1s = THE POST PHONE—MAIN 2121 THE DENVER POST—FIRST IN EVERYTHING ~ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1944 LATEST REPORTS ON MARKETS, AGRICULTURE, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY pOClare RD 18%; Breeze, 124%; Buf N & Ep pfd, | 76.212 per cent at the half year. | Butte Cop & 4. a $47,000 Gult Mob «&O 18 C.F. & I. HOLDERS _|/ rez conpunys]/COMPLETE CLOSING NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS PROMOTE QUIGG) pvinenn HELD UP || 2% 0%: 4—seceal] MARKETS AT A GLANCE || “eaters coo mmm . stocks sat up and nibbled at re- Tuesday, Oct. 24, R . cove! nourishment in T Rad Op ot 4m, 46 10% 10% ae - Dd: goes j New York, Oct. 24.—(A. P.) Toes oe ee NEW YORK Bed-B-Orph <4 4 : % tak Tae . Annual Meeting Late Monday Names Pueblo Man /:) New ors,0c 44:2) |:] day's market while selling fever] __Stocks mixed; selected issues recover. Bonds irregular; mod. | nf’stih cicdils fi Sh > est recovery in selected rails. Cotton firm; mill and commission Rayonier Inc. . 1 i f company Tuesday deferred abated for many of Monday’s 2 Director and Executive Vice President; Officers |:| action, on dividends on the YS) house buying. neg: 4 nk BS a m outstandi Iti The i pa ne ao) ee FL Hs 1 Reb wale nc toc auth ing casualties, The in- i CHICAGO i‘ Real Silk? Mos: te iid IN FARM LOAN Re- Elected: Dividend Is Declared. quarter pending completion |?) qustrial averages ended up- Wheat up 1@1%c; light offerings. Corn higher. Rye up 14@ Ss 17% 17 of its financial records for 3 1%c; manufacturing demand. Hogs aetive, fully steady; top, $14.75. A 2 the full year. Three payments changed, rails up 19 cents and 1 yay, 3 MOP, : pheeeeaae aggregating 75 cents a share 2 Cattle slow; top, $18.35. Pe a bf 5 (By THOMAS H, WALKER.) have been disbursed from utiltiies up 7 cents. Transfers Br 18% 18% oe City, Oct. 24.—(A. i one U, ‘an, verno: (Financial Editor.) qaarters Anrep Aree) Sey were around 900,000 shares, ee of Share igh Low Close on es : eae or Shares igh Low Close Ch’ te 4 8 iY 8 of the:farm credit ddministrae OLDING their annual meeting in Denver Monday after- = Colgate Palm P 4 Int Ry Con Am 1 9% 9} 15% 14% tion, said Tuesday that a sur- STOCK AEE Collins & Aik do pid 0.10 si” 5 e : 20) 9 9 vey in nine of the twelve FCA noon, stockholders of the Colorado Fuel & Iron corpora. | 07 tmrnnnnnnennn coimcesey gets 4) | Tint 9 Tata be x Bred 8 31% 314 Hele Gh cee ee . : a r dar oor’s a) 6 7 2 2 aif heem Mfg .. 1 185, loans, involving tion elected L, F. Quigg of Pueblo a director and a enna oo eer a cee wdo foret ee? “Tee diy Peet M | Richfield OU i HA credit of about 6 and one-half Me : ; ; ae es: Colum Breasts Interst Dept St 13 18) 17% 18 + 4 | Roan Ant Cop. Te olae million dollars, hhaye been member of the firm’s executive committee. Quigg also was ye aasreses ee ees 9 Island Crk Coal 2 30% 39% 304— %|Roval Type. 2 we ey uAds. dotrativning: eae elected executive vice president of the corporation. All other nae saspuocks J eee a s erans since Pearl Harbor by directors were renamed. with the average quarterly earnings Monday panes rae a5 Aa % 17% ‘ 8 6 local co-operative production W. A. Maxwell, Jr., president, an-| of the last fiscal year ended June Ny cabeaee 3 Johns-Manv "1, 5 98% Hen St Joseph a B4% credit associations. nounced that the forthcoming earn- | 30, 1944. OE Oo Com! Invest Tr 6 Johnson&J pf.1.30 108% 107% a ae Oe OL 3: f ings report covering the first quar- ‘Arthur Roeder of New York, Fen tne O ee Coml Solvents, _§ Jones&L Stl. 23 24 23% 2 %4,| Schenley Distil. fie 1 ter of the current fiscal year will | chairman of the board of directors, High 1914,131 BBiBS 105.3m | Goa ue 3 16% 16% Seaboard Oil\ -. 21% fl Sales in Hundreds show earnings at a rate consistent arlended themneeting: on Low 1944. .113. 