Jack Ballard Warren Israel Jack Beck Dick Keene Don Blair Bill Mathews George Dick Dick Miller Kenneth Dugan Ralph Miller Gordon Durne fed Moser Bon Ettinger Browder Richmond Bob Fitzpatrick Marvin Sollenberger Vance Hall Paul Turner John H allberg Charles Walker Te Pe H unter Virgil Wise * Those taking Correspondence Study in order to be eligible by fall: Charles Black John Buescher Ray Evens Max Kissell Dear We are enclosing the basketball schedule for Kansas-for the 194142 season as arranged by the Big Six Conference. In addition to our conference schedule you will also see listed games with Denver University, Bethel Gollege at Newton for the dedication of their new ficld house, Iowa Univer=- sity, DePeul, Wichita and Creighton Universities. There are two games yet to be arranged=-probably with Oklahoma A. and MN. cor with a Southwest Con= ference team here at Lawrence. Today is August 4th. In the evening the bleckbirds are flitting fron the north on their trek to the southiende The dew is heavy at night and the evenings are cool, presaging the coming of fulle When fall comes the tang is in the aire The leaves turn brown and the wind gives on ominous warning that winter is coming. And when frost, snow and sleet come Old Man Winter with his hoary locks and his frigid breath will maze you like this indoor game they call round=bell, beskctbell, or casabsabetl, call it whet you will, the main idea is to get that little bail through the hoop=-the game that Dre Naismith originated fifty years agoe He said, "Basketball is a game easy to play but difficult to master". And how true that epic state= ment ise Personally, I declare to you that I am more enthusiastic this year about the record that we hope to make than perhaps any other year that I have coachede The year of 194142 will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of my coaching Kanses basketball teamse Physically we perhaps have some of the finest talent that we have had for yearse Some of our men are giants in stature, some can handle the ball like a monkey handles a coconut, but as I run over the roster of this fine material there is not one single man in the group but whet I can find glaring faults in some of the execution of his fundamentalse Some can shoot and play a fine offensive game, but they are weak on dsfense. thers are good defer sive nan, ot *hey cannot scoree Others are tall, powerfil and rangy, but they do not get out of themselves the wonderful latent possibilities that they possess. Others have & com= bination of fine physique and excellent technique, but fail to observe training rules, which is the most essential ingredient to morale and even= tual successe May I quote Maude Royden, the great English woman sociologist, who said, "Y ow cannot break Nature's laws, but you can breal. yourself against Nature's lows.” Is it not thinknble that a boy who has such a fine physique and who ioves the game so well will pass up other things which are sure to interfere with his success and keep his trainirg rulcs? But does he? re The only excuse that that fine outfit of young Kensas mistangs had for winning the past three years was the fact that they just wouldn't be whipped. You just couldn't keep them down after you had them down$ Meny of the people have picked Kansas to win the championship this yosr and I am frank to tell you that if we win it we are going to havo to show a lot more stuzf than we showed in spring practice, or what our returning regulars showed from last year's playing seasone But I am counting on putting out more energy and even more coaching technique than ever beforee Our regular varsity basketball practice will start by Octobe: first, if not a wock befores We will proctice threo times p week and we are going to learn our fundamentals, both offensively and defensively, so well thet when Homecoming time comes wo will play the fresh= men for the entertainment of the Homecomers the evening prior to the Kansase Missouri football game at Lawrence, 30 degin to think basketball and think in terms of training, conditioning and team play thot will set this Kensas foam out as one of the really great Kansas teams of all timee You can do it, but you can't do it by wishful thinkinge The educator says, ‘we learn by doing". What are you doing? I have been here at the University during the entire eight weeks Summer Session and I have