18 THE POST PHONE—MAIN 2121 THE DENVER POST—WANT AD SECTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1944 Lost and Found 1 LOST—Two diamond rings, Thursday after- noon, Oct, 19th, in Brown Palace powder oom, Valued for their sentiment. Party hat found them will be liberally rewarded puelse return, J. D. Treece, 941 Gas & bldg., CHerry 6637 or EAst 4322, 0: per brief case between 6th and So. Emerson ‘and Bdway. containing Employment Agencies and War Industries 7 Employment Agencies and War Industries 7. DU CONSTRUCTION MEN YOU ARE URGENTLY NEEDED AT ONCE ON PACIFIC NORTHWEST CONSTRUC- TION PROJECT Cc, B. & Q. R. R. or C. & S. RY. NEEDS LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN ue eee Re AGE 16-25 MACHINIST: one MA Help Wanted—Female 8 DO YOU WANT A GOOD JOB? No experience is necessary. We will train you and you will be paid while learning one of the following: Help Wanted—Female 8 GIRLS No experience is necessary. We will train you and you will be paid while: fear ning one of the following: PACKAGE oa Help Wanted—Female 8 HOUSEWIVES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 33 oe YOU LIKE PART TIME WORK AS A SALES CLERK IN OUR CATALOG DE- PARTMENT? Help Wanted—Female 8 TYPIST WE HAVE COPY TYPING JOB OPEN *FOR RAPID ea YOU CAN TYPE BETWEREN AND 50 PeOED iS MINUTE. WE POSITION FOR U.. THIS work Is eR AND - INTERESTING, Help Wanted—Female 8 WRAPPERS PACKAGE WRAPPERS AND SORTERS No experience necessary. We train you to sort and wrap packages for mailing. We offer a good starting salary with regular salary increases to satisfactory people. 5 ti day week with time and a half for overtime, b Kketbook, 2 t books, gas B. & B. CARPE. vis HELPERS PACE OPENERS 5s Patock HBESERe Day nw STAVE 2 HOR FOR YOu Lou REMEMBER rown pocketbook, 2 ration ted by the ar , Navy and —- om q 7 coupons, considerable money. paint paar war manpower c minission as extremely man PHELDTE RS S ea Rae ‘ OHMS NOL SS WAY WORK i aC TEDIOUS oI You Setanta rN Sarees WARDS OFFER YOU CEROR LENE and other incidentals. eral reward. Call important ‘to your country. k RAPH OPERATORS P CER If you are looking for a position with a PREFER YOU MAY WORK» HOURS IN $aS8 ie WHER ‘TIME ANDO ne E 8_after 0p. m1, SWITCH Are BRA UN STOCK HELPERS postwar future or if you are interested in |inHm MORNING AND 2 HOURS IN THR OR OVERTIME. RB. MONTGOMERY WARD LOST—Plain yellow gold engagement ring, TRANSPORTATION ADVANCED— (Experienced—Age 0-20, ) ORNCE CLEnES making extra money between now and ABPTERNOON, ADVANCOHE GE a a APT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, ‘OPEN white gold setting, 63-100 ‘karat diamond ATDRACTIVE SCALE OF WAGES SPREE 18 to 90 Yr6.) Christmas you should come to our employ- CREASES AND LBB rN FROM 8:30 A TO 9 P. M. FRIDAYS ac!) side. ew ar > kK 543, i ment office to 7 Work week of 54 hours—time and one- enol CARMEN, SEER If you are looking for a position with a No experience necessary. However. if you ON ALL RR : cine FHS SIE BT ton webkain, excossiiat 40ahbur GROUND. MEN, SECTION LABORERS | Postwar future or if vou are interested. in If you've had exberience vou, will pe pala have had sales experience your starting PURCHASED rH FLOOR GMPLOYMEND OFFI B Tost Dark brown, 1 Teather Fea pit FOLLOWING CRAFTS NEEDED HO: FT CRETE SAe Comins ier aicn Hoe eon uae naan conditions, regular hours. no night or shift aaeenee Bo eae eR ene WOMAN. for ol ee Wed ¢ 0. S = U. . i ” : liberal ead M. S. Patterson, L TL. EB. SHOR .E LABORERS ment office today. work; 5 days a week, time and a half for N_ for 5 on., ‘edn questions MA, 976 Buren t watch. leather on 3 or 5 streetcar or on W. ar Bdway or downtown. Reward. own billfold. containing identifi- eation papers, army officer’s ration books, pacity of Colfax et York st. James Vogel, MA. 002. meleuone opetetica MUST BE CITIZEN OF U.