49.68 91.78 rain ae 8 K Sea 98, 97% BH of Shares High Low Close ears e consolidated net income 0. D ” 2 , 2 Ss rolene 2. 214+ °U,] West BleMte. a MY, 104 = o. WaT during the last focal year rses ae a nee : fale SSR af 028 Siaow'th can, “SBE The TEE AI Wehm ti, GP AgE 28g me amounted to $1,672,061, after changes A twat « Chg. Sales. onEt o oon ian City Sou. 103 3% lOMeDI Gia te ke A To LOOT TE se 7 ¢ ppermin 1 é 38 5, rp & yh: 4 3 3% Y% whe, EB; fi 2. ING FIRM Tetiatiny epistues ata omortiee ott 48 S0sviae| Sone, Baton == of ots | Raumamn, Dep gE ark sity’ mate Hopi wor gee yg toy Wa att preciation, depletion and amortiza- i rae L072 20 foto 1) doy Ba eee i heaffer Pen .1 51% 14+ % lo pr pid ..2.10 81% 80° ‘30 — HOnaA namataciitien me ereiacome ote oo 117,160 ConsolFiim Ind % 5% «..| Kennecott Cop Be Bae hell Union Oil 23% 234 aie el White SS Dent. 1 3 RD LeOD Eee ) 80,680 pid aig 9 a if 2 mmons_Co 10 32% 31% 32%+ 41 White Mot 9 9 was equal to $2.96 a share on capital eee 59,220 | cons Tuaundtios 1% Tiy+'%| Riwberly-cl B74 BF nelair Oil: 24 13% 13° 13% 34] White Sew Meh Bh 8K Bie Ik i 2.40 in th High 1944; 58.88. Low 1941, 47.0 5 BE Sib arly fe. 87h 38 1K | Shelly Ol 2.2 Th SO Sed aa een one ate Aaa HR ADeE, stock, aeninsies .40 a share in the High 1943, 50.89. Low 1943, 39.8 Heap ce ie i; z Ge" " ¥ ne ceo a 2 % oon ie % eo pr pid xd. 1 80% 30% 30%+2 previous fiscal year. i . e— Vy aie ileox Oil & G@ 4 We 1% TD JON: Cons Vultee ... 1 157 td. sat mith AO Corp 4 4 40% 41%44°%4 7 DIRECTORS PAY USUAL BUN JONES ERADONARY AVERAGE "Gy git si, 1h ee EAE 3 SoBe) Hh TEs, Tees Elamun Scots 2 30 HR abet hl miler oveand. 7 16k 144 184+ DIVIDEND ON COMMON. Twenty rail 41.62 up 0.19 ConamPow Aiea ORL OE eeu nae Kean Dept sir aot git gtk BSc oe gas tee 97 96% OF 0. of iliti 5 ig 2 oes Tesi & Sof After the stockholders met dig BIS Hive tocks ccc Sob4 Ty GA3 [Gout Bak r-n 18 8 8" "SH | Rrover Grocaiy B37” 338 37% G [Go PBon sug, 2 98h OR Re Hy By My : rectors he eir organization BOG : San 89% 39%+ % L ¥ ie 6 43% 43%) 43%4— meeting. A dividend of 25 cents a _ New York, Oct. 24—(A. P.)—Following | Cont Diam 10% 10% 10%— ‘ outhem Paci fags 3 1 35% 34% 35%. share was declared payable on Nov. is the complete tabulation’ of ‘Tuesday's | GOnt wEtors <2 8g Se 48 Bt Maclede Ca hoe ag aah Beet -w | Southern Ry; ane #3u 75% Bat f 28 to stock of record Noy. 14. All ; Bae coGe menaactioas: on, the Newsy orbs aloes KegimOuEDalreay 27% 28% ‘ Lambert, Gc 38% 28 AS % 5 eee eee tae Wee ‘ 7 > g ¢ 2 net change | Cooper-Bess - eB. wee Rub&Tire 4236 42% 42%— to y 7 a of igatee Wenecr cleo oe aa Gardner-Denver company in the | {0m Monday’s close: Goenenieianet 6: % 5 11% 1 4 4 + Y r 3 he 72 TR TB see , company § | nine months ended Sept. 20 had net A Corn Products rae 283 280 284— & 281 ¥ steel plant at Minnequa, Colo., con- * MO: Dide sw. 2 0.10 1773617’ . | Rec 28% 32% 32 3R2%— i tinues to operate at better than 100 | ©27inss equal to $1.25 a share on Sales in Hundreds Corndi: -Dub ‘E, iy 2 112 26% 26% 26%4°% 11% 138 135 teetm In recognition of his fifty years * ‘ common stock, compared with $1.37 of Shares High aw Close chee Coty Internat & 3% 1 a 2) Bes a isu, 184 1me— a eae eacet ffiniels of | Pe. cent of capacity and sales-of|;, the correspondin. eriod last | Abbott Lab « 1 605s 80% %+ %.| Crane Co [4 5 2 3514. 354% 35%— % |Sauare D Co.. 34% 38% 385 BB%b service wi e firm, officials of | steel, coal, coke and coke plant by- P se Pi ACF Brill . Gree ame ante | amen cone? gp yaa ee tans 20% 20% 20%— % |S 2 10534 105% 105% pee Colorado: Malling oe wleveto™ | productstcontinus to Hold firmly, 1 \Ycq: Acme Stl T6363, 63 + % Grosiey Com. 7 2b 34 Ton ees ia BS” Be oe ae mat 3 Wear te ie ny Tuesday ni Wi on —— : A pine 24% 12% 12% 3¢| Cr , 33% 2 3 ase) 3 , aes Ralph W. Kelly one-time DENViE ER A brokerage house wire said con-| Air Reduction. 