written to the different toys, some of whom needed Correspondence Study but did not teke ite One follow in particulor was in the Engineering School and needed tut one hour to be eligiblee TI wrote him and he made no response. So far as I om concerned I do not care because if 2 fellow is no more interested in his sport then thate he would not exercise himself to the point of etting one hours then I co not wont to be bothered with him on my squade If a boy does not vent to pley strongly enough that he will give up some things to achieve the more worth= while things, then I am not interested in hime Personally, I will promise to work harder than any men on the squad, and if you don't believe it, challenge me oncé€e But I want to say to you very frankly that I have no time for twiddlers or twaddlers, and alibis won't be worth a dime with mee I will deliver and I will expect you to do likewisee I am loaving on August 16th for Boone, Iowa, to coach in the Iowa High School Athletic Association Goaching and Ofrisials Clinic, in which Glark De Shoughnessy with his T formation from Stunford, Bernice, Bierman with his Minnesota Shift, and Hank Iba with his "“shiftless" Oklahomans, and I will endeavor to instruct the coaches who will assemble there during the week of August 18 to 23. Then I am coming beck here to get things in tip-top readiness for one of the most strenuous campaigns that we have ever facede Oklahoma is quietly passing the grapevine around that they will have the greatest team they have ever had. This past week I worked on @ crippled Missouri Tiger basketeer who came to Lawrence for repairs, the injury being a bad knee, and he tells me that George Edwards thinks he will have one of the best teams that Missouri has ever had. Nebraska is sweating blood over thea double defeat administered by us, and thoy are smarting under criticism of the rowdy tactics they displayed here and at Lincoln, and they have passed the word out through Elwyn Dees, the trainer, that Kansas had better look to her laurels this year. Jack Gard= ner, of Southern California fame, still lives at Manhattan, and the burning thought lives within him that the first time he licks Kansas will be an epochal chapter in his Kansas Aggie dcbute You remember Louie Menze is supposed to have the best team that he has had at Towa State because ho lost but DeCoster and the big boy, Nichclas. Lovie tells me that he has a fine bunch of big boys coming ups So if you can find any soft spots, you pick them for me. I cant find them. Then we are playing the University of Iowa at Iowa City, and Rollie Williams is supposed to have a great club in the making there. We are playing Iowa et Lawrence the following year because I have long refused to play a Big Ten team unless they promise to return to Lawrence on a home and home basise So you now have our year"s forecaste You can help muke it a great and glorious season if you will knuckle down and with a sense of blind Loyalty follow where other great champions have trode With great anticipations and mch hope and a deal of confidence in your ability, I am i, vs : Very sincerely yours, \ a # tg oo ed oe o ~~ } ~ v4 pn \ i ) . Z oe Lhe tt {i 4 oie ™ - i s re ~“niector, of Physical racist Recreation FCA:AH Varsity Baskesball Coach. Enole J i ' UNIVERSITY OF January 6 January 14 January 17 January 19 January 24 February 14 February 16 February 27 March 3 March 6 December 17 December 18 January 29 January 31 February 2 February 10 194142 Big Six Conference Games Non=Confcrence Games KANSAS BASKETRALL SCHELU LE Oklahona at Lawrence Missouri at Columbia flebraskn at Lincoln — State at Ames Kansas State at Lawrence Nebraske at Lawrence Towa State at Lawrence krlahoma at Norman Ken sas State at Manhattan Missouri et Lewrence Denver University Bethel College at Newton Towa University at Iowa City DoPaul University at Chicago Wichite University at Wichita Creighton University at Law- rence UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Saisie, 2: August 29, 1942, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dear Paul: The academic year of 1942-'43 takes on a more serious and a more sinister meaning for us all. We are now fast realizing that we are ina death struggle with three international gangsters - the square- heads, the slit-eyes, and the spaghetti-benders - who are bent upon our utter dostruction, ‘lo destroy