THE POST PHONE—MAIN 2121 THE DENVER POST—WANT AD SECTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1944 Lost and Found “belonging to son in navy, also money. and valuable papers. Please mail to coats wo diamond rings, Thursday after- noon. Oct. oth in Brown Palace powa room. Valu for their sentiment. that found them will be liberally rewarded D, s & reece, for their return, ; 6637 or BAst 43 Electric bide. eos tran billfold i ater Mon uable only to owner. Keep money. Call GL. 3818 W. 30th ave. 0 pauo lesa Lafayette and Corona on olfax, lady’s coat pin; colored stones -and brilliants, Valued as keepsake. Re- ward. MA. 8489. “LDOST—Camera and case, Detrola, Oct. 14 on 13th avenue bus. Generous reward. Keepsake of Oe: soldier, 1301 Mil- waukee or EM. LOST—Russian tapi ring in lady’s lava- tory of Denver National bank Thursday. MA. 3696. Reward. ‘LOST—Brown cap and sweater, bacco pouch and pipe, east teeth, Suitable reward. 18; LOST—1937 Ford wheel toe ites between 13th and 23rd and Broadway. Liberal re- ward. Davis Motors, 28rd and Arapahoe. Beem with black nose. Calif. license. One ie dimits on West Colfax, Name Mike pe eats: Near White filling por on apes e- black to- dower plate OST—W r, male, white and the ack with fant nena “just trimmed. Re- ward, GL. 6682, 3275 Ames. female eat vicinity 2300 7649 to 3 Personals SANDWICHES made to order for all occa- siovs; picnigs, teas, receptions. Call the Race TT Cek Co., PH. 5340, between 7 a. m. » and 3 p. DR. TORANGE, Ste postion ees. fa sy Tea Room m 5. easaryacousyonls! KE, 2441 or TA. 2307 Sundays, room 208. s BLOOD wees —For Marr Diagnostic Laboratories, 639, Empire Bldg. EGAN Ce eS i ene Diagnostic Laboratories, “639 Empire Blde. LN Situations Wanted—Female 4 COLORED woman wants day work, laun- 60c hr. and car fare. EXP. Secretary-Bkpr. 14 ‘years experience. *Good business background, Available aoe once. Best of references, Write Box 6, E87- ‘ost. EXP. poor srl, day work, 60¢ hr., car- fare. TA. 777: ‘LOVELY Soyoae old girl; Catholic home; ‘help with housework. Cook, companion; Denver 7 yrs. East only, KE 9411. , MOTHER with child, ee hon sekeeping ’ position, e Solent re. gine ee oe posi- co pence ii KE. 3. . any case, Hs any 817. ‘8 experience wel- are and legal Good salary, Avail- able now. 87-Po: QUALIFIED secre ES xper. Office or Ha 1 work until ot year. Good typist; Mey 27, Mrs, 0 PBX operator. Booth. SP. 2261. Situations Wanted—Male 5 “ KMERIG: N-Japanese, experienced mean ie wants any type of work from 6 not later than midnight. Box 9, M86- "Bost, CHRISTIAN Scientist, age 45, succe: in property management, supervision and rehabilitation. Personnel last position three hundred employees. Interested in perma- nent Denver connection with postwar op- portunity. No commission sales considered, No telephone please. te or wire Holland ‘ott, 1156 So. Clarkson CLUB or hotel manager. Experienced in all phases.of club and hotel work, seeks posi- tion, Denver area, Box K86-Post. EXPERT. PHOTO ra AND RE- TOUCHING. PHONE KEystone 2798. ‘MAN with A. B. in commerce and major “in accounting, desires employment in public accounting. Opportunity more important than sala Harl 3609. MAN-—Sales and De- ‘sires tales position with well-established firm, Travel preferred, Box 7, M87-Post. Day Nurseries and Summer Camps PEON Roe Rueooe executive experience. [485 DETROIT—Care child: con RgRE mother’s love. Room mother. EM MISS MUFFET resident nursery, girls, 2-5 years. Best food and care. Lic. DE. 0646. BABIES cared for Ra 1 year. My home. Graduate nurse. 41 WA er to care for uri ing cay Please call_907 1. Golden, Colo. Rn WonMent apentEE and War Industries © B. & Q. R. R. or C. & S. RY. NEEDS LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN MECHANICS. APPRENTICES, AGE 16-25 MACHINISTS Co RMAKERS B. & B. CARPE: B. & B, HELPERS PIPEFIT TERS TELEGRAPH OPERATORS SWITCHMEN AND BRAKEMEN (Bxperienced—Age Limit 65 MSERGHANIC I 18 ae a Pe iG AR) SEE GROUND By N y HABQRERS * SHOP ‘AND ROU 10US LABORERS FREIGHT HANDLERS IN DENVER U.S, RAILROAD RUC iREMENT BOARD 7 CHAMPA, OR Cc. B. & Q R. ik C.. RY, EMPLOYMENT GEtice 1507 1 STR. Statement of Gvailability required. EXCELLENT FUTURE Offered young men age 21 to 27 with college education, engineering or business administration, desiring work in sales. Dis- charged soldier or draft exempt. Will start in Denver branch office of National Manufacturing Co. in charge of sales pro- metion while learning business. Good ad- “vancement and future Salary open, GLENN B. WILSON EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 306 CONTINENTAL OIL BLDG. THR eS Sea co. UPREME_ BAKER: a HAVE Positions open for men and women t will make you We ‘D. OF YOUR Ee IN THE WAR APPLY PERSONNEL 0 FICE 4 9TH AND WALNUT STRESTS Statement of availability required. MEN WANTED MACHINISTS WAREHOUSEMEN HELPERS APPLY SILVER NEN an WORKS, INC, Statement of Availability “Required. EXCELLENT OPENINGS * IN ESSENTIAL FOOD PLANT “Men and Women, eee a 60. Experience not .necessary Goi Rapid _ady. ane NetrON ar Biscurr oe 3100 EH. 40TH THE GAmep STATES PLO Yate VICE, 550 BRO. sons enioged in raeatiaig Hauery last 60 days must have statement of availability. PLATE Se HELPERS FOR see woe WO. 48-HOUR EATON METAL spRopUCTS co. Anyone ee " Derentel activi- ties within the last 60 days must have statement of availability. JANITOR NEEDED Bree eon essential At 40-hr. w time and % over ov oe 40 vers finest. truck Beets of Availability Required & ee Mr. Ray Ball, G. M. C. Tru Coach AY: aBIon 3 0 W. 12th ave, 81 r U. yment Ser NEEDED Permanent employment. Essential industry. yeek, time and % over over rs. Denver's finest Secs ie station, * _ Statement ot Availability Required ay Ball, @. 'M, Cc. Truck & Coach 620 i ave, T. Employment WANTED—B L A C KSMITH, EOHANICS and MECHANIC HELPERS for auto spring and frame repair shop. These are full time permanent jobs with excellent working con- ditions and postwar penor tunities. Western Springs Service, 3001 Walnut. Statement of availability necessary. WANTED—Girls for factory work. Essen- tial industry. Good working conditions, Ne experience necessary. ore m. 105 era AND PORTER FOR RAILRO phOUSH, GOOD r ARY OR PERSONNEL MILK ROUTH. goon. WAGES. CAMBRIDGE DAIRY, 690 COLORAD' PE. 8826. STATE- NENT OF AVAILABILITY REQUIRED, 1 eR pe ee Se ee LOST—Lady’s black cloth pocketbook on No. 6 car, containing identification bracelet watch Mrs. oa 8432 W, 31st ave. keep money. or m_or near Oriental the- evening, Return contents val- Employment Agencies and War Industries PONT NEEDS CONSTRUCTION MEN YOU ARE URGENTLY NEEDED AT ONCE ON PACIFIC NORTHWEST -CONSTRUC- TION PROJECT This oreee sated by the army, navy and war ower commission as extremely important to your country, TRANSPORTATION ADVANCED— ATTRACTIVE SCALE OF WAGES Rica week of 54 hours—time and one -half for work in excess of 40 hour Se ENS ¢ GRAPTS NEEDED 7 Reoetrccuony laborers, protective firemen, heet_ metal workers, BMachinits (Shop) Telephone Operators MUST BE CITIZEN OF U. 8. A. aeeaal