THE KANSAS CITY STAR, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1939. Dd " % cert aA N this page is a pictorial record of two weeks at a training “war” that does hot wound by reserve officers drawn from various parts of the 7th corps area (including Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas and Minnesota). Training was received with Batter- ies E and F of the 80th field artillery, Ft. Des Moines, Ia., motorized and equipped with 155- | millimeter howitzers. The duty for the reserve officers included a road march from Ft. Des Moines, Ia., to Ft. Riley, Kas., with an overnight bivouac at Ft. Leavenworth, Kas. This picture story centers largely around the activities of Capt. William Norman Remley, engineer for the Missouri highway department. The pictures and, in the main, the accompanying comment are by his brother officer, W. L. Whitsett of Jefferson City. es Tired, Strained” Cleansed, Soothed Eyes with Murine You, too, can get quick relief this is approved procedure. Captain Remley AFTER A HARD NIGHT with mosquitoes in (standing) is playing good Samaritan to Lieut. bivouac at Ft. Leavenworth, Captain Remley pre- Edward Wilkie, 3939 Broadway, Kansas City. | rans pares to resume the road march to Ft. Riley. Lieutenant Wilkie already had performed similar ue to ariving, service for the captain. swimming, dust, wind, sun, light-glare, close work, late hours, ONAL S1e FAREWELL—Captain Remley says good-by to his wife and two children. There is no poignant tragedy here. @ Why suffer the discomfort of burh- ing, smarting eyes? Murine brings quick, amazing relief. Just a drop of Murine in each eye night and morning —that’s the modern way to cleanse and soothe your eyes. Murine’s seven scientifically blended ingredients wash away that tired, strained feeling far more effectively than the one ingredi- .Jent of boric acid solutions. Murine is pure, safe, proved—and there is no messy, wasteful eye-cup to bother with. Druggists have recommended LEZ J Murine for over heeee = 40 years. Try Murine today. lj correct eye defi- } ciencies. For treat- ment of organic eye disorders, see a competent pro- fessional at once. THE CANNONEERS PROVE THEY HAVE A PULL and they demonstrate it with strong muscles, not with influence. They are regular army soldiers of a unit giving a demonstration on reconnaissance and selection of position. The truck was unsble to climb a muddy grade and the men straining at the ropes are showing that man power plus horsepower can accomplish what the motor alone cannot do. A BIG JOB FOk Q , For ANY TRUCK — This : SOLU) A army truck is a stanch and powerful vehicle, as it needs must be for this task, pulling a 155-milli- meter howitzer up a Slick hill. All of the many wheels of the truck wear chains, but those of the howitzer aren’t so equipped. The tube (or barrel) of the MAKE IT a ren love Chil the delicious- mvAbather Ni other gun alone weighs 2,600 Location, 7136 Wornall, - pounds. JA. 9734, ~“ DOCTOR’S FORMULA GREAT SUCCESS FOR UGLY SURFACE SKIN TROUBLES ON THE FIRING LINE— The reserve officers are re- ceiving instructions prior to acting as cannoneers with the 155-millimeter howitzer. The officers must know each duty of all of the seven men who assist the gunner with each gun. LAN PRAISED FROM COAST TO COAST! Never mind if you've tried a lot of or- dinary remedies for unsightly surface pimples and blemishes without success. Here’s a tested and proven doctor’s formula—powerfully soothing, concen- trated Liquid Zemo—which MUST quickly relieve itching soreness and start right in to help nature promote FAST healing or money back. 30 years con- tinuous success in helping relieve annoy- ing skin irritations. Let its 10 different marvelously effective ingredients help YOUR skin. 35¢. 60¢, $1. Any drugstore. Zemo (Right) CAPTAIN REMLEY AT THE RANGE FINDER—He has been assigned a target to Aes eee Be Viki a 7. - | Pull the Trigger on which is quite accurate if Lazy Bowels, and Also properly adjusted. Leather ; aes ~ Pe sin-ize Stomach! ends protect the instrument Keep Fit Without Fat With Le brings on acid indi- FOR SKIN IRRITATIONS while it is being transported. gestion, bloating, dizzy spells, gas, coated tongue, sour taste, and bad breath, your : stomach is probably loaded up with cer- tain undigested food and your bowels don’t move. So you need both Pepsin to help break up fast that rich undigested food in your stomach, and Laxative Senna to pull the trigger on those lazy bowels. So be sure your laxative also contains Pepsin. ie x Take Dr. Caldwell’s Laxative, because its & Syrup Pepsin helps you gain that won- DIRECTING FIRE—Capt. Donald T. Pat- terson, Kansas City lawyer, is standing behind the battery commander’s scope, waiting for a shot to be fired at a target. In the problem two observers are used. The telephone operator is relaying Captain Patterson’s commands to the firing battery, which is approximately one mile to the left rear. derful stomach-relief, while the Laxative Senna moves your bowels. Tests prove the power of Pepsin to dissolve those lumps of undigested protein food which may linger , in your stomach, to cause belching, gastric acidity and nausea. This is how pepsin- izing your stomach helps relieve it of such Bs py = i distress. At the same time this medicine (Left) es | One sip of Aines cold rich, aeanip lazy nerves and muscles in your MEASURING A FIRING ANGLE—Lieuten- golden flaked buttermilk’ © | bowels torelieve your constipation. 39 ste . . . how much better y eased ant Pollitt, 1706 Wabash avenue, uses an aiming will cota fan S i gen: laxative pa puts Beet een uine oO: ashion delicious- that stomach discomtort, too. Even fin- circle device. The instrument is equipped with a nee Ras Reci - licky children love to taste this pleasant compass. " r FREE ecipe family laxative. Buy Dr. Caldwell’s Lax- booklet. VA. 3880. ative—Senna with Syrup Pepsin at your druggist today!