them is our purpose at present. : College days heretofore meant friendships and fellowships, success in the professions or business, marriage and desires for a happy home life with children. Ali of this has been changed and now the word SERVICE confronts all of us, of all ages, The reason that you are being aeferred temporarily, to allow you to obtain an education that will permit yoa to serve in a greater capacity as an officer, is because of the experience that Uncle Sam has had in training officer material, He has found that when he took volunteer enlistments for the training camps for officer material about 43% failed, due to deficioncies not here mentioned. But when Uncle Sam permitted these boys to go to college and obtain a degree then only about 5% of them failed, Therefore, vou are in the upper strata and your Uncle feels that it is a good investment to permit you to return to college and complete your education so that you will be a better officer to handle the men under yous You will be more capable and you will save more lives, and you will win the war in a shorter time than had you immed- jately gone into the service without this extra traininge This interlude of a few years was not given you to return to the campus and carry on in the ways of previous college days. It will be & more serious group this year, and while athletics will have their place in the great scheme of things, the real purpose will be to develop e finer fighting morale and a more splendid esprit de corps for the men of Mount Oread. Frankly, I am not interested in athletics for their own sake at this time, but rather I am hoping that we can be the means of develop- ing a finer sense of obligation to duty, whether it be on the basketball court or in the other walks of life here on Mount Oread, I have spent the summer getting into better physical condition and I am hoping to train with you so that we can all make better progress. Of course, we hope to have a fighting basketball team, but all the adjectives that heretofore have been used to describe athletic teams will now be used to describe the fighting heart of our boys in the thousands of battle areas where our K.U. boys will be found. mom Many of the boys who left the campus last spring will never come back. This will be true also of the boys who will leave this year. So let us not return to the campus with the thoughts of a joy= ride uppermost in our minds, nor with thoughts of riding in automobiles hither and yon, but rather let us get on our feet and use our legs so that we will actually be in better physical condition right from the start and up to the finish. I am sending you a copy of our basketball schedule and I am listing the personnel of the men, John Buescher has already been in- ducted and left for Beardstown for his physi¢eal examination and induction. Meny of the other boys have joined the Army and the Navy reserve. In fact, practically all of our boys on the campus this fall will be in the SERVICE at the opening of school. There are one or two of the boys on the squad that are not in physical condition. We will not admit certain members of the squad to basketball practice until they have reduced to a minimum weight. You fellows who are overweight will know what I mean. And when we emphasize training we mean the spirit and practice of train- Ing e i Trusting that you have had a fine summer and that you will be able to return with oa fighting heart, I am Sincerely\ yours, cert FCA: AH Enc.» UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1942-143 (Conference and Non-Conference) December 5 - Gardner, Kansas, Naval Aviation School = at Kansas City December 11 - Rockhurst College + at Kensas City December 15 - Creighton University - at Omaha December 21 - University of Iowa - at Lawrence St. Bonaventure - at Buffalo, N.Y. December 26 December 28 - Fordham University - at New York City Jenuary 4 - Gardner, Kensas, Naval Aviation School - at Lawrence «January 6 - University of Missouri - at Lawrence *January 9 = University of Oklahoma - at Norman January 13 = Oklahoma A. & M. - at Lawrence *xJanuary 20 - Kansas State - at Manhattan January 29 =- Iowa Naval Aviation Pre-Flight School = at Kansas City January 30 + Great Lakes Naval Training School - at Kansas Cify February 3 - Gardner, Kansas, Naval Aviation School - at Gardner *February 6 - Iowa State College - at