ATH LIVING FACILITIES AVAIL. ABLE FOR EMPLOYED PERSONS ONLY Applicants must bring draft registration and classif} sao social security card and proof of citizenship. Anyone presently employed in essential industry or who leaves essential work to apply will not be considered. See en ets interview appli U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WAR poh COMMISSION 550 BROADW R 1316 18TH ST., DENVER, COLORADO PATROLMEN NEEDED ON PACIFIC NORTHWEST PROJECT TRANSPORTATION ADVANCED ATTRACTIVE SCALE OF WAGES WORK WEEK 54 HOURS. TIM. AND ONE-HALF FOR WORE EXCHESs OF 40 HOURS. MUST BE A_CITIZEN OF THE U.S. A. C IMMEDIATE LIVING FACILITIES AVAILABLE R_ EMPLOYED PERSONS ONLY, PLICANTS MUST BRING L CURITY AND PROOF OF CITIZENSH. COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE WILL INTERVIEW APPLICANTS. MUST HAVE STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY, EMPLOYMENT SERVICE War “MANPOWER COMMISSION 550 Broadway. Denver. Colo, BOEING AIRCRAFT COMPANY Needs Help to Build the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS Men and women are eligible, Experience not necessary, Paid while training. erent factory working con- iti Free transportation to west coast. Adequate housing available. 48-hour work week—time and one- half over 40 hours. A war iob you can do, Do not phone. Apply in person at WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION, UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICH. 550 Broadway. Only applicants who are eligible under the WMC an CSRA BOR at bilization and Priority Referral Programs will be i inter iewed. NEEDED AT O. ON PACIBIC NORTHWEST “CONSTRUCH TION PROJEC’ a STBAMFITTERS, PLI OE ON SSUBAMPIEEERS, All the SbOou me have eae Journeymen Card—A, tL, Work week 54 hours—Time and one-half in excess of 40 hours. Transportation Ad Attractive Wages. MUST BE CITIZEN OF U. 8. A. pero living. facilities available for mployed persons only. Applicants» must bring social security card and proof of a Sen Ea Anyone dustry or ae leaves Pepeenitial aoe Et apply will not be considered. Company pope le will interview Senta SEFP-VICE a Uv. WA & MANPO COMALLSSION 550 BROADWAY. COLO. WORKERS ANTES FOR ALASKA Minimum monthly wage g of 240 times base hourly rate, Carpenters. Laborers, Sewermen, Laborers, Sewermen, Steamfitters Junkies—Male Clerk-Checkers—Male Applicants must have proof of citizenship. TRANSPORTATION PAID See Representative United cues Employment Service 50 Broadway. Anyone presently employed in essential industry or who leaves essential work to apply will not be considered, : WANTED IMMEDIATELY Skilled and unskilled men: for all-around metal mine work, Permanent. Highest sal- aries allowable under manpower approv: Modern living quarters if desired. Statement oe availability required. Apply in person at 500 EB. & C. bidg., cor. 17th and Curtis sts. WANTED ARC ee AND ae STEADY ST TTO MUST ae SEATEMENT. ae aN SPEER ts 188 FOR RA HOUSE. AWATR ESSE ASDA MATOS. e000 WAGES. ROOM AND BOARD, P. D. & @ gE Ne OR PERSONNEL Depn, 1531 STO MAN with radio aa electronic experience wanted for assembly and testing of sci- entific instruments. Hailand Research Co- operative, 130 HE. 5th ave. Statement of availability required. WANTED—FRY_ COOK FOR RAILROAD EATING HOUSE. GOOD WAGES. ROOM AND BOARD. _APP. D. & R. G. COM- Re OR PERSONNEL DEPT., 1531 WANTED—First-class tool and die makers. Wright Engineering & Supply Co. Est. 1918. 1500 So, Bannock. Statement of availabil- ity required. POWER machine operator for bar tacking machine, naval contract, good wages on piece work basis, light wor! Apply 1642 Arapahoe. ACTIVE workers desired on punch presses and_other mechanical equipment. Factory at aa poee and South Clay. Phone Engle- wood 372. GIRLS for inspection work, Day and swing shift. Availability certificate required. H. P. Bunn Manufacturing Co., 201 Broadway. Help Wanted—Female 8 A-l ABLE ADULT Upstairs eS only and serving. Pyt. room and bath, mvenient to transp., top wages. Rets. | id E. 17th av A-1 ABLE housekeeper, Ay or go home nights. SP. ap fi boa” wages, fe 1 ABLE white woman as cook, house- keeper in new bung., 3 crea room for husband to sleep, EM. 833’ A-1, ABLE girl, general nooo, lent_wages. Good home. 1385 @ A-1 ABLE girl or woman, eaiealn OES work, Stay or go home nights. BA. 3080. Al EXPERIENCED downstairs maid, white. Serving, no laundry_or cooking. Small Rook vate family, $75. References. EM 27, A-1 GIRL or woman for general ee work and assist care of children, no laun- dry or ironing, Stay nights. Soldier's wife acceptable, i Lb awit DMC B REE Oey A-1 GIRL or woman for small lunch coun- ter, On Rr served, good pay. Danny’s, 1130 1 st A-1 Sa Excel- AN presser, steady, good wages, Call Sunday. BA. 8010. 1542 Colorado bly. A CAPABLE panics cook. References, Hig! wages, PE. 3120. 135 Humboldt st. A CONGENIAL woman gion work in dough- nut_factory. 1344 Lin A GOOD PLAGE. a ae ND THE FULTU OR WV Er NEED. EXPERIENCE * A YOU DON’? YOU WILL LIKE “THE HOU: 8 TO 4:30 employes nasal Ss here ey of our and_ more 17_ BROADWAY. 20 yrs. tor ANY LAUNDRY, 2 adults A A GOOD home for the right party, with 7-mo.-old baby desire housekeeper and cook in 6-room bungalow on EB. 17th ave, parkway, Unusually nice room with pvt. bath. Conyenient location, Good wages, Ref Eo, BODE ‘ee. “interview call BA: MIDDLE: a wh ST woman as panion to elderly Ronan light housewor! wages. A NURSE or ae aid, 8-hour ae floor duty, 324: _ Fairview. GL. A WHITE woman rs cooking and ae S stairs work, 3 adults. No laundry. No Sun. Work. $60 mo. 2025 Clermont A WOMAN to help in kitchen, good hours, wa 439 E, 19th ave. ABLE-BODIED girl or oman: t ho work. 5 in family. No lau private mean ae bath, upstairs, $65. one month, Help Wanted—Female 8 Help Wanted—Female 8 ABLE girl or woman for housework, Stay pene. 762 Olive, EM, 3715. you looking for a good paying job qe a real future? We need good, fast tinters (water color), also exp, person op- erate photo machine or 8x10 camera for 5-mi. portrait, also good dark room man, good salary or comm. for right percons Sally’s Smile a Minute Studio, 1004 15th s' ARTIST'S fracdel; ulgntve class. Call easy before Sun betw. 10 and 1. Denver ari “Institute, 1441 Welton et. MAin_ 3339. ATTENDANTS—STATE oes AT RIDGE, BGC MONTH ‘H FULL MAINiENANGE. NO EXPERTENCE NEC- ESSARY. PHONE ARVADA 133. ATTENTION School girls, soldiers’ wives, housewives! BENNETT'S RESTAURANT Has openings for: WAITRESSES No experience necessary, we will ‘train you. Full or part-time work. Good pay and side one enim furnished, liquor served. e 9 p. BENNETT'S RESTAURANT, 17TH ST, BETWEEN WELTON AND CALIF. APPLY 1512 CURTIS. BEAUTY operator. Good salary and-com- mission, 2, sens La Grace Beauty Shop. KE. AUR'S GIRLS, : MA SUPACTURING PLY ee te BUS GIRLS. DISHWASHER, PoT WASHER. COLORED, PPLY 1512 CURT: BOOKKEEPER for long established whole- sale and retail business. Someone familiar with general ledgers as well as accts. rec, ledgers. State ete. cs BEAUTY operator, f: and commission. Box 3, DO CARETAKER, $125 month, man and wife preferred, for church, Box 2, W62-Post. CAPABLE PERSON, eee HSWE., ee WASHING MACHIN: Pe DISHW ASHE. Ri Vicrsiry, 100 SO, CHERRY, CALL E: CARTOONIST for design department to draw vels humorous cartoons for greet- An unusually good opening with Sxoclient postwar possibilities. Sam- ples sent with application will be returned. Write Hall Brothers, 2505 Grand avenue, Kansas City, Missou CASHIER Must be experienced, pleasing personality. Able to meet the public Steady work with postwar future. Dupler’s, 1540 Stout. CHECKER girl wanted. Pontiae Cleaners, 70: EB. Colt. COMBINATION counter girl and dish wash- er wanted for night work in_seven stool cafe, Apply A&B Eating House, 1515 Downing, after twelve noon, COOK and maid in boarding house, good wants. 