5 30% 300 soe Grown Zellers — 14 30% 30% ape % Libby, McN&L 1 7% 7 68% S%4e+1 : Z POST ter,” FEWER FAILURES. sumers of light fuel oils who con-| Alaska Juneau. 22 6% 6% 6% =.. |), 00 pid... 2.90 102% 102% 102%" 44 | Life Savers ., 47% 47% 4 36% 6 — %| Zenith Radio .. g 41% 41% 41% . reporter, . Garted torooal carlice inithe warinel| Alb 6 Susas 0.40 61 160 160, st orneibie. Steel “ BBY 34s Liggett & My RN Ti 3 2%+ ¥% | Zonite Prod .... 5% bu oe eeneren me yore Oct. wae Een ritienontilltercceinenmnerniael onl Alleghany Corp. 95 244 2% 2ut 14, cia Rk pid.’ 74 30 do ptd’”” 180.7 1807 18 40 4 Z|" Sales Tuesday paeautey eee ae Bupiness faite in the week ended | from the office of price aeministra| 2 van") 3" 38, Rat Elation Meera Uy Tim penn. "GBM TAR i me 3 testimonial i ; on reconvert to oil. Su ction | Alleg aa Stl. 7 % Lion Oil Bi i $oie 287 a 3 dinner in the ny tous We 1908 poling Dan has been recommended to the OPA Rae CE e % eo eCrrD ae 26% 26% 7 1 * 3 . ? i i Shem & Dy iockhee 205% 203, 203% C o smopolitan Bradstreet announced, by the peeolenin sguuinista ton son fAdlied -Millae 4. i Loew's Ine 641 64, Baia 3 103 Two y “oye pee | ER Sale eee ae TATA S| cited ceed ee ge i Dee oe ae officials wi D lis-Ch Mfg 3 utler-Ham: Long Bel r ine ODD-LOT TRANSACTIONS. f lati 2 t t this int o pid % 112% Loose W Bise ., 3 36% 37 f present an in is ormwuating plans to pu SecA Analy atioatt 3% 31h By Lorillard P 16 19% 18% 191%4 5 scribed gold Philadelphia, Oct. 24.— Odd-lot | effect about Nov, 1. aa d oath 100% Horie tone Davega Str pfd do pfd 161% 161% 161%. rhez 2 watch to him. transactions on the New York stock A group of 148 underwriters are Am Ae ch Del 5 a 2B ae S Dayle Chery 2 Lats gee 4. ZB 2 E g34t i Superior Steal: ee yee uy The dinner exchange Oct. 23 consisted of pur-| ...°; , m Airlines... 2 eT BUM me | Deck Berar ds sey Shey ee SO eates 3 ill follow a hi _| Signing contracts Tuesday at Mor-|Am Bank Note 20% 20% 20%— %|Deere & Co... M weets Co Am 47 17%— % Pe eiae busi- f cupses of Sees sede ee a gan, Stanley & Co.’s office for the| 1? Bidar '1*"° i a # else Wem 6: 1 ack Trucks ... 43° 43° 43 —1 wet Se 8 Boe 30% Rote ¢ ness session 3,748 orders, including shovimenlas offering on Thursday of 100 million | 4m Brake Shoe %|D Lack & West 3 acy ee Si 30, 2! i 3 ylvan EI Pr. 10 28% 3 8 ESS here of com- of 752 shares ‘on elzhteen orders, dollars of American Tobacco 3 per|Am Cable & R Se Den ges waeowy ae fae EOP Rer 1 4 1 i +s+|Sym-Gould ... 9 6 4 g13g pany Officers the securities and ee cent debentures, due 1969.. Dow-|4™ Can . %4 | Deir Hillsdale Marine Midland he 7% Ki T . nge com- do pfd . 3. %| Devoe & R A.0.2 J Midl i M and flour mill" mission reported Tuesday. Jones said the offering price to the| an’ dacs Fav’, % | Diamond Match MarkSRy pret 1.20 174 1 Taleott (J)Inc. 84 84 Su managers of Ralph Kelly. Round-lot transactions comprised public will be 101 to yield 2.94 per. Slee enna fartin 3) a 19% 1 36 TPeLAUSOenARDy 168 108 some. % twenty-two cities from the Missis- | purchases of 37,190 share d sales | Cet to maturity. Martin Parry., 283 11° 10¥ i+ | Me 3, 28 455% 45. 45 — % sippi river to the west coast. In | of 29,880 sh ec qe RETR TE 4 asonite Corp.. 42% 4! Te x5 7556! BS. wl charge were Guy A. Thomas, chair- SDareR. Profit-taking hampered rallying oe Elec .. 2' a Tex St Sulph 35. 34% 34 % man of the board; Fred W. Lake, f Oa tendencies in rye, but the further is tag Uo. 6: ; Tex Pac C & 0. 1 % \ yy ut 34 mone 7] LONDON STOCKS UNEVEN. | reduction of 252,000 bushels in the 28y 2 ee AG RY ae ate areas president, and George M. Hopfen.- London, Oct, 24.—Foll s ae 458 Tex x&Pac Ry xd 2! 