THE N.C. A. A. NEWS BULLETIN VOL. 1 NO. 2 MIDDLETOWN, CONN. FEBRUARY 25, 1933 Edited by the Secretary, and published from time to time to keep the members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association informed as to the business of the Organization. MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee met at the Harvard Club in New York on February 9, 1933. Besides the president and the secretary, the following members were present: Messrs. Berry (Cornell), Bing- ham (Harvard), Raycroft (Princeton), St. John (Ohio State), and Sackett (Penn. State). Dr. Edgar Fauver (Wesleyan), who acted as secretary pro tempore at the Annual Convention in December, was also present. Basket Ball Rules Committee Mr. St. John, chairman, reported on the proposed re-organization of the asta which is a joint body, comprising representatives of the N.C. A. A., the A. A. U., the Y. M. C. A. With ten dele- gates from the N. C. A. A. and proportionately large representation from the other bodies, it is felt that the committee is too large for practical purposes; the expenses of committee meetings are heavy, and greater efficiency would be secured by reducing the number, retaining the idea of joint representation. ‘The plan now under consideration by the committee provides for representation as fol- lows: four from the N. C. A. A., three each from the Y. M. C. A. and the A. A. U., two from the National High School Federation, one from Canada, and one from the Basket Ball Officials Associa- tion; the chairman and the editor of the rules would be elected by the joint committee. The N. C. A. A. might continue to elect eight members of the committee, one from each of the eight districts, but only four of them would attend each annual meeting of the committee when the rules are under discussion, the representatives of two continguous districts alternating with each other in attend- ing the meetings, but keeping in touch with each other so that one would be able to present the views of both districts. Mr. St. John’s report was accepted as one of progress, the main outlines of the scheme having been approved by the Council at its December meeting, and he was authorized to proceed further in the considera- tion of the plan.