1112 Marion. and waitress wanted, Satie aoe mee ere DISHWASHER WANTED, RDELWEISS __RESTAURANT, 1644 GLENARM PL EXCELLENT opportunity for experienced office clerks in our accounts payable, pay roll and general office division. Must type and operate office machines. Good starting wages. Permanent position. Rapid advance- ment for merit and ability, Desirable work- ing conditions. Apply _in person, Shwayder Bhosle SeLO DOES Deeb road Waves eee ete EXP. girl to manage dry cleaning office; attractive salary to competent person. No phone calls. Dependable Cleaners, 1701 So. Broadway. EXP. WAITRESS. $25 WEEK, EVENING SHIFT, 6-DAY WEEK. BEST WORKING 19 BA. Con Pax = BAR AND CAFE, bookkee’ toa future. 111 Broadway. EXPERIENCED PRESSER On silk dresses, top wages. De Vano Dry Cleaners, De Vano bldg, 7th and Sherman. EXP, stenographer for wholesale and retail ae Give qualifications. Box 1, D80- ‘os! EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, 50¢c hour and board, night work. Blue Bonnet cafe, 457 South Broadway EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED Good Pay, Pleasant Surroundings Edelweiss Restaurant 1644 Glenarm EXPERIENCED office AGloe pews Fruit Co., Denargo Market. TA, 8114 EXP. waitress wanted, 50c hr.; none other need apply. Tommy’s Grill, 519 18th. EXPERIENCED feeders and folery Ryanted: Westminster Laundry, 33 Wel EXPDRIENCED cuieken tippers. paaver Poultry, 545 Santa EXPERIENCED He pear steady job. A BC Cleaners, 1250 E. Col EXP. curb girls and Ne eile, over 18, Pick- ag a Speer and Broadwi ‘ERIENCED WAITRESSES BLUE PARROT INN 1718 BROADWAY ROGN TY cians 40 hrs, 6-day wk., 4:30 10:30 p. Corona Drug, 9th and Gorone: FUR ae EXPERIENCED, STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. GOOD ORES CONDITIONS. MILLER FURS. 901 E. COLFA: GIRL for general aries work aS cashier- ing, $18 per week to start. Excellent chance for advancement. Furnish reference. Box 2, T72-Post. GIRL, soldier’s wife, elderly woman or wid- ow for general housework, cooking, Must like children, Third floor apt. and bath, board and wages. CH. 772 GIRL for general office oe Must be able to tyne. take dictation, an Apply office Globe Furniture Co. Larimer. GIRL or woman to assist with baby and ERE pecs More for home than wages. GIRL CHECKER to work in grocery store, must have Sper acg, Apply at Market, 2030 Lar GIRE, for orice Bor “Worle in law office. x 6, H87-P. ee wanted. aaa in tation shop. Pontiac Cleaners, 7022 E. Colfax. GIRL for downtown messen ea American Optical Co., 1441 Welton. L BARTENDER—DAY SHIFT THE FUCCA. 8975 E. COLFAX. BM. 5814. GIRL to care for child some evenings. vi- cinity Colfax and Colo, blvd. EM. 9283. GIRLS AND WOMEN Shirt folder, Underwear press operator. Peeders and folders, Bun wrapper, CRYSTAL - LACS NDRY permanent position, Singer Sewing Machine Co., service. 6 So. Broadway, eas Sorters, shaker, wrappers. press operator. Steady work. Denver Wet Wash. 1840 Central GIRLS for factory work, good wages, steady position. 1720 Arapahoe. GIRLS, 40c to Brats Ss Book & Check Cover Co., 2128 15th GOOD wages, good or ‘00d location for first-class cook who will help with house- work. Upstairs room, private bath. Apply Clark, 206 Tramway bldg. (NOT an em- ployment agency.) HELP! HEL ELP! Go to work at once, No experience essary. Sea DRY, SORTER AND CHECKER, UNDLE WRAPPERS. MANGLE GIRLS, PRESS OPERATORS, ROUGH DRY MARK: IDEAL LAUNDRY Nae 2500 aaa STR. SS. UNDER 30. DOWNTOWN EXPERIENCE, APPEARANCE AND AGE. OSTE: ATTRACTIVE Gini HOSTESS SO rey IN TAURANT. ST. CATION, 3, M72-PO OR RES- EDU- BOX HOUSEWIFE Four hours work week days, sectioning fruit and cleaning shrimps. Hours eo suit your convenience, Blue Parrot Inn. 1718 ston Ways NS. COLORED Office builaing exp. Apply DENVER POST. JEWELRY oe ce our South Denver store, experiencé preferred, permanent po- sition, Denyer Jewelry Co., 535 1 LADY to help in small sandwich shop, 10- 6; no Saturday, Sunday work. 1406 Glen- arm pl. Saturday afternoon and after 10 a.m, Sunday. LADY help penta Mostly Rerue Great Western Candy Co., 1539 Broad LAUNDRY WOREER; xperi feeders, folders, renee tor ear dept. Bundle wrappers for finished dept. Also learners in some departments. Lantz Laundry. 17 Broadway. LEARN a trade for postwar work, with prominent and national .candy concern. Wrappers, dippers, packers, rollers; time aoe one-half over 40 hrs, Full time or Dart time workers, day or night shift. Apply Russell Stover Candies. 2015 Arapahoe. LOOK—Experienced_cafeteria girls, also bus Cee Scan wages. No Sunday work. Apply $21, so an FOR HOTEL WORK AYERS HOTEL, att LOGS, MAID, private fami dults. wages, room, bath. No Ree MA, MANGLE girls wanted, peom 188 SALESLADY Young woman between 20 and 30, interest- ed in learning the yard goods business as saleslady. Interesting work and good op- pOneinte Apply personnel office, Sth oor, THE JOSLIN DRY GOODS CO. SCHOOL girl, light assistant, good home, wages; soferencee. oo aoe La Fiests rose ne neoMwaes aes as keepin: business routine, eee all established concern. Box 3, STENO., collection exp. necessary. Attrac- tive hours. Splendid future in fast grow- ing business. 429 University bldg. STORE CLE GOOD HOURS. GOOD SALARY STEADY EMPLO NT eu BGR OEE AnS StS co. STRONG, ae clean an house- work, fond of children and dogs, no care family, new home, s must be experienced. eaners, 2863 Welton, mn. WAITRESSES FULL TIME OR PART TIME GIRLS MEALS AND UNIFORMS FURNISHED. APPLY MR. M'COY, REPUBLIC DRUG CO., 1600 TREMONT PL WAITRESSES Finest place to work in Colorado. Short hours, big side money, plenty of customers, No liquor. Fastest kitchen in America, Soldiers wives welcome, Golden tern Restaurant, we WAITRESS. AT ONCE DISHWASHER: $4 day, meals. Real o orenit for witt- ing Mrorkers: “i APPLY ik PE PE. RSON, REESE HOUSE, 407 Teo st. WAITRESSES WANTED f furnished. Apply Mr. Riley. {EPUBLIC DRUG 00.7 y ape CHAMPA ST, ITR. D NECESSARY, UNI- S: NO SUNDAY WORK, PLY BAURS, 1512 CURTIS SATIRWSSES. $20 per week, meals and uniforms furnished, Exp. umecessary, Day or night shift, 1701 38th street, Take Downing bus. Sa eR EXPERIENCED PREFERRE. XCELLENT SIDE MONEY. THE OCCA, “sn ‘B. COLFAX, EM, 5814, ‘RESSES, ALSO FRY CooK Newt SHIFT. 