22 re beck, vice president. th C' —Following are | domestic visible supply last week, resser In F a ed 18% 1 18 Son Starting in 1894 as a stenographer e industrial and railroad aver-| and the prospects for a greater use Dunhill Ee oi ae nv - 0. LOEB oo. Bae } —_—_——_ POR Se Ince eaKondllenteconnany: ages for stocks traded on the Lon-| of grain in the production of alco- Die ceont de. NA bE ; 3 fg 3 i Washington, Oct. 24.—(A. P.) —~ ee teee 7 don stock exchan led by th é F i i Am-Hawaii S'S 2744 2 2 ‘% f r Kell: to bookk ge compiled by the | hol, attracted investment buying on th oupids ences mucrmord Co . % Post 21 founder, Kelly rose to bookkeeper, | 7 ong Fi Am H & Lea 104° 104" 10 iS ostwar rehabilitation of American auditor, then treasurer and member | 107407 Financial Times: the setbacks. The small corpora-| Am Ice pfd. Dud Let 134 pi.0.10 13% 13% 13% sO Mi pEonY ard aie {> y, | railroads will provide a big backl , aan A z i é 3 3 Tide Wat A Oil 5 143 1 S will provide a big backlog of the board. Tuesd Industrial Railroad | tion, along with the fact that there | 4m [mematl sg | 107% 107% 107% pidis, ap 0.24 37% 101 of jobs, a railroad executive told the RL OMeMaEO her ane scar cute ese ay 137.2 66.0 is no rye price ceiling, and the dis-| {m Locomo .. 7 Eagle Pich La. 4 4 4 Ai Dime n-Det Axl 1 2% Bt interstate commerce commission D eae aTT ROT ‘Me. | Monday Eos eaee 80:0) 66.1 count of present levels under parity, | Am M & Fd Eastern Air L. 2 4 Timken R_ Bear % 50 Tuesd if fs D enver in April, , from Week a i 4 ant i y a 3 2 9 vias: 1 | ‘fransamerica . 4 916 ‘uesday, if the carriers are per- Cracken, Neb. His first job here BOM tiene OS 66.5 | furnished additional buying motives. | 4m N & Met. 7 36% 36% 36% | 13 23% 228 mitted sufficient earnings to finance 4 ‘ = Month ago .... 136.1 65.3 Am Metal . 8 . ym ATM 1 T2% 13% aa 23% 22% g was that of rewrite man on THE . E zs ‘Am News Co..1.61 v 5 51 6 % 4% such a program. DENVER POST Year ago . 127.7 66.6 Market men continued to talk of | 43, pow & Lie. His Bros Sire 21% FTk— G st Big See 20 97h 971% Urging B mestoration@ometnclent —— He puee toa ie most ie ma orospects sand tas collow, : toate 44y 444 4 Miami Copper .. 11 47% 47k # ist in” retahaiee caeea eh ieuan ere en ene dey , i. 1 s ‘ Blec Boat ...: 1 he 12% 124 cd OB 7} 2 Z 25° B48 i illi i WYOMING UNIVERSITY aeRO ee such industries, as the electri-| 4) Ron aa ? a ae oo lee Meena d 0.20 Lag 143% 14 it | do, pid sau 51% Seether: Wee Dieoata eee f ae 2 : 2 a : HOURLY MARKET STATISTICS. cal MGriet oeigceak Goo eng, Dee iat 42 e 937 igi. 3 ote AU HONORE soe, eer ere me City Rap ts zt 13% 13% wanna & Western railroad, testified i i e ’; a 1 Storaz at) inn-Moline ae. First... 20550 aS, Pall, Util. | tric company on Nov. 8 will hold a dg. 2.8 3 wl Seorage al Be 33K Mission, Corp. 2 19% 19% 19%—"% U that ‘under: the: press of waz) emer: eee F O05 .11 —0.05 7 ¢ Emerson Hl Mt Bu 15h a eee ah A273! 2 f TUndaneoOdeRiae 59% 59% gencies rolling stock has borne exe Ss 3 food freezing conference at Bridge- 40 1 5 - f 3) iS a - econd.. 174,930 —0.15 —0.01 —0.04 ? , PB Endicott-John. .; 44, 64% 64%— % | do pid ..... "21 12% 12% Union Bas&P. 3 13% 13 cessive wear and tear that calls for : Third... 149/580 —0.06 0.15 0.01 | Pot Conn. A feature of this will 2 a Ene Pub Sve. 4% 1445 Mohawk Carpet “2 4 36M Union Carbide; 80. 795. 79% 7... | a huge capital out Fourth.. 