§ A, nee LIVING FACILITIBS AVATL- protective firemen, T'S. FOR EMPLOYED PERSONS ONLY FREIGHT HANDLERS IN DENVER 'P. U. S. RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD eae eee ae es c. B. & Q. r G. RY, EMPLOY MEN Oiics tats TREET Statement of aH able required. STATIONARY ENGINEER If you've had experience you will be paid accordingly. We offer you clean working con litions, regular hours. no night or shift 5 days a week, time and a half for aver time. Liberal discount ee all merchandise you or your family pur + increases to qualified. and regular salary. le. overtime, ‘ Liberal discount on all merchandise you or your family purchase, and regular sal- ary increases to qualified people. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 8TH F. EMPLOY MEN OFFICE Open 8:30 A. M, 9 P. M. Fridays The work is clean and pleasant. Liberal discount on all merchandise. Salary in- creases to qualified people. Clean. modern cafeteria, Modern recreation rooms. COME TO Rs Hy he PERSONNEL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OPEN FROM as 0 A.M, TO 9 P, M. RIDAYS WARDS OFFER YOU OPPORTUNITY MONTGOMERY WARD ONS OFFICE OPEN FROM 8:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. FRIDAYS AIL ORDER DIVISION EIGHTH MALOOR EMPLOYMENT OFWICE WAITRESSES WANTED i, $5 day. wore cook. 1219 Lawrence, No phone calls. WOMAN TO WORK IN MAIN ORRIGH, CASCADE LAUNDRY, 1843 MARKE! WORKING for Thomas. Gpnaitions “Ti heaven. Easy hours, 11 to 7, m: = the beds, dusting the halls, anewering, aoe door when a friend calls. pore say this for me when you call KE. 5363. Liberal Srardl for return of money i i i REMEMBER ST st from car at 17th and Champa or infor- must bring draft revistration Coes per. Soro aetNaT Ss otaRe Bore APPLY SE ESTE OFFICE REM OME Ey, Experience not ees Meals and uni- 335. RAG aa erpeter over es personaltty. mation leading to its return, D. J. Sebern, plas SLICE On me OCIA I ceout Lys candmend jn neonatal Ghantestoukenunectionaritht : WARDS OFFER YOU OPPORTUNITY WARDS OFFER YOU, OPPORTUNITY | forms furnished. Ap Ri owe. Club Algerian. 17th and Tremont, 1536 we street. TAbor 0175. Denver's biggest permanent industry, with REMEMBER NTGOMERY WA! ‘a REPUBLIC DRUG CO 1500 OHANPA srr; YounG woman to wait on trade and assist LOST—Green purse. containing ration nepOR Sulifola with driver's license, $10, :_No. 50 street iar or on corner Curtis at 15th. BA, 698: in essential industry or who leaves essential work to apply will not be. considered. even bigger postwar. future manufacturing rubber products to meet worldwide demand. City license preferred, but not required. WARDS OFFER YOU OPPORTUNITY MONTGOMERY WARD Se film eee a contact printer for photographie studio, Rem. eran Studio, 1524 Californi MONTGOMERY WARD AIL. ORDER DIVISIO EIGHTH MLOOR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE WAITRESS Oe BAU Res TOP SAL SUND. ASS WORK, ‘UNIFORMS FURNISHED, Good opportunity. ness Muller- Ray_Cleaners. 1700 Hi Pek YOUNG woman as assi s ae ing cler! must _be able to drive light. eine BA. 044, 4 ill i i If you want more information about bnis BAKERS helper straight shift, LAUNDRY H ——__ APPLY 1512 CURTIS. “¢ Se EA. LOST—Black viiaale: Gl paniel puppy, Company representatives w interview POCA pan Iae CDoaltinnet Corio cHheieottiis|, Walployment ottica open's-30 adamant St Ba Soy ae hol soy work, ‘Apply WE NEED GIKLS Wy Std DEPaReeNts, WAITRESSES, Experience unnec essary, $20 ae Soy Rea wages in town, Semon the olde cy of Colorado boule! Gates. Downtown ‘Employment Offices 9 p.m. Fridays. nee aE MANY GOOD JOBS NOW SSE eae 1701 | Sond Neaeeet 160) Larimer. yard an : seams wantes ust h_s' 2 744 Albion street, (1615 Larimer or 824 17th st.), or the U. be steady worker, $20 a start, _ Apply bers Ideal_Laundry_Co.. 200 eourie st. EY LOST—Car keys and other keys on chain at filling station, 2300 are Call A, 9745, Reward. LOST—Brown purse Contains citizenship Pe aaa SERVICE ANPOWER Steer 550 BROADWAY OR 1316 18TH ST., oN COL OR. ee S$. Employment Service (550 Broadway), or the Gates plant (999 So. Broadway). Statement of availability required. EXCELLENT FUTURE MAIL ORDER DIVISION EIGHTH pron. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE A LAYOUT ARTIST If you can make snappy newspaper layouts, we have a veal job waiting for you. Bring cade Cleaners, 739 EB. 26th EXPERIENCED hand bauionnats maker, Tle per hour, Also power machine opera- tors _and_ hand sewers. Apply 1029 17th st, LEARN A TRADE i FOR POSTWAR WORK With prominent national candy eoncern. WAITRESSES wanted. No Seay eens Sunday or holiday work. Apply Y. W. C. 1545 Tremont, ase ee A WAITRESS wanted. Good pay. Good tips. $80 MONTH eeceaa liswk, 2 adults, % ehildren, PR. 612) FOR POSITION te WAR INDUSTRIES LOOK UNDER CLASSIFICATION 7, Help Wanted—Male 9 : Cub Cafe, 1801 Broadway. papers, wallet, coin purse, ration books. Offered young men age 21 to 27 with | S#mples XP. HEAD MARKER FOR ROUGH DRY Wrappers WANT middleaged [| MUST HAVRE 0. 8. EB. 8. CLEARANCE 2 award 1396 Bown = a BUNT. SANTA FE RAILWAY 00. : college education. engineering or business MAX GOLDBERG. ADV. AGENCY DEPT. DENVER SANITARY LAUNDRY, Dippera monial Intentions, to Deora ponetite A-1 BOY, part time, fountain and delivers, i ‘ack purse, le 2 office ey Cn ae Obs Oa eaeene VE. w oe : Reward. Call Englewood 1511M. 2870 So charged soldier or Graft, exempt. Will | A PERMANENT Denver resident for office | BXPERIBNCED or inexperienced inl to Rollers clty--bus passes doo All Sinen Horne Ns food wages. Weiss Drug Co., 6001 . Cols Grant. LOst—Continental airlines identification passbook, containing valuable Dapene: Lib- eral reward. 1264 Marion, TA. 8409. LOST—Small rea bulldog, female, white on chest and face, harness; under veter- S. BRAKEMEN, Swit CHMEN AND OM! MEN AND BUILDING CARPEN- OS SES AND Rone eae MEN ALP. MACHINISTS. BLECTRICIANS. Sore MAKERS, ne TH, start in Denver branch office of National Manufacturing Co. in charge of sales pro- motion while learning business. Good ad- vancement and future salary open, GLENN B, WILSO: EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, clerk. New Method Cleaners, 939 Colfax, A RELIABLE woman to take working mother’s place in lovely nee top salary. Must_have ref. TA. 33: A SCHOOLGIRL or service man’s wife with .| work. App. help with general housework and cooking. Good rom and wages, CH 7720. EXP. MAN to serve on dessert coun- ter. No"! Saturdas aoe Sunday or holiday ly _ ©, A. 1545 Tremont. Time and one half over 40 hrs. full time or part time REDREOLE, day or night shift. Apply between 7 a. m. to 9 p.m. Russell Stover Candies, 2015 Acacanne! MAID wanted. Marion Eickely Wages $80 per month. Great Western Mushroom company, 5008 Terminal An- nex, Denver. Phone’ Broomfield 77. WANTED 1 stenographer for merchandising 1,LOAN MAN * Top salary an first class ee Re tail mance Corporation, TA A-1 ute driver for emerge cs Chief. Bottling Co., 1537 Platte s 2 E a 1 ste hi SuTree Me 702: od es seh se FL ea rs 306 CONTINENTAL OIL BLDG some cooking experience; stay nights, EM, EORTC eine i ood | 1837 Arapahoe SECIS ee eT ORELAROE ION aa oongy: 6h BAM, guanted to ae in fruit LOST—Purse containing deer license, ration ND APPRENTICES (ae eRe TH Mies 2 ee eee mer. MAin 5443. ‘MATD_ AUDITOR HOTEL Experience not necessary. Prefer Denver ae ee 13th a’ cards, (other: valuable papers. Reward. EN A MERCHANTS BISCUIT. co. TRUSTWORTHY, healthy person who | xp. housekeopar and cook for one Pek 14TH AND STOU' resident. Will consider only applicants who Facandy any aehar ar too% Phone Watts, LOST—Gold layaliiere with purple stone, on No. 14 street car. Reward offered. BM. 0: ady’s Bulova ¢ watch, first anniversary present. Reward. Call GRand 5016 LOST—Camera and case, Detrola, Oct, 14 on 18th ave. bus. Generous reward. BM. 50. Hoed tire and wheel, Monday about 4: between 13th and Broadway and aan $8 reward. KE, 0261 LOST—Anyone seeing stray gray and white cat in past week please phone TA. 0470 Reward. LOST—Brown billfold marked ‘M. iy Calif, driver's license, panees amar tent zoe college: keep money. LOST—Lady’s Gruen wristwatch with plats cord band. KE. 1123, ext. 174, 8 to Reward. LOST—Close to Tiny To: black purse, Papers valuable to owner, Call 48J2 Mor- rison. Rew LOsT—Gas Bert Reo Fronico. ik Gc 1-62799, 130 St. Paul, ‘and white _ Reward. ane, pup. ills, Bryant bus or 28 26126 ady’s. ate May Co., Mon, p, tly needed. Phone EA. 7126. Reward. LOST—Large tan purse, Sun, night at La Fiesta. Reward, PE. 0306. LOST—Gladstone bag. Union Station and ore SIGNALMEN, ASST. HELPER WATER Sea HEEPERS E ST. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT LABORERS SECTION LABORERS EXTRA GANG LABORERS THE A. T. & S. F. RY. CO U. 8. Railroad Retirement Board 1717 Champa St. Statement Of Availability uu E PATROLMEN NEEDED PACIFIC NORTHWEST PROJECT TRANSPORTATION ADVANCED ATTRACTIVE SCALE OF WAGES WORK eae 54 Paes TIME EXCESS OF 40 HOURS MUST BE Se OF THE IMMEDIATE LIVING FACILITIES AILABLE ae o MEN SIGNALMEN AND Cc MUST BRING REGISTRATION AND 0. SOCIAL SE. Positions open for men and women hat will ae you PROU. OF YOUR PART Ty THE WAR EFFORT. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE 9TH AND WALNUT STREETS, Statement of availability required. WOMEN, 19-35» Good pay for a few hours each evening. We are just starting evenin service in our pleasant cafeteria and have openings for several clean, neat women. Steam table and bus girl jobs, You can work from 5-4 to 10 each evening and earn good pay. For more information apply at The Gates Rub- Be Co., 999 So. Broadway (take car No, ;, or Gates Downtown Employment Office ‘(ae 17th st.), or the U. S. Employment Service, 550 Broadway. Certificate vot avail- ability required. Be CHOICE oe OR ca PECTORS, MARKERS, PACKERS ‘AND STOCKRGOM L EXPERIENCE APPLY THOMAS WAR PRODUCTS, 531 BROADWAY, OR U. 8. E. F 30550 BROAD- x Cee have 4 interest- ing jobs for stenographers now open in the office of our rapidly expanding company, 44-hour wee! It Bon want to know more about these 4 good jobs, apply at The Gates Rubber Co., 999 So. Broadway (take ear No. 3), or Gates Downtown Employ- ment, Otties (824 17th st.), or the U. S. Employment Service, 550 Broadway. Cer- tificate of availability required. ae PEEITRES IN ESSENTIAL FOOD PLANT fies children to stay occasional afternoons and eves with 2 boys, id 8. Must be able to furnish your own transp. Refs re- quired. Name your own price. EM, 7100. A WAITRESS—$20 per week. Plenty of eben e Apply 6 p. m. Clan, Paladium, 500 A YouNG a ta work in faney groce’ store. 415 16 ee GNORS 2D PONE Pete Scand eae A YOUNG lady to cute in jewelry: store, Steady position. Box 8, M42-Pi Ee Ce On Oe ee ALERT ycung woman, gen, housework in- eluding “cooking; bungalow: adults: no laundry. White or Am. Ja) ee pate Pets. 0 per mo. 333 Ivy st. 242, ALERT girls wanted, all depts., no experi- ence necessary, Westminster Laundry, 1833 elt ATTHNDANTS—STATH HOME AT RIDGE COLO, $60 PER MONTH WITH FULL MAINTENANCE, NO EXPERIENCE NEC ESSARY. PHONE ARVADA 133. ATTENTION LADIES, LOOK! You are urgently needed for good paying jobs for now and postwar, Automatic press operators, mangle SRETALOEAL wrappers, sort- ers and markes. Apply. WASHINGTON LAUNDRY ATTRACTIVE bar assistants. No eS e xiencs necessary. 52¢ per hour to tar 8 hours per day, 6 days. Calvert Tan; 1313 BE. Colfax. BAKERY SHOP work, icing, ete.: part time, steady. Mrs, Hurd’s Bakery, 620 B. 23d av. BAU. Se oN GIRLS UNIE SHED APPLY 1512 CURTIS BAUR’S SEES DISHWASHERS, BUS GIRLS son, $100 mo. Re: Oasis Drive Inn, 17: ae 302 17T EXPERIENCED housew Fare . Refs. exchanged. Full charge. EA. 5286. Must be good cook. EXPERIENCED beauty operator, guarantee, KE. 9553. on. EXPERIENCED POC ree good salary, permanent, 2644 West Colf: EXP. WAITRESS wanted. ao Hausrs just good food, Victory Grill, 1710 Cur’ EXP. FRY COOK. STILWILL’ = “948 pospway waitress, $24 week oe meals, EX. Calley" fe “Grill, 3940 York, CH, EXP. plain cook. No eqter nine 6-day week, Good wages. DE EXP. fountain girls, ae a girls, 29 B. ve fax, EXP. ail presser, good for right part, Steady. A. B. Olsens 1250 BH. Colfax. SE SEERIRNGED: feeders and folders wanted. Westminster Laundry, 1833 Welton. EXPERIENCED waitress, also part time girl, New China Cafe 732 Bast Colfax. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES BLUE PARROT INN. 1718 BROADWAY. aan maid. Hotel Denver, Pan CR pickers. Denver Poultry, 545 Santa FP EXP. eurb girls and Tcantaia girls, over 18. Rib, Speer and Broad ora SALES LADI Seen fountain ster a 11th Ayve- nue Pharmacy, 1090 Broadw: “Aesist with children. Good salary. Aurora _346R. RKOLKNER’S Women and men to make evergreen rope, wreaths and grave blankets. 