1627 GLENARM RY AUR SS Sra anes 6 days, $26. Dinty Moore's, Help Wanted—Male 9 MUST HAVE U. 8. B. 8, CLEARANCE Help Wanted—Male MUST HAVE U, 8. EB. 8, CLEARANCE 9 SP DY flunkies, dishwashers, bull red mi = commissary clerks, one 132 Broadw: WANTED—Boy, $20 per week. We will f nish bicycle. Colorado SUAS Co., 1803 Broadway. oS RTOONIST for aaea department to draw lively, humorous cartoons for greet- ing cards. An unusually good opening with Wereetiant postwar possibilities, Sam- pee sent with pop uca on will be returned. rite Hall Brothers, 2505 Grand avenue, Kansas_City, Missouri. COAL HAULING with trucks; steady work, Reh wages. See Poona Coal Co, on 5th . between Walnut and W; COLORED PORTER, ears ai or nig) ee work. peer Mr, Cook, Carlson-. 230 13th 5 cats BINATION, erat housed and janitor, white or colored, good salary, no ‘aria inking. Erhardt hotel, 1980 ee COOK Goor and meals. Straight shift. ‘Sine “Parrot Inn, 1718 Broadway CREAMERY man, some pxnetionis neces- sary. Rucker’s Guetnsey Dairy. OH, 6044, CYLINDER ae ee gs PRESS FEEDER VER'S INEST BRINTI iT. BRADFORD- Oe EON PRINTING CO., 1828 STOUT. DE DISHWASHER, Gee or colored. PICK-a- RIB. Speer and Broadway. Rea wanted, No ey pues Pay good to right man, 638 5B. DISHWASHER wanted. Twin ae costa, 772 Santa Fe drive. DISHWASHER WANTED, B: BDELWEISS RESTAURANT, 1644 GLENARM PL. DRIVER, preferably man and wife, to Oak- jJand. Cal. Leave Sat. or Sun. morning. Exchange references. _HMerson- 4941. DRY CLEANER’S HELPER 601 W. 11th ave, United Cleaners EXCELLENT postwar opportunity wheel alignment man or ma) vi 81. EXPERIENCED ey foreman and service manager for Dodge direct dealer in good town. Good paying proposition, permanent to right man? Teal climate and living con- ditions, Write or wire t Taylor Com- . ide, Medford, Ore. EXPERIENCED ne CLEANER, PERMA- ENT POSITION. EXCELLENT OPPOR- DONTEY TO RIG: ar PARTY, BOULDER SENG & DYE WORKS, BOULDER, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, draft exempt, peraacent, good sulanys Give full particu- lars. Box 2, ¥62-Pos' ree acs Hotel Denver. 1647 Weltoi EXPERIENCED RUCK DRIV. pao WANTED for e- WaANTED—Reliable delivery man, middle aged or draft Gaad BeZorences req, Alpha Floral Co., 420 16th WANTED—Single man, “Ticensed stationary engineer; good salary, room, board and jaundry. Apply in person, 19th and Julian st WANTED man for Te eee up work, aode and lunch departmen . H, Kress & Co., 16th and Curtis. 'TED—Logging trucks, drivers, mill help at Papen Colo. ae rood pay. Inquire 712 B. & G. bldg. MA. 7 WANTED—Exp. fry cook on er shift. Good, working. conditions, good wages. In- gram’s Cafe, SP. 9705. Houses for Rent— Furnished 21 480 SO. RACE—4-room furnished. Modern ekcopt peat. Cail atter 5p. Wanted to Rent 22 DEPENDABLE Japanese-American family apt. or house; will offer services, housework, garden, drive, etc., or will pay: must be near Sted- Rea school, Park Hill. Call EM. 5539, 73 Pp. m. CHRISTIAN—Young man and paton desire furnished apt. in neighborhood of W. 38th ah peeancs 2, 3 or 4 roome suitable. Call SERVICE man, Wife and daughter, 2, want 3-room apt. Pay to $55. Permanent, ref- Housekeeping Rooms— Unfurnished 26 2 2-ROOM unturn., newly dec., sink, atove, private entrance; near Wards and Gates, 141 W. Nevada Housekeeping Rooms— Furnished 27 Be Se ecnelcs room, Low rent, at CLEAN, steam Sabo Live ‘apart ment; linens furnished desea DANDY housekeeping units, near 13 and 14 car lines. 1369 Humbe. Rooms for Rent— 8 Broadway. erences if desired, pacha Denver preferred. Furnis. hed 29 WANTED 2 wees Teara radiator and et Pee Ween 7 p, m. m,. Mrs, Weston. EARGH sleching room and kitchen facilities Bali: Set eee, | Rete cacenas Hi Pcm aon aalie adiator On. ay. F ae ae iruatwort persons want fur- ri WANDED-Dip MAKER APPLY IN PEE: |nished home, "brooms or more. Wil pay Ding “district and strc, Orme D SON, Suen R BROS., INC., 1050 SO, | up to $100. past Menver' preferred. Will pay rth. BROADWA’ CRIAo SA UrORes SDE elite 10g. TaRelile Geeny eee oes WANTED — ‘Window cleaners; FIVE, or 6-room “house, unfurnished, de- a ple} ‘ewly .remod- and wall — Speman gages, Steady. em. | sirab: le couple pita two virls, 35es, 11 and ge alking distance. TA, 7765, KE, loyment. Call at 1032 18th st. . Permanen’ pow = MAin 1988. ae ‘PEARL—Laree well furnished sleep- WANTED excerianced| auto painter, Perma- nent job, & ary, Write ‘Perrell Body Works, Scottablutt Nebraska, WANTED houseman and chauffeur, outside aS Live on premises. Cher: No erry NTED—Gardener’s helper, $6 a day, k 8 to 5. Cherry Hills, PH. 1641. NTED—Cooks and meat cutters. kley Field Resaurant. WANTED—Printers and press feeders. H, Wyers Famine fe 1749 Champa st. WANTED—A m: oO Wash an peeaanen Position at rood & eae PE. WANTED PRESSBR—Good wages. Apply 1641 Glenarm. WANTED—Route salesmen. Dr, Pepper Bottling Co., 833 Santa Fe. WA ‘ANTED—Boy. Daniel Smith Company, 830 18th = ANTED HOUSEMAN De soto hotel, 1848 Broadway. ANTED garage mechanics to work on 40% basis. Steady work. TA. 1588. WANTED—Driver for milk Toute track. Apply New Reliable Dairy, 431 Sherman st. WANTED—Experienced garage man. 1637 Lincoln, TA. 5911 WANTED—Good general mechanic, must have own tools. Arvada 609M Sat. and Sun. WANTED—Assistant restaurant manager. Apply Buckley. a Exch mee Restaurant, Apply ASH Ideal nonle 3500" Curtis st. WANT place for 5 rms. furniture, 3 well- behaved children, Could dispose of furni- eure, but want children, Mrs. Bowles, TA. 2, pore young abaes who can a ant to rent a Buttes a bedroom furnished apartment. PERN, position; man and wife, no chil- acne 5-room unfurn. house. Box 1, T87- os rat hed 12-yr. schoolgir), E, 6355, Miss Mrss Perguson sate Aer ee Dey at eee COUPLE desire nicely furn, house or apt. Guarantee good care, Prefer east Denver. Perm, Aurora 9270 cs ys eae S10} Pa aD Ss or 4-room furn. house + east or south district preferred, 2 and 1_child, 2% years. 7846. $50 CASH REWARD For 2-bedroom unfurn, house or apt. for couple with 2 small children. Perm. resi- dents, furnish excellent refs. Cory hotel, room REFINED d couple, np children, want lease on furn, oS See ‘rm, bun- galow. Prefer gas Prefer one block of B. Colfax and B. of Colo, blvd. DE. 0487 | § EMPLOYED mother and daughter need un- ura house or apt. Immediately. SP. 2 working women, 1 Deen So. or ea, Shepherd, MA. 4672 iddl PERMANENT family of 4 adults desires ‘furnished house in East Denver. Highest references, Call BA. 9248. pay, no Sunday work. Apply 1521 Stout. _ BHXP,. GRIDDLE OR FOUNTAIN MAN, PICK-A-RIB, SPEER AND BROADWAY. FARM help; top wages: single room, board; 7255 North Sheri- FIRBMAN—ENGINEER Denver Wet Wash, 1840 Central St. FIRST CLASS auto mechanic, excellent sal or liberal commission, Perma an pene on, ord working conditions in sho) . P. Mitchell Motor Co., Seow bluft. FOUNTAIN clerk, 40 hrs, 6-day ms 4; soe to 10:30 p. m.’ Corona Drug, 9th Corona. FOUR Israel hospital, 1601 Lowell blvd. KE. 6357. Apply dietician. WANTED—2_exp. waitresses. Meals, good tip, wages. Ingram’s Cafe, 58 Bdway. SP. 705. WANT: man to work on and general clerk, Don’t phone. Pharmacy, 17th and Grant. WANTED—Woman to cook for fam on ranch in Montana, Write or phone Mat- thews, Olin hotel, Denver. WANTED—An erienced dishwasher and pantry lady, com ination, Five-day week. In neva Cafe, as Broadw: 705 Doyle’ WANTED—Sho: a ok and pastry Saree Phone Biacse Inn, Idaho Springs. WANTED—Waitress for small tavern, Call RA, 0591. WANTED—Djningroom girl, 1540 Washington. Rae Children’s Hospital. A a MA. WANTED—2 exp. waitresses, Dever’s p= ical Inn, 1800 B. Colfax. WANTED—BExperienced beau operator. Salary and commission, Call “Sherer 7343. WOMAN for housework on a No objection to one child, Call in pecan at 1193 So. Clarkson. . WOMAN to cook, serve and take care first floor only; pvt. room and bath; 550 week. City references. RAce 0393. WOMEN to learn fur finishing. Stanley Furs, 1600 East Colfax. WOMAN to repair men’s and lady’s gsar- ments, Gigantic Cleaners, 700 5. Colfax. WOMAN for partiine linen room work. De Soto hotel. WOO! RESSE Experienced ladies’ dresses and Tent — top wages, De Vano Dry Cleaners, De bidg., 7th and Sherman. YOUNG woman to wait on trade and assist marking. opportunity, steady. Good Muller-Ray Cleaners, 1700 Hu ‘umboldt. YOUNG lady for stenographic work. App! Denver Jewelry, 535 16th street. $80 A MONTH. Attractive room. Fine oe for upstairs maid, between 20 and no Sundays. 0, who will help with children, Small family; no laundry; no corres Apply Clark, 206 Tramway bldg. CH. 0112 (not an employment agency). 2 GIRLS to work in dining room at the Hotel Antlers. 1440 Washington, room, board and wages. FOR POSITION IN. WAR INDUSTRIES LOOK UNDER CLASSIFICATION 7. Help Wanted—Male MUST HAVE U. 8. BE. 8, CLEARANCE A-1 EXPERIENCED yard man. Excellent salary and meals, Huntington’s Restaurant, 1570 Broadway. A-1 HIGH school boy for delivery, Weise | x, Drip Coe 5001 BE. soe ae A-1 M STOCRROOM. MSSISTANT HONORE HELPER ANDY MAN SEE FRANK HENSLEY, SERVICE MGR. KUMPF MOTOR CAR CO. 12TH AND ACOMA GH. 7471 A CARETAKER and watchman for small manufacturing pan Salary and apt. fur- mse married_preferred. TA, 8229. ‘A COUNTER man and dishwasher wanted. Joe’s Grill, 1451 California. A GOOD class: truck driver interested in steady postwar ion with young growing trucking concern. Must be sober and_re- liable. Give age, experience and salary desired. [ex 3,_P72-Post. @OOD OPPORTUNITY For man fa rug and Bee Orde paren New Method Cleaners, 939 5. A HOTEL CLERK Experienced. Pete or without living quar- ters, Page Hotel, 1320 Stout. A MAN for peat Toon hotel: able to drive: $75 mi A USED CAR NADSTENANCE ee Marcus Motors, Inc., AGE 25-60, $100. =e ead ae necessary. to set pins: no Sundays. See Mr. Snell after 2 p. m. 1325 Glenarm. AN assistant gardener peanieas good salary, full maintenance and chance for increase with length of service. Apply at office of State Home at Ridge, Colorado, call Arvada 133. APPRENTICE PAINTER 60c hour. No experience De Over 18 years old. Mason Co, EM, 4546, ATTENDANT for parking ae permanent. 1800 Lincoln. or ATTENTION Automobile servicing is essential; first- aaae mechanic and auto body man _ want Permanent employment, .and good wages, Marcus Motors, Inc., 1156 Baws, MA 4264 AUTOMOTIVE COUNTER MAN Must be experienced in auto and truck arts and be drait exempt, ne will $e given to ex-service man. See ‘unting, Auto Equipment, 14th at Lawrence st. AUTOMOBILE Tubrication man, Steady ork, George Irvin Chev. Co. 2120 B. Colfax, AUTO metal men and apprentices. Park- inson Motors, 1460 Speer blvd. BODY and fender repair man, good pay. Plenty of work, permanent position. Don’t wait: see us today. Tyrrell Chevrolet Com- Scottsbluff, Neb. B white, 16 or 17, not going to pebpol, or slightly older if 4F, to work as hell on typecasting machines. Opportunit; Pto learn permanent good-paying trade, $! week to start. Forty-hour week, £00: Se conditions, no heavy lifting. See a uae eoeet third floor, Denver Post, after z a. BOY! RAL doop, RSTABLISHED Post ROUTES OPEN IN ALL PARTS ITY. SE ‘AN- THE CIROULAT ION M. AGER OR CALL MA. 2121. BRANCH 292. th wheel for full time messenger ide: and working conditions Average from 322 up, UL, C. Taylor Company, Medford, Ore. FRY cook. One who knows his business. BG ee Alterman’s Grill, 1401 Law- eRe cook, dependable, no drinker. Brass Rail, 1618°'Qhampa, FULLER BRUSH CO. will appoint 2 new dealers, part or full time, to establish ter- ritories. Call TA. 6798 for appt. GASOLINE service station operator. Good opportunity for mechanic. Living quarters tor couple. A, 1870. ee wanted for electrical shop. 1616 a HOUSEMAN; private fey, or paca good wages, room and bath. MA. 1881. JANITOR, watchman, evening ars and one-half over 40 hrs. Must have ref- erences, Steady work to reliable men. Apply Russell Stover Candies, 2015 Arapahoe, JANITOR and handy man. woven 50. light work, co days week. Roo’ board, exc. Wages, 4801 W. Colfax. Don't phone. JANITOR FOR OFFICE BLDG. Lyons & Johnson Co. 1080 15th St. JAPANESE dishwasher wanted. No Sutn- Oy ores $4 per day and meals 823 16th stree KITCHEN h . Good wages, Argonaut Hotel oe eenanl Colfax and Grant. LEARN trade for postwar work, with prominent. and national candy concern. yet- eran’s eens shipping, one-half day or Candies. stock apse r gnats ADDI Russell Stover hy BOL See cae eee LICENSED si Albany Hote! LAUNDRY ROUTH MAN Haye BPoma eae ee opening for one residential ary_and ¢ mmission Jaundry route man. faeal Laundry Co., 2500 Curtis st. LAUNDRY ROUTE MAN. FOR WHLL-BS- TABLISHED ROUTE. Dee SANITARY LAUNDRY. 820 W. 8TH A LIGHT an a ER Good pay, steady work, discharged service men given pretence: Call’ Garden Farm Dairy, MA. 6151. 5 MAR) need roofers for po roofing SXSERGNGED Dusboys ee ae Good | 82d . Broadway 148 Bawy ply 1521 WILL TEACH Vuleanizing and recapping trade to eerie party; good pay while learning. Broadway. WOOD FINISHER Familiar with spray work, inside work in modern paint room, steady OR now and after the war. Box 9, C68-Pos: YOUNG man to drive light oe truck WILL redecorate, my expense, 2- or 3-1 room, unfur, house, Immediate ‘possession. Up_to $45 monthly, 776. aos 00 REWARD for information Jeading to renting of suitable house for_ income. Have nice 4-room terrace, Box 9, K86-Post. 2 BUSINESS girls desire small apt. with private bath and. refrigerator. Colfax and west of Colorado. RESPONSIBLE, retired middle-aged couple, 3- or 4-rm, unfurnished apt, Permanent, no Gogg) TOppOrt ip! wy) ton learn euLomoy ye | pets: MAbORASA0N) moomes Le Lincoln. Zi :: FIVE room modern unfurnished house, YOUNG man with service station experi- ence to run lubrication and wash rack, excellent wages, Crate: Broderick J ee Co. 200 Wadsworth. GR. 5622, YOUNG man driver for panel te ar work, Steady employment... G future prospects. 2144 Shampa: YOUNG man Civic Theaters. south or east. Rental to $75. Da SER Government. Pmploxee. EM, 3-5 P. M.—Furn apt. or eae aaa by prema Lowry “otficer, wae and 16 m. irl, now and N - B78, SERMANENT civilian cones and “Z-year- old daughter desire pureucasted house, Bert of references. DE. 0246. rmanent. Fee be able to drive light truck. 