911940 018 “014 0-01 | be 2 film which employs new movie 1 ts $5 pfd...0.30 102 101% Monsanto Chem 4 86 85% 86 . | OBI M diss pf0.80 114% 1144 114%4 i | > RUBE Capital Ov Uay. anos 13 0.14 +0.01| making technic developed for teach- Bo sabia wait Of Bide”: + % do pid C ..1.20 109 109 | Un Oi Cal... 185, 18% 18%— %| Traffic has fallen “oft during 1944, TODAY'S MARKETS TODAY— : ng Cynon i SU % RR 5 11% 11% Montgom Ward 16 51 50: Union Pacifi 109% 109 109% he said, so that railroad earnin; See ae - jing pilots the rudiments of flying. a 2. dis ie Morris & Essexl.30 27 26% Un. Tank Car. 2 27% 27%—'% | now are at about the same level Ee 3 i i PD: P M Produce 2: 2 i i DS aes %% 32% Local Securities Bolstering sentiment were a num- & eka 12% 11% Motor “Wneol: B08 Sox United "Aireratt 303i 30n Bos. i] at the end of 1941, when the ICG : ber of pleasing dividends and earn- 4 eA ‘Procts 464. i4 Mueller Brass.. 10 32% 32% do p 10934 109% 109%— %4 | first authorized a 4.7 per cent ine Chicago, Oct, 24—(A. P.)—A. E.| | The. National Association of Securities | ings statements. Southern Railway Ua ict a ey ranger ea ae 8 er? Mig B oun 94 atarnca i eae ate Tear th crease in freight rates. Meanwhile, Bowman, director of the extension following ermal cbe pised pUDneh ed the | declared 75 cents on the common ae oe 2 m EN Coron ong 1D es Pp B71. 37% angi %| Wages and other items of operating: serviee of Wyoming university, Lar- | (arcing "era, Huces, based on, quotations | Taising the year's total to $2.75, com- = ov ae eres weet united ii 1h ih i5%- | expense have continued to increase, amie, was awarded the Distin-| 9:45 o'clock a. m., Oct. 24, 1944. The as- | pared with one of $2 in 1943. Good- 14 Parns ‘Tel _& R 34 aah Relvinatorias United eewa: 3° 9% 29 —,%4| he added. guished Service Ruby by Upsilon sociation asstimes no responsibility for year Tire & Rubber company of Z 89. Fed Lt & Tract Nichcharest 10.80 i openec Fase 0-20) ian 65. «65 ee Asserting that modern coaches Sigma Phi, honorary extension fra- tive of the general current Peane 7, ™@Ca- | Canada voted a $2.50 year-end extra %& 2 , Fea Ree Nae Rene t7 18: Un Eng & Fdy 2 31% Scene about $80,000 each and dining ternity, at the meeting of the Asso-| Stocks— Bid. ‘Asie, against a $1 extra disbursed at this Anacon | W&C § Fed Mot Truck. te ao Fb. United Fruit., 2 88% %|cars $125,000, White declared that ciation of Land Grant Colleges and Amalgamated Sugar pid. $8. Ao $9. time last year. Anch Hock G1 do pfd . a Un Gas Imp.. 2: 13% 12: *s| expenditures on such equipment sivercitios: 22, commo 18 id Bid P Fire a Un ian & ae ae Aaa Honea + after the war not only would provide The fraternity consists of 3,600 | calif, Bne Bi Sugar purchase negotiations be-| Arch’ Dan. ee onear Seee 20 a 4 United Panextid 7 7 9.“ better service, but would do much extension service workers of state| do pfd . tween the United States and Cuba | Armour & Co .. 3: Fivct Nat Stirs 4 3 ¢ +4; | Nat Cash Reg! US or Sec 1 10% 10% 10%— % | to sustain employment. agricultural colleges and the U. S.| ,4° common TH broken off about a month ago be-| 40 pr pid. Flintkote -.... 3 f 4, | Nat Container. do. pid. 10 105% 105% 105%...) “Whether the railroads provide department of agriculture who have Continental “Air Lines cause of inability to arrive at a) Arnold Const.. Follansbee: S a S nreient.. ee 12% isc ye| their share of purchases and con- ten or more years of seryice. son Cons Gold Mines. satisfactory price, will be resumed eis See US Indus Chem 36% 36% 36% .., | tribute their share to full employ- Certificates of ReccenibOD for Bantels ae oi Be at Washington this week, trade Wockes Wheel ; 7% 75% ment,” he said, “will be determined outstanding contributions to agri- do new quarters jearned "Tuesday. The do 6% p i Nat ee largely by the current and prospec-- culture -and rural living were Cuban - delegation, understood to hté rs ren Ciaco. Sugar i wie BE Did ss ‘oF tive outlook for net TAITWAe ouarRte awarded to: have held for a price of 3.25 cents a a in; * 5 air Coast Line. 2¢ Fruehauf Tra.. 4 T g income . rs Mildred F. Horton, A. and M. col- pound f. o. b. Cuba, returned home | At) G&W Indies : NM te ag Cas: 2 “Railroads can no longer look to lege, Couees Station, eee a fer consultation, : when United atl Beene eer en 3 Wa t Ol Prods, 7 increases in traffic to Be sorb in- dna rigg, Denton, Tex.;, Mrs. States officials held their offered oC Gain Robert 3 Natl steel 00) 7% 65% creased cost,” he continued. “They biola D. Gilbert, Santa Fe, N. M.; ~ | Atlas Corp 4 Nat Supply .... 