Lawrence *February 13 - University of Nebraska - at Lincoln *February 15 - Iowa State College - at Ames February 17 + Oklahom. A. & M. College - at Stillwater *February 23 = University of Nebraska - at Lawrence *February 26 = University of Oklahoma - at Lawrence *March 2 - University of Mi esourd - at Columbia March 4 - Creighton University - at Lawrence *March 6 = Kansas State College - at Lawrence *Big Six Conference Games. | Hoyt Baker Jack Ballard Bill Bauer Charles Black Doneld Blair Bill Brill John Buoscher Paul Carpenter. Dick Channel Bob Corder George Dick Armand Dixon Bob Dole Ray Evans Bob Fitzpatrick Bill Forsyth Vence Hall Stenley Heuston BASKETBALL SQUAD 1942-'43 Bob Heaston Curtis Hinshew Warren tevaed : : deybart Kauffman Max Kissell Harold MeSpadden Dick Miller Bill Palmer THATS Penny Jim Rodertak Otto SoHACTIBASREP™ Jom Short Bob Siddons Bud Smith irvin Sollenberger Lawrérise ‘Strean Kenneth Themapnens Paul Turner DEPAPTMEST OF PUYSIGAL EDUCATION Univeraity of Kanese April 1, 1961 Dear Yersity end Freshman Besketbe 2) Players: Bes Peleyee Ye hove invited « greet group of oietanding basketon ll players in Kereas bigh eehools te come up te the Thiversity the norning of the Keneae Pelaye, “pril 19, end shoot some gonle with our Varetty and Yreshman playerse A lerge sucber of these high school boys heave ae responded to be present here feturdey mereingy 4 tprit 18, et 3004 Deubtless some of you «ill be busy the morning of the Manger Peloys, but we would like te heave as mny of you as possible coxe up te the gym end work out with these high school visitors. It would ve well for you to be here stout 9330 so you would ve suited wy sd ready before the high school bere arrives i em sppointing esoh of you ue @ committee of one te introduce youre — eelvos ard eake these high echeol boyn feel at homee The Varsity ond freshmen will weer Versity wiiforms aad so will just work out with these high seheol voyae | es aoe Ge lsd, tho Verelty Basketball sicture will be taken Sunday, April 6, 9 iGU noon, 4t the Lawrence Studios Dean will be here at the gyenesium et 11:30 toe coco out your equipment, You will ¢rese here in the gy ard all of us will go dom to he Studie together in caree 7 Tf there is aug reason woy you cannot be here fuday for the ptenine, Please leave word with wy seerdtery, “ise Laurette Jerastenberrers 3 +o tion: -Previousiy I wrote to you ard ststed thet the Kanese City Relays Olub of K -owl City, Uismuri, we civing © den-uet for our Varsity Baskets! feam. end the freshmen Living in or eer Farece Sitys. I find now thet this will be on efter dinner got=Lorether instesd of e banquet, so it will be necessary for you to est at hore before leevings Conch Gwinn Yerry end the foot oo 1) eteff ere alse coing Gorn. They sugrested thet we leave shout « quarter of sevens Yovever, if any besietiall ployers are plevirge berebell, wo ver>ape could tale one car end start « fow sinutes Ietor, say 7:00, which will give us a little core tine to dress. ‘the get-together will be held at toe University Club, G18 Belticore pvenue, Kensse City, ‘Iseourl. Coaches Menry, “urh, Lensing, and Peplog: i will drive cerse Plecse Int ‘ise Geretenberrer kmow whether or set you plan to ottend this get-together. Bineere ly YOUrS » Streator of Piyeiesl Fduestion and Veereotion Vereity Uesketball and Bagebell Coach GR AAT SMHS STII eat, Dear Varsity Basketball Members: On Thursday, March 20, the Cooperative Club of Lawrence is giving a dinner in honor of the Kansas University Basketball Team at 6:30 at the Eldridge Hotel. Phere-will be a short meeting, but the Cooperative Club has been generous in asking us every year and we want you to be there without fail. | I recognize that Howard Ingleman and John Kline: | are going to Denver and may not be able to be with use Although we hope they are not beaten, we also will miss them terribly if they are still in Denver. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach pe sc ae 9 | & LAME a Ae Lee Avttad os AAA ) pn ae 4 UL y hk to Sw e 2 . Hnhe Ae Crm April 1, 1941 Sheuth gut Ah U ot tk & Are greThisrw Dear Varsity and Freshmen Basketball Players; - ‘ / Ke. Kener Mbouer, We have invited a great group of outstanding basketball ogi players in Kansas high schools to‘come up ta the University the | x morning of the Kansas Relays, April 19, and shoot some goals with } our Varsity and Freshmen players. A large number of these high school boys have enthusiastically responded to be present here Saturday morning, April 19 at 10:00. 