201 ‘Gar: ‘ie YOUNG man to manage office in small tire shop. Vuleanizing Service, 809 Bdway. 2 EXP, brake and wheel alignment mee for out-of-town job, good salary, 1 wor! Mr. Hill, room 632 Albany Hotel Fri. or Sat. 11 a. ae eater ARCHMAKERS Good salary ca overtime, permanent posi: tion. Denver Jewelry Co. 535 16th st. FOR POSITION IN WAR INDUSTRIES LOOK UNDER CLASSIFICATION 7 Agents and Salesladies Wanted 10 PHOTO coupons, big seller, inside commis- sion, Nicholson’s Studio, 1542 Broadway. Agents, Salesmen and Route Men DRUG DETAIL MAN WANTED Exceptional opportunity open to man ex- perienced in selling and detailing drug and department stores. Eastern manufacturer or aE cynan essential prodnehy ade, x 10A Fags with great Poet potential. co-operation, excellent advertising merchan- dising planed phone, age recent photo if available and territo! ptaniine with. Strictly con- fidential. eral sales manager be in city soon for interview, liberal_saiary and expenses arranged. Address Box 4, P68-Post. THREE permanent postwar positions now 1 company serving merchandise available, ply. day to Box 9, A73-Post, stating age, edu- cation, business experiences Our employees. aa of this Your reply considered MAN or strong boy for pleasant inside work, Serccd LAUNDRY 636 So. Broadway MAN for commercial police work, $28 pet week. Must haye no police record. 008 walker, Steady work. 422 21st st. KES oui. MAN for fon. 8 -time light more nee work- ing peony pone NS ora App 8t ae et ee ae ise and pousekecas for suburban home, Call after 5 p. m. for appt. for interview, AL. 1721 MAN to help SES Be and wash pans. Good salary, EA. noe Or, Paper andling a general paper mill steady jo! job. oe CENTRA. SSIBRE PRODUCTS CO. Bast 58th ave. and York st. MA. 6191. MEN for stock room. No Sunday or on gsy work. Chance for advancement. Apply 8. H. Kress & Co,, 16th and Curtis. NIGHT PORTER FOR Decne AND WASHROOMS GOOD WA N S AND BLUE PRRROT ONS, 1718 BDWAY. NIGHT. kitchen porters, white or colored. m. $4 a day. Apply Brown Palace Hotel. NIGHT PORTER Night shift. 6-day week. Steady. Hoff- Sehroeder Cafeteria, 616 16th. OFFICE boy or girl, must ride bicycle, run errands, some office work. Tivoli Union Co., MA. 6196. PORTHRS, hours 7 a, m. fo 4 p,m. Call KEystone 1211. ‘ER 441 Court vlace ASHER 44 GLENARM PORT Bowl-Mor Lanes. POT WA EDELWEHISS, 16 RELIABLE tones driver. Health Cream: 2143 Sour Mase. RELIABLE cane plant Health Creamery. 2143 Court, “place SADDLEMAKE, pers harness and leather workers, write to Olsen Nolte Saddle Shop, 4701 3rd st., San pereuclece! Fine working conditions. Give exp. etc. in’ first letter. Box 9, D73-Pos' SALESMAN to represent Re known firm contacting drugstores and hos- pitals in Colorado. Must have car, a success- ful sales record and be under 35. This is an opportunity where ambition and hard work will be awarded by future progress and security in the postwar period, with an old and well-established company not ad- versely affected by the war. Salary, expenses and bonus Dogsibilities.. P Phone P. J. Mc- Bride, Brown Pal ine SALESMAN for livestoc ineral and pro- tein feeds,. reliable cOMbanlys Give particu- ek Bee. co knowledge of livestock. Box SALESMAN who is looking for postwar connection, enorled e of power mine and mill apa Riera but not necessary. 3, TRG. eee Saoe TO WORK AFTER SCHOOL SAT, AND SUNDAY. APPLY MR, BLL. REPUBLIC DRUG. 1507 LAWRENCE OOLBOY, private family, furnace and board. MA. outside Bee wages, room, SECOND COOK La Fiesta Cafe, 117 Broadway. SERVICE Gee ATTENDART with *GRAIGER CEREDERICR CHEVROLET co. GOLDEN, COLO:, GOLDEN 22 SERVICE salesman e for Ded Esa on tn sg DISTRIBUTORS — Syaialy or part - tim salesmen can make $20 to $30 daily pelle ing Ever-charge ‘‘the Battery life-saver”’ and Motor Seal, the miracle gas and oil saver, to filling stations, garages, fleet owners, used car lots. No experience need- ed. Age no restriction. Call or write Gano Senter, , 1102 S. Bdway. PE. 3560 for appt. YOUR. OWN ‘BUSINESS on ops capialt Rawleigh dealers earn big profits. Prod: WANT unfurnished house, 2 to 3 bed- rooms; civil gov. employee; permanent. Prefer’ Park Hill, Phone BA. 8128. 2 LADIES desire 2 or 3-room apt. by Nov. ist. Permanent; on east side, near bus or car. 1406 Bast 14th. PERMANENT eens couple, 18 mos, old baby, need 4 or 5 rms., unfurnished house or apt, East side or Aurora, EM. 4135. 4-ROOM furnished apt., east Colfax vicin- mother and daughter, Box 8. ADULT couple, no pets, want furnished or cathrnier ely apartment, Reasonable. Rei- erences. EM. 5003. PENSIONER, Christian character, wants clean, comfortable ‘hing room, Mr. bate! Whitesel, 2257 Larimer. 4- OR 5-ROOM house, modern, %% to 5 acres, chicken house and barn, near carline and So. Federal. 721 B, Colfax. Bus stations and cars. 530 18th | THREE single or cou eee Ry decor bloc! ing room, also 1 single: em ‘- manent only. : eee iN PRIVATE home, large, well coem ete front room adjoining bath, steam’ hea 28 car. 1 or 2. 2731 caer ple ved pea pines seehing moons) ae o drinkers, S 1716 Bast_17th ave, Soe as qurniahed single room, piove ays. 5 er Kk. Oyo oBye Se Poor: wee! Yes2 biecle ea and transient rooms by the eee Under new management. 1517 LOVELY room, jnner-s. m. close to bath: quiet home. lady. Kitchen privileres, DE. ROOMS. 2 or 3 people, $1. a a ht. Pyt. bath, other rooms $1, Rack ay, $5 uD. Large closet; areas elderly sleeping rooms; carl; Utica_ave. TA. ‘208 eee PEN GROOMS bedroom suite, $30 mo, or 2 adult who, eeu poe own clothes. Loto B. SLEEPING rm. aE eave Emp, pentienase Refs. us * gas So. incon SLEEPING room; workin rl AL. 0929. 1264 Clar mn Ea SINGLE pleeDny Ae ae home. Man é ployed days. 332 W. 13th ave. MA. 73 730 WASHINGTON—Lovely large poure: Also single; parking space. TA. 9347, LARGE clean rm., innerspring. matir., very large closet, near bath, 2337 BE. 12th ave. 765 CORONA 2 lovely i rooms, p only. 1456 FILLMORE, quiet home, near car and cate, Free phone, Two employed, NICE room for congenial middli d a share kitchen with i lady, nd KE. 1484, a 929 PEARL—Nice warm room: running water; parking; free phone. $12.00 up. TWO furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. Board if desired. 1327 "Humboldt. 6, oaa8: LOVELY sleeping room in_private home. Employed_lady preferred. EA. 7526. GENTLEMAN, large room, private “bath, garage, in lovely Park Mill home. DE. 0289 LOVELY front room, 3 windows, automat- ic heat. 901 Clarkson. LOVELY SOON PERT OES cry PARK. 1735 YO COMFORTABLE SDaRERT room for 2, board optional. EA. LOVELY large front cao oan inner- spring, quiet, close in. 718 1, st. SLEEPING room adjoining ae 429 East Virginia ave. B. 922! BEAUTIFUL! egal Boss private homé. 13 bus. 1229 2 COMORTAREE. Seine rooms for empl. persons. 2 biks. No. 6 car. 755 Clarkson. Rooms and Board 31 ROOM—Twin bed; smaller Bogie double pede 315 W. 14th ave. warns distance. 8887 ona “aeeping room with breakfast. 