12 144 I sai pe oe een ee se ne Be eee a ainda eh cea pie son eps cae rae esl and John Arthur Hill, Wyoming offered Cuba 3.25 cents a pound, f. | 4¥!#tion Corp. 88 Y y .»|Gar Wood Ind.. 2 Neen 3: oo 25% 2 as ¢ v 4 r ents ets 1 : epee Na 104 tofore authorized. university, Laramie. o: b. Cuba, for 100,000 tons each A Sea pect B Soo ° ue -0.80 Nona a ; Wi —TODAY’S MARKETS TODAY— rom the 1945 and 1946 crops. . ald Loco. ct... 17 Sonne Ger eases Newberry J''S. eT ee comm pears Balt = oni, pid ee Gen Am ‘Trans. a Ree cornet Nanae Dividends Declared Bond Market io Calls on steel, regular money, | Banso: acy “o.36 Nowe wanes eee a solo Pow ot thirty days, are quoted a half point 0 Df iS N Y Airbrake.. e Consolidated Textile Company, Tom Bell Royz up. Southern Pacific and Great | Barber Ap 3 Gi ae CR Su Inc., declared an initial dividend renee York, Ont ae Feet) Northern are a quarter up. Beth- eos ‘ 1 dora i of 25 cents a share on the capital is ‘in supply Aa Tucedags bard enemy is a point up and Pepsi-Cola Barnsdall as 30 Meanec nia ior A arace payable Nowy 27 to stockhold- ue y is 2 up. ath Ir V J 22 an Y ers of recor ov. 10. market, recovery .forces were at Leese Bayuk Ciga 3 8 Vick Chem ... pean bai Ay work thruout the list and trends calit inee Pow Reconversion is taking place | jj, 4 No Am Ayationn B2epaaees va Cato Chem: ‘ WHAT STOCKS DID. were no worse than Boe in late | "Que 1944 to slowly. In addition to the permis- 6 No Amer Co.. 15 18% Vv Tuesday Monday trade. pending on mat 160 sion given farm implement makers | Bendix, Aviat... 12 Renee pi. RNs varbigb $5'nf 0.8) Advances ........ 317 98 Of the ten listed atinora & Ohio Publig RaseoS Beerae Been to manufacture more farm machin- | fos; & Co xd... 1 Stat Baas pf.0.20 Me Declines .... 342 721 bonds four were lower, three higher | © 90 ‘$122 ‘64. 110,00 |€ty, motor trucks are to be made | Best Foods . a Gen, Print sine Northwest Airl.” 4 26 bash RR ta Unchanged ...... 256 148 and three unchanged. St. Paul 5s| Republic Bldg 100:00. | in larger quantity. eee : oF dO aptd ss osc POUR eas Tel.0.20 46% eae Coe : Fes ae held a slight gain, while the adjust-| ky Min Fuel 17.00 eS 3 Gen Ry Norwich Pharm 2 13% WalkerHG&W. Total issues ... 915 967 ment 5s were a little lower, both on| Victor ¥uel § ; Dip now Blows 3 Gen R ee ° Walworth Co .. New 1944 highs . 18 32 heavy turnover. A similar mixed 4 Z Ee eiaeas pean SHORES 16% AS 16% Harienan B New 1944 lows ... 2 5 pattern was among obligations of : 4 9134 9216 teeny ties Warner Br Pict ey ae the New York Central, New Haven Curb Market Bon Ami A 0 2 2 age “115 106% 10035 Waukesha aot. GREASE WOOL. and Southern Pacific. The two 8 703 7 9 C Mi do B. 20 at Dime Ta In fo BY Ompibus Corp. 5 9% ne Pum New York, Oct. 24—(A. P.)—Wool tops Childs company 5s firmed a point New York, Oct. 24——Curb stocks j 5 Sse 3 Gill Sar RB do pf --0.50 103% 1021 and grease futures turned quiet Tuesday i : . 7 ‘ 2 lette Otis Blevaton . 3 in mixed dealings. Traders attributed the or so. were under mild pr essure in moder- 2 Borden Co Bc} Owens-Ill ai oF 3 22% 21% ot pfd inactivity partly to the government auction AS SOTA WHERE. ately ‘active trading Tuesday. In- Borg-Warner. 