801 Broadway. AID wanted in dress ao Conrad’s,” aes 503 16th st. 1 SHIRLEY. SAVOe HOTEL. MANAGERIAL HOSTESS position now open at the Fort Rene Officers club, Fort Riley, Kan. -Apply to club officer, Fort Riley Officers aude building 255, Fort Riley, Kan. MANGLE girls sianted) experienced or in- expt We ¢: tea you. West- tinbier Laundry, 1833 Welton. MESSENGER GIRL OR WOMAN—Down- town Denver, light work, goo His Apply Bridges Dental Supply Co., ae ack bldg. MULTIGRAPH operator, ay, 5-day week, Zeliin Brothers, £02 Pinteretate Trust buildin: NOSES “atta “and. practical nurses. ~ Salary and m ance, Jewish Hospital. 3800, E. Colfax. NURSE, ungrad. or prac., small ,conyales- cent home. Apply in person. 1230 Clarkson. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 5 DAYS A WEEK—40 HOURS Time and a Half for Overtime, No night work. Permanent jobs. Discount on merchandise, Recreation rooms. Excel- lent cafeteria. Good working conditions. We have openings in the pono jobs: WRAPPERS CKERS ORDER HANDLERS S REMEMBER WARDS OFFER YOU OPPORTUNITY MONTGOMERY WARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OPEN want permanent_ positions. xcellent Working OCs Box X75-Pi WANTED Lady for house-to-house contact work in Denver. Experience desirable but not neces- sary. No selling, Straight Sela apely in person, 1 to 2 p. m. or 5 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. 13465 Glen- arm_ place, Fh ena STIS 7 A Pe WANTED—Janitress waite or colored for office cleaning ev vening fae to about 8, and Sat, trom, noon till 7 to 3 Dd. aa Must be thorough, 70c hr. and carfare, SE seh OU eS SRY Ae OARS: Cae WANTED—An experienced woman meat carver for steam table in eafeteria, good wages, 6-day week. Write F. Seeburg, Marshall Cafeteria, Greeley, Colo. WANTED—Woman, age 20-35, to pickup and deliver automobiles and work in service lept. fsa Paul Drumm, George Irvin Chev. Co.. 2120 E. Colfax aye. WANTED—Woman for creamery and foun- an work. Apply Berkeley Creamery, 9 Federal blvd. WANTED — WAITRESSES FOR DINING- ROOM. FULL OR PART TIME. OXFORD HOTEL. 1612 17TH ST eS ee WANTED—2 experienced waitresses. Meals, good tips, wages. Ingram’s Cafe, 58 Broad- way, SPruce 9705. WANTED—Typist and general office. girl, regular store hours, pleasant wor! king con- ditions, Askins Clothing. 1104 16th WANTED—An experienced dishwasher and pantry lady, combination. Five-day week. Ingram’s Cafe 58 Broadway, SPruce 9705. WANTED—Woman to cook for Hos on Montana _ranc! TA. 3241, CO} Grit Tae Galit: eee A DOZEN to 15 honest, reliable schoolboys to work behind counter at football game: D. U, stadium. Must have ref, social se- curity card. None other need apply. 40¢ ne vais EDU Apply Thursday, Fri- day, € t A LAYOUT MAN If you can make snappy newspaper laye outs, we have a real job waiting for you, Bring samples. MAX GOLDBERG ADY. AGENCY 611 Railway Bxchange® Bldg. A MAN for general work around garage. $150 per mo, Northwestern Auto Co., 549 pened A MAN to learn dry cleaning. Tdeal for & vet. Vienna Cleaners, 880 South Pearl. A MAN to work in kitchen. Lowrey" Freshies, 1357 Inca. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY For man in rug and furniture SCH AEC ee New Method Cleaners. 939 E. A SOBER steady fry cook, a wages, steam heated rooms, $3 to $4 wk. Rex (ate Tdaho Spree. Phone 42. CK boy. Full time preferred, Un- der dvaft-age.”"1835 Arapahoe, A TRUSTWORTHY, healthy person who likes children to stay occasional afternoons and eves with 2 boys, 5 and 8. Must be able to furnish your Og AE Refs re- wire Name ur Ow ice. EM. 710 USED CA MAINTENANGE MAN ‘Marcus Rotors Inc., 1156 Bdwy. MA. 426. AN assistant gardener wanted, good sal full maintenance and Coen for increase with length of service. pply at office o: State Home at Ridge, a ‘orado, or Arvada AN Hee ape Steady work. Good p CARD, AND PROOF OF LY 1512 CURTIS. ROUNTAIN: GI FROM 8:30 A. M. TO'9 P. M. FRIDAYS | WANTED—Waitress. Merritt’s Cafe, Home |‘Time and half f ti New Seth Pane hovel. tnitial MJ. Reward. Cy Se. eopgends Womens ace} LS00, experience not BILLERS WITH WAITRESS ORPERIENCE, Public Market, 14th at California. | Cleaners. 