5 Doubtless some of you will be busy the morning of the \ y Kansas Relays, but we would like to have as many of you as possible come up to the gym and work out with these high school visitorse | It would be well for you to be here about 9:30 so you would be / suited up and ready before the high school boys arrives . introduce yourselves and make these high school boys feel at homes The Varsity and Freshmen will wear Varsity uniforms and [ I am appointing each of you as a committee of one to we will just work out with these high school boyse ‘ = ie \ Ro yorid Aativww, Also, the Varsity Basketball picture will be taken | / —'"——~| ‘Sunday, April 6, at 12:00 noon, at the Lawrence Studios Dean _ \ ae _ will be here at the gymnasium at 11:30 to check out your equipmente La You will dress here in the gym and ail of us will go down to , the Studio together in carse \ Darko If there is any reason why you cennot be here Sunday for the picture, please leave word with my secretary, Miss J Lauretta Gerstenbergere os Sincerely yours, oe ai ak sine Director of Physical Eduoa tion and Recreation ne NY SW Warsity Basketball and Baseball Coach, - Previously I wrote to you and and stated that the’ ‘ ® Relays Club of Kansas City, Missouri was ‘giving a banquet OX sketball team and the freshman livi in or near Kansas City awe I find now that this will be aGet-together(after dinner inbeead of & banquet, so it will be necessary for you to eat at home before leavinge : Coach Gwinn Henry and the football staff are aiso going downe They suggested that we leave about a quarter of seven. However, if any basketball players are playing baseball, we perhaps could take one car and start a few minutes leter, say 7:00, which will give us a little more time to dresse_ The get-together will be held at the University Club, 918 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missourle ..95 0 CoachHenry, @erek Hurt, Gemwh fp sat Gomeh Replogel will fue drive carse Please iesme wendemibbh,iiss Gerstenberger/whether or not you plan to attend this get-togethere 2 @Lnyae* * March 15, 1941 Wire Bob Allen | 801 Louisiane Street Lawrence, Kanses Dear Bob: On Thursday, March 20, the Cooperative Club of Lawrence is giving a dinner in honor of the ‘ Kensas University Basketball Team at 6:30 at the Eldridge Hotel. This will be a short meeting, but the Coopera=- tive Club has been generous in asking us every year and we want you to be there without fail. ! I recognize that Howard Engleman and John Kline are going to Denver and may not be able to be with use Although we hope they sre not beaten, we also will miss them terribly if they ere stil! in Denver e Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Ree Yersity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCA:og- eat sh ote oe Pb! y onion ferng. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION eon Emer geney To the Eligible Varsity Men: Rebert Ee. Alien Bill Hegben Richard Miller Harlan Altman — Te Pe Hunter Ted Moser Harley Anderson Bob Johnsen Allen Nipper James Arnold. John Kline ~ Dewitt Potter John Buescher John Krum Brewder Richmond Kenneth Dunn - Bill Mathews Norman Sanneman Howard Engleman Bob Meredith — Walter Sheridan Max Gray Clarence Miller -Marvin Sollenberger Vance Hall Charles Walker Jehn Hallberg — Bob Woodward Ye Battlers fer the 1941-42 Big-Six Crewn: An emergency exists and the Varsity Basketball Team will practice on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3:50 Peli. each week, the first practice to begin Monday, September 23. The first day will be taken up with checking out equipment, foot care and light drillse After that heavy duty on fundamentals and scrimmage to follow soone aw hysical Educdwfon and Recreation FCA: lg Varsity Basketball Coac gon Btescher- | x Ke Kenneth—Dunmn~—— 5 16 Pete ) BY ig Heward Engleman..... Mex—Gray pete Vance Hall. / Phu oe Jobe-Hetipepe 9 ¢/ fe7* ~~ Bill Hogben ZK D z 4. { Fu wie. Fee kro } 0 es i ’ : BOC R Ded-Meser-—_— /2 2 A pra Foun erent. Pewitt Potter 219’ W a fe e : es a A Brewder--Richmond- Norman.Sanneman.— /£3 1 & Jen | ; : : a a tit ale aki | wplt [iy iat tb i ie i <2 gall nih Hy ate i : He if i g a fit mah hi i gett ean 4 et if ni iu iH ii ; i quis i ‘ He ; mn | i ie ie a ds