10 ed eee Beis West Ind Sug - k one taralen gtock=uile Wool at Boston IN é Me i irr 2 y. an (Tuesday, Oct. 24.) dustrial shares moved irregularly. Boston & Maine 3 Pac x Fish. Wie RSP BRA a a0 5s Poe a0 a8 **| following the oat aaaaaiins Somers 4 Taare Gomi Dn OCMEAG TIGA 2 m ~ 11 14% 14 do 7% pid. .0.10 TOSoe LOS. meee (Standard &’Poor’s Corp.) ompany ’ Braniff Airw.. 17 Pac Coast .:..2:50 11 10% do 6% pfd...1.30 99% 98% 99%— i] BeW seasonal high round. Estimated ollars Ber $100 Bond.) Babcock & Wilcox, Breeze Corpora- Bridgeprt Bri 8 do 1st pfd. 34 2 Ww fo 1736 1176-115 * | Sales of wool tons were 20.000 pounds. ( ; ; e D 42% 4214 Pa Pow pfd.0 10 .117% 11736 1173+ % | “"Groag 1 Gceaiainrand Lower Grade Bonds.) tions, and Cuban Atlantic Sugar Brig! Neer Gold & 8 do 2d 21% 21% W Va Pulp&Pa 1 2 ih SG Maca saa eee eee tmchanged. 2 § Fy 5 + 2 << S + March, me ls aaa ee Tans Bovas | eased. Childs preferred, a recent} New York, Oct. 24—A report by 2 guoarigy : Bac Gas & Elec. 33% 33% West Auto Sup 2 % | o5'6n. Wool! tone: futures “closed. to, .S : mi firm features, maintained most of | United States Steel corporation dis- ke 2 Goth Hosiery... ae Lighting .. 2 44 43% West Maryld . 4 t lower, December, 131.5: March, ( 2] an early gain of around 6 points. closed a total of 8,703,252 shares of - 30 Graham-Paige 232 Pac ee mal-1.66 uly wy weet un ae as A ae Bi un .5b. Certificated “spot #| Closing prices of a few leading} common and_ 3,602,811 shares of a Pac Tin Cons.. 17 aearsts - eee 3| Stocks follow: Alum Ltd, 83%; | preferred outstanding on Sept. 30. 5 Pac West Oil.. 1 1% uk . Sree ee 9 | Alum Co Am, 353; Am Gas & Elec,/ A total of 2,077,208 common shares, | Buffalo Foree.. 3 Raed Motor. 65 5% = | 3 | 32%; Am Light & Tt, 17%; Am|or 23.867 per cent was in brokers | Bullard Co 5 poe a oe ai a1 31% 9 | Maracaibo, 1; Am Superpower, %;]names, an increase of 6,868 shares | Bulova Watch. _ ca ota 0.20 110 10” 110 %y , : ; $ 6 Gey ANSE GRR A, 3% Sia ae D Forge, Vern SY Reid Dy sBRoncrs on June Burr Ada Mach 12 Sresh BUY =| Barat P&R 5 % 3% 3% ... 49 & Ss ‘00 » i . Investors he 626,044 shares | push T Bld pf.1.70 re pera orp a ara oi Cos. Bas oy 56%—1% 100.13 B oe Se iione 2 4 es on Bere CO Ror re ae eneD ene com- | Butler Bn os... 4 meces Aire En.. 60 | Patan Siatines. 0 +088 Re oR ot: We offer . eel, 314; iss razi r, | pare: wi 632, shares, or| do pfd.. 2 Guantan Sugar. 17 p ee 20% 20 : = 3 ark & Tilford. 1 2 2 0 4 Grade Bonds Bonds 19%; Buckeye Pipe, 10%; Burry Of the preferred stock outstand- By ere) or aera Parker Rust-Pr 1 5 an Biscuit, 3%; Marconi, 1%; Carrier |ing on Sept. 30, a total of 499,989, |} pyron Jackson. Que One is Parmelee Trans 1 Corp, 1844; Cessna, 4%. or 13.878 per cent, was in the names Patino Mines .. 87 Duran oO Colorado Cities Service, 13%; pfd., 1$6%;|of brokers, an increase of 5,630]... pati A Semen cork eeu Cs a eo Bae 89> : Consolidated Steel, 61 Cub. Atl, | shares over the 494,359, or 13.721 per ea Pri Se Hamil Watch. 9 erin Gant pAuSling: 1 . a eOar Cana AES. Sugar, 2244. cent held on June 30. Investors’| oajtanan ZLd.. 1 do pid. Deen Drei Ganknae 1% General Obligation Bonds Wate 1914, Blectric Bond & Share, 10%; Ford | holdings of preferred amounted to 8 aa ee D do pfd A 2 ‘ Z Motor, Ltd., 6%; Froedt G. & M.,| 3,102,822 shares, or 86.122 per cent " Hat Corp Am A 2 ene 1&6 Bg $11,000—September 1, 1962 1714; Glen Alden Coal, 16%: Hum-| of the issue outstanding, compared Hayes Indust.. 4 Die Sas 7 os 063 ( S E ; a 4 Peoria & Hast... 3 14,000—September 1, 1963 ble Oil, 39%; Hollinger Gold, 9%; |avith 3,108, shares, or 86.279 per| (2% Mig... 12 : 43 . Tllinois ‘Zine, 1014; F. J. Jacobs,| cent held by them June 30. Case Holme 1a “0.50 3 14,000—September 1, 1964 | 10%, jHolland continued to be the home| “do pta 0. Hereules Motor \4 2 oe 8,000 —September 1, 1965 ; | %ingsten Prod. 314; Lake Shore |of the largest foreign holders of | Caterpil Tract. Here Powd pfd0.10 ate , c Tsne— = Stator Mines 15%; Lone Star Gas, 1036; | both common and preferred, having | Celanese Corp. Hershey Cho xd 1 B 355 Optional September 1,1954 | ae ‘ Middle States Pete, 2%: Mount.