939 ©. Colfax, NY ME od LOST—Glasses, in Denver Dry Goods ease necessary. Good Rapid advancement. : Srmapy BOSITION. EXCEL WORK. ORDER DIVISION WANTHD—MAIDS AT OXFORD HOTEL. at Lowry field Reward. RA. 05% MPANY ER oe CLERICAL POSITIONS ING CONDITIONS. ' APPLY SD RSONNED 8TH BLOUR ese OFFICE LOST—Black and Rotel Bost ae “Sun. Reward. TA. 6600. co WILL INTERVIEW APPLI E STATEMENT OF TH ae Aa NAL E Biscoln co. THE WN STATES a AGE 17 TO 21 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNT tats LEARN TO FIGURE CUSTOMERS’ OFFICE OFFICE, DENVER DRY GOODs co. | GIRL TH SOME RR PERIESCH TO HELP IN PA hen TIME WAITRESS. EE THE HOUSEKEEPER a en for pans oauity contest. am turing accounting experience, capable of AGE 25 60. Exp, not necessary, $100 mo. Noes Su 1 . See Mr. Snell after 2 p. m,. Jenarm st. Automobile servicing is essential; first-class VICE, 550 BROADW. SALES SLIPS ON MAIL ORDE - 7 . STR . | Large cash prizes. Call 'T. APPRENTICH PAINTER LO: Lace table May_Co. base- Anyone employeti in essential Meaney Jast PURCHASES. YOU MUST HAVE A HOUSES Bee Son eo Rca to 10:30 OUR RBA, ROOM KITCHBN: RIG Coes WANTED—2 waitresses oer £2 ‘Good 60¢ hour. No experience eae Over 18 ment. Reward. PE, 6880 after 5 p.m. aun eS ee DMAUISSION | 60 days must have statement of availability. GOO D NOW] LED! a oh: ARITH: ee ara SEO a ee DIOLS DITIONS APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE, | working conditions. 616 E, Alameda. years old. Mason Co., BM. 17 BOSH Ps andes nerves De ats aS Uodey) De XOUNG GTRES FER A GOOD WITH SOME EXPERIENCE IN GENERAL LEN ED ENaC ODS We WOMAN with ‘broad retail’ and nifae- ATTENTION TO QUALIFIED PEOPLE WORK. STEADY 7 DAYS POSITION, LOST—Lady’s rosegold wrist watch. | be- BOBING AIRCRAFT COMPANY — EARN {D -OND- LEA NTS DINGS. FOR NOONS ONLY, OR SUNDAYS OR | taking charge of complete set of records, | mechanic and auto body man | want ee fc med cc MC Or a OS ee cd ae ee ry ee 10 REWARD 2 5 5 2 Biman need naga Hon eatune hIREE Testes identification, case Menkenaceotetae eheinin ATOR PLY [HHOMAS WAR | BRODUCTS REMEMBER VER DRY @OoDs C1 SSAC GS SORTHRS per month, Box 5, HG1-Post. AUTOMOT vi COUNTER MAN containing badge, auto and operator’s ue See AND WOMEN WOMAN—20-45 id disposition and se, 2 i ee eee me DOS Waren eeee iat WARDS OFFER YOU OPPORTUNITY { i ENT h parts and ee draft exempt: preference wi cense, gas coupons and ee Renae Experience not necessary. 2 COLORED girls, 18-: we pus girls in immediate Openings a OBLEDE aa SOMne: pegumauiG ppoman sent Bes Ry ide man BUERAEC Lag questions = reac our coffee shop, afternoon or graveyard EOE WARD. ae area Part Time sip levine time. “ea0 nee rane Write aenneiae Auto, ‘Sauipment. 14th_at Lawrence st. shift. For more pee eeeOn eall at the ress Operators ules M: ENTE Ree or collie puppy. RA. 0850. “Missing Persons 2) WANTED—Information at once concern- factory working con- Free transportation to west coast. Adequate housing available. Gates Rubber Co., 999 So, Broadway (take car No. 3), or Gates Downtown Employ- ment office (824 17th st.), or the U. 8, Employment Service, 550 Broadway. Cer- tificate of availability requi: WANTED IMMEDI. Skilled and unskilled aes for all-around ‘LOYMENT parce Open 8150 Ae M, to 9 P. MAIL ORDER DIVISION 8TH FLOOR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE pea young girl to learn multigraphing, while learning. Zelkin Brothers, 503" Interstate Trust buldine. . Fridays ~ Hand Ironers Markers and Assorters SILVER STATE GvAUNDRY Broadway _at_ 25th St. IRLS AND OMEN We have steady employment for experi- enced or inexperienced workers. We will NO ‘EXP.’ IS NECESSARY If you can work from 8 a, m. until 12 noon or from 1 p. m, to 5 p. m. we have a job for you. We offer you clean working conditions, no tion. Rawlins, Wyo., Box 543, bus fare re- WOMAN, assist in boarding house or housekeeping room for couple in exchange for services and wages. ENE homelike surroundings. OH. 8774 WOMAN or girl a care for 2 children A Nan Oe AUTO fender and body man. $240 per mo. Must have own hand tools, Northwestern Auto Co., 549 Broadway. BAKER or paren helper wanted. 