1373 Humboldi 1 LARGE room fon ra a 340 ea. Also nice double. TA. BOARD and room Be men only, 1638 Adams. EA. 9960, WORKING woman with 2 school -age chil- dren wants apartment and_ part-time care for children, Call mornings, TA, 9881. FURNISHED 2-bedroom apartment or 3- 1339 COLUMBINE, eee compas R Ga lines, free phone, DExtei 1344 ee ee room for 2 employed adults: excellent food. BA. 3915, bedroom house for family of three. Good | DESIRAB: = school section. Box 8, R86-Post. ly SAE aan personal one dor elder A COUPLE with well behaved child i ROOM and board for two in nice home. 15, pref-] GR. 5435. a obtain furn. house before Nov. erably east or south, EA. 4446. SUITABLE home forts family of & well lo- DOUBLE room for 2. Home cooked meals, 1119 Vine st cat 850M. EX-A. F. pilot and wife, newlyweds, Retf- are or See Spartnent or house. erences, EM, 3932. HUSBAND overseas, need house or apt. | D turn. or unfurn. Have 8%-yr.-old son. Ref- erences, GL, 0358. WANTED by business couple, 3- to 5-room furnished. hause. gestae 0 children. CH 9412. Call before 3 p. 4-, 5-ROOM furtished. ry Good, clean tenants. Permanent. RAce 2640. WANTED to rent, an apartment by reliable middleaged couple. EAst 8230. ‘FURNISHED bedroom apartment mother and employed daughter. EM. otk, 5- OR 6-room unfurnished house by desir- able permanent tenants. Ref. SP. 5077. WANT 3-room furnished apartment. EMerson 3869. Moving and Storage 23 MOVING? Local or Long Distance—Rent a Truck Move yourself, save half. Best equip. eakes Truck Rentals, 2120 Welton. MA. 0296. 1 available routes ee = xScepllonal"opportnie, routes MOVING, STORAGE, PACKING, SHIPPING dustriou: Write Raw- Asents Allied yer ation leigh’s, ‘Depts cout 201: TO. “Denver, Colo. WEICKER, MA, EXPHPRIENCED food salesman, represent | BELL'S EXPRESS, ha auing: Bastar Quick national manufacturer Denver and country 383. 1342 Del- territory. Must have car. Salary, car allow- ance, traveling expenses. Excellent oppor- tunity for advancement, Give full particu- lars first letter. P.O. Box 1737, power Gol. UNDRY ROUTE MA Have immediate opening for one Nesidentiel salary, and commission ee peuS man. deal Laundry Co.. 2500 PHOTO upon if hols: celer, ey 1542 way. Help to phange va | FATHER and mother of 3 small children would like a couple between 30 and te occupy a 3-rm. apt. and will pay extra oe for care of children at night. KE. 5468: THIRD floor apt. and bath, board. antl wages exchanged for cooking, help A eeneral housework, care of children. CH. SPLENDID opportunity for trea. room “and board for student nurse or practical nurse. Call_BMerson_ 0337. Sa ae FOR APT. HOUSE ELDERLY, AN Lyons & Johnson Co. 1030 15th Street. WORKING mother, share duplex, with couple in exchange for care of girl, 3, Call BA, 400). Education-Instruction 12 A BARNES TRAINING Means oan loyment. Far more calls for graduates than we can fill, AJl commercial subjects, strong faculty. Review courses a specialty. eens mentions Monday and ursday from 6:30 BARNES SCH or. oor COMMERCE 1410 Glenarm, Denver. KE, 2381, BE PREPARED for ue exacting demands of the por Tat vari iod. Secure intensive, nore training EINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL k 1 WELTON ST. Stan “students ea Tri City Bar- ber_college, 1325 17th. —_——— Resorts, Mountain Cabins, Trailer Parks, Cottage Camps for Rent ge and ores SUN eer oreck at Say Hollow Ranch 48 mi. om Reon ne Bailey. Come or write. ox 2, ailey. ~ FOR RESORT AND MTN. HOMES FOR SALE SEE CLASSIFICATION 50 Transportation 18 WILL PAY GAS AND OIL EXPENSE TO PARTY WHO WILL TOW. oe na aati are FROM BOULDE TTLE, eon ea} ‘Bawerd ee Ellis, , Boulder, Colorado. 17 ee, Re Phone Boulder 2050. COUPLE want transportation Tulsa, Okla. ving an experienced. We can teach you. West- minster Laundry, 1833 Welton. MESSENGER girl or woman, for gow atcus Ss Light packages good pave atur- day_ afternoons off. BS Ss "DEN- TAL SUPPLY CO., ate ack bidg. NURSE, eos eee “Apply St. ‘Phillips NURi eaten i or practical nurse Smal convalescent home. 1230 Clarkson, FICE boy or girl, must ride bicycle. run errands. some office work. Tivoli Union Co., MA. 6196. OFFICE MESSENGER Steady work. Apply Denver Post, PANTRY woman, Y. W. C. A. 125 East_18th PANTRY girl wanted. Good wages. Navarre Cafe, 1% ‘Tremont. ART TIME WAITRESSES FOR NOONS ONLY, OR SUNDAYS OR Must . American Optical y, 1441 Welton. BOY to make blueprints and do office work. Apply in person, 1624 17th st. TAbor 2295. BOY to work in oRvertors not going to school, days. 319 16th s' BOY over 16 to spelety SARE dept. Pleas- ant, steady work, 3rd floor, 16 W. 13th ave, BOY FOR PART eshte: ae SRPEGY BUSINESS OFFICE, DENVER POST. BOY, 16 years or over. 1746 eeu RLS WITH BICYCLES | BOYS OR For full time delivery work. ood Mr, Sanders, delivery room, istler's o71658 Champ BOYS—MEN Steady Work. Denver Wet Wash, ise Central St. ss eek aa reals Golden Experienced, 1265 _ Bdw: $24 Lantern Restaurant, ALERT girls wanted, all depts., rience necessary, 1833 Welton, no expe- Westminster’ Laundry, SEAMSTRESS wanted. inexperienced. Will pay while training. H, Bobrick Tailors, 1648 Tremont pl, WEEKENDS. BLUE PARROT INN, 1718] BUSBOY_ WANTED—GOOD PAY. EDEL- BROADWAY. WEISS RESTAURANT, 16ee ee PRESS girls wanted, experienced or inex-] BUSBOY WANTED—GOOD EDEL- perienced. We can teach you.. Westmin-} WEISS ee 1644 *CiEN ARAL, ster Laundry, 1833 Welton. Disarenca aar ea RT WAS HEIRAs Annan lias CAR WASHE: For permanent. poe tion, ta) hr. week. See Jud Peebles, Davis Motors Inc, 23rd and Broadway, Must_know the city. 3018 S. Huron. TRUCK DRIVER wanted. RD Hoffman Rene Co.. 1623 Mark CK DRL a CEAOT RUS LI- OBNSE, 1732 WELTON WANTED—One man be! Jearn light electrical w experience preferred, This is a es Job in per week. KE. 0410. WANTED—Year ‘round maintenance man (or couple) for mtn, resort (open summer ore Must have clear record for integrity dependability. Give full Peas about qualifications. Box 9, X167. WANTED—Young man, single, een 25 and 45 to rk, one with some but not necessary, nae cn uay oe $25 402 21 are on ear agency. Standard Motor Co., ae Share drivi enses. ae Tues- Glenarm. jay, 24th. 2914 *. olfax, apt. 3. SHIPPING CLERK. GEORGE W. PRIOR rie driving to Calif.. take two paa- CO., 1735 LAWRENCE sengers. References, KE, 9947. Mrs. Mar- STATIONARY fireman, Per in. Albany Hotel. COUPLE wants eve au Caan 26th-30th. TRUCK DRIVER FOR STHADY FULL | Share and driving. Ref. John, Sus SOP Hiae BRO CEA Soi | ts EE MENS SORT te 2 KID DEL op HOTEL, UNDER NEW ‘TRUCK driver, no coal “hauling; a week, 2 Oe euntine NEW Permanent and transient, 1431 Curtis. NICE comfortable winter quarters may be obtained at Park hotel, 1607 Tremont. Houses for Rent— Unfurnished 20 1198 GRANT—15 rooms, 3 baths and « powder room, hot water heat with stoker, elec, refrigerator, 3-car garage with 4 rms. and bath above. A.D. WILSON & €O., KB. 4245, 1730 Calif, 4-ROOM house 6 miles northwest of Ar- vada. Call Arvada 219. Houses for Rent— tables. ope peace and pe Baad EF ‘s hh * 21 on premises. e israel Hospita Lowell blvd. KE, 6357. Apply dietician. UPTUShe! WANTED—Man, draft exempt or ex-serv- ice man as automotive parts, stock. clerk. FOR RENT—Furnished, modern. mtn. home, school 1 block; $700 cash pays rent 6 mo. service, any time. aware. MOVE YOURSELF Rent _a truck, save_money.. Hertz a self System. 