|305,577 and 19,556 shares of each| .40 7% pid..0.10 SGC RRS ok 56 —"¥ ; ; 9 tons Prod., 6%4. ae Stat issue respectively, unchanged from celotes Ope 8 ollander & Son 1 EO aoa dg 8 ‘ Price $117.48. Yield 1.35% to optional date, = 5 101.15 Ne devai Hage iret three months earlier. pid “E omestake Min- ee 26% 3 On eases “T6DAPS MARRETS TODAY aa ene Ai Nee, Hue oy Spcaces os 03 oud-Hershev B® Bhileo corp: 27 388 ae ary (3.25% tnereafter) Business is business and everybody ae enn oat 5%; yncony 43% 5 PETROLEUM FIRM Cent iL te pf.0.20 Wt 41d 111 i Houston, Oil. & eee ce 0.5 108% 106% 10 106813 ' These bonds, issued for water purposes, recognizes that POST Want Ads get enuplcrs viation, 5%; St. Regis Cent RR e 10% 10% ae . udson & Man 1 Bhoente Hosiery 13 * are direct and general obligations of the Paper, 5%; Wright-Hargreaves, 3%. Cent Prieta ‘Su “4 26% 26% 2! uds Bay M&S 1 > Z * busi Pills Mills 5 DORE. —TODAY'S MARKETS TODAY— CHANGES ITS NAME |: Century Rib M 1 10% 10% 10%4— % udson,, Motor. 13 Nocota: Os 105 City of Durango, payable from unlim- | 7 SD a ean a Pittsbursh’ Goal 5% ited ad valorem taxation; also secured Opiiies. eek fs Sere - A TR EAST TRY BALANCE | Taano Pow xd. 47 20% 20% 20% + %\2 Bitt Co&ch pido.2 a a prior Aeon the Bet earnings of 2 SSS inois Cen ... 3% 3% 16 5 5. A the municipally owned water system. : ; do LL ......0.70 6445 Ri 1) Pitt Steel P Washington, Oct. 24—(A. P.)—The position of the treasury Oct. 21,| , San Francisco, Oct. 24. — The Indpls Pw&Lt: 1 do 5% pid i 7 j , ss s ’ | American Hastern Petroleum com- Indust _Rayon., ‘: do pr_pfd . : with corresnonding date a year ago: pany Tuesday changed its name to do. pid : Bitt & Wes i Eligible for Trust Funds in Colorado ; Oct. 21, 1944 Oct. 21, 1948 | American Overseas Petroleum com- rian Stee do pid B. Interest Exempt from Federal Income Tax Receipts $ 92,721,765.58 Se 59,525,989.26 | pany. Originally formed last July i ; Blymouth Oil... 1 Expenditures 222,847,220.19 259,413,474.33 | to manage foreign exploration and ‘ nsuransh oor & Co Be. , Net balance ... 11,414,579,767.41 20,782,563,219.84 | development activities of com-| do pid ....... 24 48 ; do pid ressed Stl Car : ) ’ Pe ripioe fes joi rd. | Chi Pneu. 7 6 19% ape &G ¢ Working balance included 10,651,701,225.86 —-_-20,019,856,747.58 | Bir Gon doany’ of Gaiitornia and the | .,40,Pr Bigg Bet BB. bas | Intercom “Rb We ban 180 BorTTCHER AND COMPANY Customs receipts for month 19,348,682.75 25,822,938.43 | Texas company, with the exception | crim ca © big ina bettie Int Bus Mach; a2 j Receipts fiscal year (July 1). 12,028,632,376.71 11,727,859,270.65 | of their Arabian and Bahrein inter-| chrysler Corp .. 20 90% pl eaie ata 108 AREAS eee Expenditures fiscal year. . « 29,616,515,553.64 27,527,738,511.01 | ests, the company now directs ex- ce 6 s Int Hydro-El ai : 9 9 pA ee 2 Fi t 0.20 10: 828 17th Excess of expenditures..... 17,587,883,176.93 15,799,879,240.36 | Ploration and development work in ci BA EtOH oe Gag 1 Fee ee eee or auc aaa Total debt ..... a vieves 211,416,760,149.52 * 168,759,063,581.73 | Zeypt, New Zealand and Australia, | City, Stor at nt” Minin ti AES and will include the Netherlands | Clark Equip 1 Int Nick y nerease over previous ava teraietetais AR Oa OS Do traencs etch rian Ne S tere ak Fast Indies after liberation from Climax Bole: 4 do pfd 13 4 Lie +4 Q e; ys 6 be Bois Sree tg Quaker Sta GQ 1 15% io p se eeee Gold assets vermecrereevcces sciences 20,727,269,357.45 22,132,103,356.96 | Janan. eee ey arco dpe eeeuruecaeed