1072 'R. Colfa: BODY and antae repair man, good pa¥. Plenty of work, permanent position. Don’ ; id one- s Ed MeNeise, mine promoter. Lived in 48-hour work week—time and one- metal mine work Permanent, High train you. Openings in all departments. | Might or shift work. with time an evenings, Room and board if desired. Mrs.} wait; sce us today. Tyrrell Chevrolet Com- ae Vista summer of 1942. To his ad- rs. aries allowable under manpo wer al cre GetABLE DL x ane HING MAGHINE Good wages, good working conditions, time | half for overtime. George, 1365 Chester, Aurora 161M, pany ff, Neb. Vantage. Florence Theodoran, Buena Vista, Modern living quarters if desired. Statement. AND DISHWASHER ARD, | 2nd %4 for overtime. If you've had exp. you will be paid ac-| WOMAN to fix sandwiches and plate FOR PART TIME WORK, APPLY Colo REWARD for whereabouts of Evelyn Th 2 gersol and Fay BOs Ingersol. See Nate Slohm, 4800 West Colfax. Personals 3 A war job you can do. Do not phone. Apply in person at WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION, UNITED STATES ‘EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. of aes required. Apply in person at 500 BE. . bldg., cor. 17th and curtis sts. HN R. HAS’ STL NGS EMPLOYMENT NDUSTRI AL CON SULTANT FINE POSTION OP: M. GES OR HOME NIGHTS if TavING Vicistry, 100 SO, CHERRY. CALL EM. toa LADY, AGE a 25 AND 35 YHARS, SOME BOOKKEEPING, JEWELRY STORE. CASCADE LAUNDRY, 1843 MARKET GIRL to work in dental laboratory, few er- Tagds to run. Must be over 16. ag. 419 Mack GENERAL SALES PEOPLE We haye several nice openings in cordingly. Regular salary increases to qual- ified people and liberal discount on all merchandise you or your family purchase, APPLY Sa OFFICE lunches in ‘small neighborhood creamery. Good wages, TA. 9604. 402 E. 7th ave. YOUNG woman for cashier and soda foun- tain, good hours, Excellent salary, Fillmore Drug, 2836 Hast Colfax. BUSIN TSS OFFICE, DENVER POST. BOY to work after school hours. Health reamery, 2145 Court place. Ciassification continued next page ERY MAin so 423 First National Bank Bldg. | GOOD SALARY. 1521 CHAMPA hs x4 i ors ; BRASS molders wanted. See Ralph Gasser, aioe Riccenan: Madloiticaipinliy aims our better departments for sales- Wright Engineering & Supply Coe 1300 So. CAP ABI eae poe Recep et tea Office sal, . people looking for regular employ- Bannock, Statement of availability required. ment. MEN, WOMEN! OLD AT 40, 50, 60! CEO AEGIS ENE Want to feel peppy, years younger? Ostrex Tonie Tablets pep. up bodies lacking tron!, a a onl SDE ears who are eligible under Open 8: 30 A. M. t . M. Fridays WMC Employment_ Stabilization CALL AN EXPERT ssrvice birecrory CAPABLE npuneres jer for 8 adults, Bun- REMEMBER fiso earn ey epicure bee pas and Bory “interviewed mu Big EADS ee TS ese eee galow. No heavy, laundry. oom, board: and Do not make application wnless you WARDS OFFER YOU OPPORTUNITY ver at. Walsreen's and Republic Drug. WEEE ona ets S65 io. “EM, 3188, DOR: Beaton MONTGOMERY ASHPITS & HAULING DR. LORANCE, after serious illness, will return to Gypsy Tea Room from to 5, Reservations only KE, 2441 or TA, 2307 Sundays, room 208. t BLOOD TESTS —For Marriage Diagnostic Laboratories. Empire Bldg. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS Expert, workmanship: eae service, UE SEWING SALON KE. 2847, Suite*1i Fontius blde. PREGNANCY TESTS 1 Hour, 39 Pupite Bldg. —In Diagnostic Laboratories, AN EXPERT eu 716 University bldg. ‘to M0 ae TA. 47. WANTED—Used washing puaciinds ce top prices. 91 _ 18th ave. apt, 1. Situations waned Penile 4 COMBINATION Six SigAMIEDERS All the above mar aia Poe Journeymen Card—A_ PB, o: MUST BE CITIZEN OF U. 8. A. Immediate living facilities avaiable INCE C NOW ES CONSTRUC- TIO. ae Work week 54 aes and one-half in Transportation Adv anced—Attractive for must bring social security d and proof of citizenship. Anyone presently employed in essential in- who leaves essential work apply will not be considered. to 0] 1918, 1300 So, Bannock, availability required. WANTED—Egg candier in essential indus- try, 40- Ses RS plus time and % over- time. pean ext, 12. Statement of avaiabiliiy’ required. Help Wanted_Female 8 ARMY WIVES y WE WILL HIRE YOU If you are free 30 days or more we have a job for you. No experience Ns will train you while learning. However, if you have had experience the starting salary will be commensurate. PStatement of We offer you clean working ‘conditions. Modern recreation rooms, modern cafe- and tray woman for small hospital. BA. 2203. CLEAN JOB; someone living near 847 Pearl, wash dishes morning and evening. CLERK—Surgical supplies. 