1830 Lawrence. CH. Xo ‘ Mec: rece? 5 sa 07 01 an xpress_ Service. . WW Rates, eave. Nights. Apartments for Reales Unfurnished 24 ak REDUCED. rent on $-rm. unfurn. Couple or singe person for caring premises. GL. 9901. Apartments for Furnished 2 1112 19TH ST. in. Golden—8 rms., nicely furnished; private bath; refrigerator; util- ities paid. Call Golden 266. W. 31ST and Lowell. 2 rooms. Utilities fur- nished; $6 week. Lady son or pensioner couple. GL, 1312 or GR. BOARD and room stor, working lunches packed. 1077 Lincoln. KE. ONE double bsmt. room, also girl wants roommate; good food. 666 Washington. DOUBLE oom, running water, excellent food, 1540 Washington, ah NICE rooms available. home cooked meals, Hotel tlers, 1440 Washington. Rooms and Board Wanted 32 ROOM, board for 3 men, in private home, large, clean rooms, oe joked food, free telephone. SP. 9289 WOULD like room and board for elderly married couple. Tel. 4397. Stores, Offices, Sc Buaniesa Property for Rent 33 1441 WELTON--WILDA BLDG, One single office, 2nd floor, 13x16. Go od light: convenient parking. MA. 5254. Business Opportunities 34 NEAT, MODERN CAFE eee near Colfax intersection. Seating New fixtures. Good business. $4,000. No dealers. aaa BA, ox 3. X: men; 9447. 9963 after 11 a. m. MALL Sanieaie ia a cream and egg buy- ing station in a thriving community, Here 8 an opportunity to own your own business nd -be. your own ss. Immediate poss. Come to 1010 7th ave.. Greeley. Colo. CREAMERY AND SCHOOL SUEeLLES Creamery d school supplies. fiv. rooms. paaily clears $150 mo. Sent $27, 50 mo. Teg. For terms and eaeng Se BROADIVA AY. 6078. T COLFAX restaurant; eae $42, in Tous, Seats 65. Blectric refrigeration. 5- year lease, $75 month. Cash or trade for Denver property. Owner. BA. 9722. NOTICE! GIFT SHOP . Entirely new stock, on E. Colfax. Price $2,500. Stock, fixtures, everything ‘goes. OM 824 Colfax. MA. 0289. —CHECK BUYS—X WATCH the Xs. THEY DESIGNAT. BEST BUYS IN ae ee ACTIV: co.. 505 18TH ST. 6386. OURT oe apts., 2 baths; in- ad 2209-11 come $116. rent $45. 3-yr. lease. $1,450, terms. _ KE. 5612. 4 RENTALS near id Welton. Income an $75 mo. Bente $30. % baths. Bargain at $900. TA, 3030, PACKAGE liquor store, coe =. .000 per e NICE bedroom and ee “ve good bed,| month. Reason ill alt! ‘aramount feleniones employed. reliable, Brotestant Liquors, 2159 Larimer st. TAbor 5016. _ jady.__References. week. _GR._5794.| FOR SALE—Grocery and meat Harket doing CABINS By day, wk. or month, $5 per wk. | a good cash business. Hred’s Grocery & Mar- and up. 3055 §. Santa Fe. Ket. 3104 Downing st. A 2-FAMILY unit, pro ne jet” your Nand wife, caretaker and housekeepr children sleep. | 622 Kalam: tor suburban home. 2 ROOMS—Light and oe Erecrine fur- nished. Adults only, 839 32nd 5: CLEAN—2° rooms and jagnenet,- water, private toilet. 554 San’ 2539 CALIFORNIA, apt., walker F Simanes for 1 man employed. CH. 9334. : NICE basement + pant rooms. 920 Clar! FOR ah “apt, adults only. 102 West 4th avenue. 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, steatn heat, 8773 Mead. GLendale 8732. MODERN,. ee paid, Adults: employed. Englewood 4 1- AND ote See aie take 1841 Lawrence and 1832 Arapahoe. “ran and some onild Call Cae 5 p. m. for appt. for interview. AL. 17: GARAGE and gas pumps a blacksmith shop, well equspey lots of stock. Powell Garage. Cope. LEAVING for aaah must sell small cafe with sleepingroom, good possibilities. P. Box 191, Berthoud, Colo. NEWLY furn. guest house. accom, 20: owner ill, Mrs. ‘Tone eS. 4 RENTALS, 3-rm. ie eae lovely seaiies “TA, 2650. MONEY making cafe for Priced tO fen quick. Tdeat Yocation. ons B. Colfax. DRY CLEANING, Sell Zepher Band Box or shop, TA. 50) 00, MA, 2613. Classification continued next page CALL AN EXPERT SERVICE DIRECTORY BUSINESS AND ————. ASHPITS & HAULING PROMPT and efficient service, ——PAINTING & PAPERHANGING——— SHED IMMEDIATELY Ash and, 2OR10 MEN FURNI trash hauling, 2143 So, Penn. RA, 1380, | Hav Sve your Wolk cen aula work ate OUICK service for ashes and trash hauling. | CO! illed men do é Pe peice for ashes and trash hauling. ‘ater. therefore” Rat "rot Kees. dnsured. i erh wen BRICK GENERAL peepee brick Eaiteea ot all kinds. Work gual ee Call CH. 5028. ———__BUIL eres GENERAL BUILDING, BOY G al brick work. ct SP, 7816. CARPENTERING, p painting, al] kinds small remodeling. 1643. CH. SURED EXPERT WOR: ESTABLISHED “1936 GEORGE T. MASON & CO. EM. 4546 quick and efficient Spain ting. papering, call L, R. Humphrey, AINTING .PAPERING. ead ae SAVE MONEY. RA. so JUMBING, PLUMBING FIX’ “EeONOME PLUMBING. GenODELING Does own work. Estimates. EM. 6218 —————— RADIO REPAIRING EXPERT radio electrical repair shop, Have Remodeling, painting. Mason Co, EM. 4646 EN 4546 | Dieniy parts and radio tubes. Cash and CARPENTERING, and care 626 High, BA. 7274. ing. Ai be a eee EXPERT carpenter and cement work. Re- modeling. Epaon abies SPruce 8266. ————___ ELECTRICIANS LICENSED Gee does own work. Rea- fa ADIOS, jrons and toasters repaired: work guaranteed. 2117 Welton. CH. 1938 BL Eh & & INSULATING —_ Guaranteed neys, gutters rey new Sao or repairing chim- placed or repaired: *calking and plastering: and Homey painting: panern ky general repairs. Basy term HIGHLANDS BUILDING SERVICE ker ripairini sus 2 o ae parts _ins instante CH, 9504 or ( FURNACES ACUUM CLEANED. PAIRING, STORER SERVICE. GL. 5085, ——_———_ LINOLEUM_— ——————_- FOR expert lin ie ae sink, tops and walls our speci RA_ 22365. ‘all — MAT MESSES “RENOVA TED —— YOUR “OLD MATTRESSES CARDED, FELTED IN LAYERS, GUAR. NOT Td LUMP OR BREAK. STUDIO Coe Ron CO MOUNTAIN SUATES O.. 2166 15TH ST. TA, 095 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING—— TONE 2 ROOMS $25 Tamedintes service: insured. EM. 4546. A-1 BATNCIN Genero and ioe Rone FOR better. painting, GUARANTEED INSIDE AND D Ovrsibg YOUR choice as ainuing mat. Guaranteed 6026, Good king ditions and hours, Den-|and puts you in soe aee: Apply office, ver Gear & Parts | 0. 1229 Broadway. 1200 So. Santa rating call Acme Decorators. WANTED—Exp auto mechanic, se BOUy, and | NICELY Sarina: clean, 4-rm. house, fender men and floor boy, and | bath, etce.: ene Rese eRe y fences PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. comm, Medical Center Garage, i537 “Cleve: yard, no pets: ; for details phone G. land, 2 Van Blitters, Hazéltine 04183; near Derby. | workmanship. ROOFING You buy material and we put it on. All work guaranteed. GL. 52038. ee ROOFS THAT LAST YEARS LONG- OOF AND Oe ann oat REPAIRS. PAY MONTHLY. Cs, SOS = THCENSED, “CONTRACTOR. —————— SEE aaa ADAM, WE CAN SAVE Fou RG ’o ON UPHOLSTERY RICHMA: MFG. CO. 1821 MARKET —__— WASHING EXPERT EECHNICEANS TO. REPAIR Waa as rerles. or radios, ete. T44 w Coliax. 7592,