229 16th st. Permanent, COLORED GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR SHIRT PRESSED OPERATORS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY SN POSITION. GOOD SALARY, 'Z LAUNDRY, 17 BDWAY. COLORED GIRLS For floor voces Full or parttime. 6-day week. uot Schroeder Cafeteria, 616 16th COLORED MAID, GOOD SALARY, PER- MANENT, POSITION. MARTIN DRESS SHOP. 1770 BROADWAY. COLORED MALD AMTER 523 16TH ST. MPTOMETER OPERATORS CLEANING woman APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICH DENVER DRY GOODS CO, ee a oe SHIRTS ON MACHINE. EK NOT NECESSARY. TOP WAGES. GIGANTIC LAUNDRY, 700 B. COLFAX. GIRLS to work in dinrm., no liquor served, good salary and meals. Apply hostess, Olin hotel, 1420 Logan, GIRLS WANTED Hand ironers ‘and press machine operators. Silver State Laundry. Broadway at_25th. _ GIRL, housework, two children, both par- ents employed. Write Russell Brower, In- dian Hills, Colo, GIRLS WANTED Ee not necessary. Silver State uindry, B 5th, roadway at 25 POSTING MACHINE ane = Experienced ODeraHOr, good pay. No Sat. afternoon, Ki tary, familiar with business papers and routine, congenial, permanent. Give phone number. Box 8, ob8-Post. PRACTICAL nurse, care of small child and light housework: part time. Ref. PE. 6373. PRESS girls wanted. experienced or inex- perienced. We can teach you, Westmin- ster Laundry, 1833 Welton. RETAIL WOMEN WE ae NN KEY POSITIONS OPEN FO MEN WHO ARE SEEKING AN OPPORTUNIE 'Y WITH A PROGRES- SIVE FIRM. THESE ORES oA Oa YoU IMMEDIATE ADVANCEM WELL AS POSTWAR OPPORTUNITING. ASH AND TRASH HAULING Niiaths SaNa0 ene, Del. and eae Ashpit bases Sewete ooo LOOSS! 9.50 sand can gravel, $1.25 yd.; kindling, y ditt, $1 yd.- cinders uy ‘per load. del. PE. Gels. ASH, TRASH HAULING Free cinders, new ashpits, $4.50; dirt, sand, gravel hauling, Basements dug, reasonable, Moying and storage, Aaron. TAbor 8051 FOR ASHPITS CLEANED and_ repairing, dirt. hauling and basement digging at rea- ae prices call MPT and efficient service, Ash and trash hauling, 214) So, Penn, RAce 1980. ASHPITS, cleaned, trash hauled; prompt service. CH. 7924 or TA, 1754. PAINTING & Se eR R 10 MEN FURNISHED IMMEDIAT: work done quickly at no extra 51 Skilled men do better work, faster, therefore cost you Jess. Insured. Painting, remodeling, paperbanging. ESTABLISHED 1 GEORGE T. MASON & CO, EM. 4546 CALL WALLY for your expert fall painte ing, paper and wall cleaning. Salers Ra o078 pulngr, roof repairs and caulking. PAPER cleaning, pateh plastering, carpe ter alterations, gutters ipanedy prompt service, Edington, KE, 47+ EXPERT wall washing, Sire cleaning Rain Ae paperhanging. Immediate worl KE. 9543. ' ONE DAY only, 9xi2, $4, paper includ other spon ie basis, Aa eee cae ship assure pirit Dec, Co teria, liberal discount on all merchandise, R GIRL to clerk on sales floor, Apply in STHADY trash hauling, apartnient houses. | PAINTING and papering: floor sanding, Your | Company Bopteenistye will interview Ur iceksavit atimey Bod gay Rat fo Pleeen ie PeSUIET RLOUNG., congenial sur-| person. Gambles Store, 101 8. Broadway. | tr you have had supervisory experience | stores. ete.. by month, GL. 0078 ___ LEON and cleaning, F. E, Schrivner, 0654. ants’ at overtime, regular increases to satisfactory ‘APPLY. PERSONNEL, OFFICE GIRLS Sto ace potato chips gil pueils and have had retail sales, buying, assistant FOR ASH AND TRASH Era RA, 2115. = U.S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE people, HE Lowre Freshies, 1. yea, EL ous oresencun shanagement, wean TA. 151, __ PROM ERVICE |RxpER RT PAPER CLEANING. Wap WAR Ee EO COMMISSION We h aa HE MAY CO. IRST FLOOR | GIRL for eG HOUReW ORE) 7 eae are under 45 years of age, one of these PROMPT WASHING, a Ge ane DELAY: AY. i Package, rapped ence ned Loney abiiselll oes wo. LAUNDRY, PV ROOM AND ulshis, top wage 0p yarser MAL Bata